The reason for these listings this is to find and anticipate what will happen when rgdal, rgeos and maptools will retire. Possibilities to migrate to more modern functions in package sf are given here.

pkgapi analysis

The tables below, created from analysing and filtering the output from running pkgapi::map_package() on all packages meeting tools::package_dependencies(packages = <pkg>, tools::available.packages(), which = "most", recursive = FALSE, reverse = TRUE), where <pkg> are maptools, rgeos and rgdal each run separately, list:

Note that this only concerns exported functions, not S3 or S4 methods, and so gives an under estimation of the amount of dependency on the three packages.

By deprecating function

r = read.csv("pkgapi_220811.csv", header = FALSE)
r$packages = lengths(strsplit(r[[3]], " "))
r$`function` = paste(r[[1]], r[[2]], sep = ":")
r$`packages involved` = r[["V3"]]
r[["V1"]] = r[["V2"]] = r[["V3"]] = NULL
r_o = r[order(r$packages, decreasing = TRUE),]
kable(r_o, row.names = FALSE)
packages function packages involved
59 rgdal:readOGR actel agriwater APfun ASIP BARIS bdvis bfsMaps biosurvey briskaR chronosphere cropDemand cropZoning disdat eechidna ExposR FedData FIESTAutils HurreconR hyfo iconr importinegi intamap ipumsr LabourMarketAreas letsR malariaAtlas mapmisc mapReasy MazamaSpatialUtils modchart naijR OasisR onemapsgapi openSTARS plotKML pRecipe PReMiuM raster rcanvec rdhs ref.ICAR rgplates rgrass7 riverdist rmapzen rnaturalearth rnoaa RSAGA RSIP RSurvey RTL secrlinear SegEnvIneq ShapePattern SSN tigris TUFLOWR ursa wux
46 rgeos:gIntersection animalEKF AQuadtree birdring bRacatus cleangeo DivE DSsim eechidna expp FedData FRK gDefrag ggOceanMaps inlmisc LabourMarketAreas lakemorpho leastcostpath lgcp mapmisc mapsRinteractive maptools Momocs OasisR osmplotr psda ptools rangeBuilder rangemap raster recurse red rtop secrlinear shadow sp SpatialGraph spatsoc stampr SubgrPlots SurfaceTortoise surveillance ursa voluModel waver wildlifeDI wux
42 rgeos:gBuffer amt bcmaps BiodiversityR biosurvey bRacatus briskaR cleangeo ConR CoordinateCleaner DSsim dynatopGIS envi expp FLightR FRK geoviz GmAMisc hero hypervolume inlmisc itcSegment lakemorpho leastcostpath lingtypology mapmisc MazamaSpatialUtils NetLogoR phyloregion rangeBuilder rangemap raster secrlinear shadow ShapePattern sharpshootR spatialEco spatsoc spatsurv stampr uavRmp ursa Watersheds
36 rgdal:writeOGR animaltracker APfun AQuadtree BIEN chronosphere ConR ctmm dssd FedData foster GADMTools gDefrag GmAMisc GPSeqClus grainscape iSDM LabourMarketAreas movecost OCNet openSTARS paleofire plotKML prevR PWFSLSmoke rangemap raster rcanvec rgplates rgrass7 RSAGA Rsagacmd RSurvey ShapePattern SSN uavRmp ursa
31 rgeos:gArea bivariatemaps eechidna ForestTools gDefrag geocmeans GmAMisc itcSegment LabourMarketAreas lakemorpho leastcostpath letsR MBNMAdose MBNMAtime movecost psda ptools quickmapr quickPlot raptr rcage redlistr RSurvey rTLS ShapePattern spatialEco spatsoc stampr surveillance uavRmp wildlifeDI wux
24 rgeos:gIntersects amt birdring cartograflow dsims DSsim eechidna gfcanalysis inlmisc lakemorpho lgcp lingtypology MazamaSpatialUtils quickPlot rangeBuilder raster rcage shadow spatialEco spatsoc stampr TileManager Watersheds waver wildlifeDI
22 rgeos:gUnaryUnion amt ENMTools excursions ForestTools gDefrag HDSpatialScan hypergate inlmisc leastcostpath lgcp lingtypology maptools rangemap raster shadow sp stampr surveillance TileManager uavRmp ursa waver
21 rgeos:gDistance antaresViz contact fieldRS FLightR gDefrag ggOceanMaps GmAMisc inlabru inlmisc maptools OasisR quickmapr rangeBuilder raster SegEnvIneq shadow spatialEco SpatialGraph stampr Watersheds waver
20 rgeos:gCentroid atakrig biosurvey ForestTools geogrid gfcanalysis hierarchicalDS hypergate letsR MazamaSpatialUtils MetaLandSim OasisR rangemap raptr rcage SegEnvIneq shadow stampr SurfaceTortoise TileManager Watersheds
20 rgeos:gDifference birdring briskaR cleangeo excursions FRK gDefrag inlmisc lakemorpho leastcostpath mapmisc rangeBuilder raster rTLS Rtrack spatialEco stampr SurfaceTortoise ursa voluModel wildlifeDI
14 maptools:unionSpatialPolygons animint2 bamlss BayesX bfsMaps broom disaggregation GADMTools LabourMarketAreas micromap R2BayesX RchivalTag rmapzen stampr surveillance
14 rgeos:gLength bfsMaps geocmeans lakemorpho leastcostpath movecost OasisR quickmapr raster recurse shadow ShapePattern stampr streamDepletr ursa
14 rgeos:gSimplify eechidna FLightR GADMTools ggOceanMaps inlmisc mapmisc maptools oceanic rangemap red SeuratObject stampr trajectories ursa
13 rgdal:project ConR ctmm envirem eseis FIESTAutils geometr hyperbrick kernelPhil lingtypology paleofire red tripEstimation ursa
12 rgeos:gContains animalEKF eechidna GmAMisc lakemorpho letsR maptools rangeBuilder rcage spatialEco voluModel wildlifeDI
11 rgdal:CRSargs geonetwork inlabru inlmisc intamap plotKML rosm RSurvey rtop TOC tripEstimation ursa
11 rgeos:gConvexHull amt GeoFIS gfcanalysis GmAMisc ipdw itcSegment mapmisc rangeBuilder rcage shadow stampr
11 rgeos:readWKT bfsMaps BIEN ConR crestr expp MBNMAdose MBNMAtime postGIStools rgbif rpostgis ursa
10 rgeos:gIsValid bcmaps cleangeo GeoFIS ggOceanMaps inlmisc leastcostpath maptools raster sharpshootR ursa
8 rgdal:GDALinfo APfun bnspatial FIESTA FIESTAutils raster rgrass7 sen2r ursa
8 rgeos:gUnion FLightR gDefrag inlmisc RSurvey rTLS shadow ursa voluModel
7 rgdal:ogrListLayers eechidna FedData mapReasy nhdR rmapzen rnoaa ursa
7 rgeos:gTouches expp gDefrag gfcanalysis HCV lgcp rcage spatialEco
7 rgeos:gUnionCascaded adehabitatHR birdring briskaR cleangeo expp maptools raster
6 rgdal:readGDAL inlabru openSTARS plotKML pRecipe rdwd rgrass7
5 maptools:spRbind APfun ecospat iSDM track2KBA uavRmp
5 rgeos:writeWKT BIEN mregions postGIStools rpostgis sharpshootR
4 maptools:readShapePoly bamlss hydroTSM MetaLandSim plotKML
4 maptools:sunriset amt FLightR overlap PWFSLSmoke
4 rgdal:putRasterData atakrig FIESTAutils raster ursa
4 rgdal:showWKT geotopbricks quickmapr rpostgis ursa
4 rgeos:createPolygonsComment leaflet maptools rangeBuilder sp
4 rgeos:gContainsProperly amt maptools rangeBuilder sharpshootR
4 rgeos:gWithinDistance FLightR quickmapr spatialEco SpatialGraph
3 maptools:gpclibPermit bamlss R2BayesX surveillance
3 maptools:pointLabel car rayshader rioja
3 maptools:SpatialLines2PolySet DRHotNet MapGAM RchivalTag
3 rgdal:GDAL.close FIESTAutils raster ursa
3 rgdal:GDALcall FIESTAutils raster ursa
3 rgdal:gdalDrivers ebirdst raster rgrass7
3 rgdal:getRasterData FIESTAutils raster ursa
3 rgdal:new_proj_and_gdal inlabru raster sp
3 rgdal:ogrInfo bnspatial nhdR ursa
3 rgdal:projInfo crestr FIESTAutils raster
3 rgdal:saveDataset FIESTAutils raster ursa
3 rgdal:setCPLConfigOption ExposR HurreconR ursa
3 rgdal:writeGDAL ParallelDSM plotKML sperich
3 rgeos:createSPComment ggOceanMaps inlmisc rgdal
3 rgeos:gBoundary leastcostpath Watersheds wildlifeDI
3 rgeos:gCovers rcage spatialEco wildlifeDI
3 rgeos:gCrosses cleangeo lakemorpho Watersheds
3 rgeos:gLineMerge gDefrag shadow sp
3 rgeos:gUnarySTRtreeQuery maptools prioritizr rangeBuilder
2 maptools:crepuscule amt incR
2 maptools:map2SpatialPolygons ausplotsR rangemap
2 maptools:PolySet2SpatialPolygons DRHotNet RchivalTag
2 maptools:readShapeSpatial inlabru openadds
2 maptools:solarpos EMbC shadow
2 maptools:writeLinesShape plotKML uavRmp
2 maptools:writePointsShape biogeo plotKML
2 maptools:writePolyShape monographaR plotKML
2 rgdal:checkCRSArgs RSurvey sp
2 rgdal:closeDataset raster ursa
2 FIESTAutils raster
2 rgdal:getDescription FIESTAutils raster
2 rgdal:getDriver raster ursa
2 rgdal:getDriverName raster ursa
2 rgdal:getRasterBand FIESTAutils raster
2 rgdal:rawTransform mapmisc raster
2 rgdal:set_thin_PROJ6_warnings inlabru reproducible
2 rgdal:showEPSG postGIStools rpostgis
2 rgdal:showP4 RSurvey ursa
2 rgeos:gEquals maptools rangeBuilder
2 rgeos:getScale cleangeo plotdap
2 rgeos:gIsEmpty animalEKF ShapePattern
2 rgeos:gNode hypergate leastcostpath
2 rgeos:gOverlaps lakemorpho letsR
2 rgeos:gPointOnSurface gDefrag MazamaSpatialUtils
2 rgeos:gPolygonize hypergate leastcostpath
2 rgeos:gWithin lakemorpho quickmapr
2 rgeos:version_GEOS0 maptools raster
1 package:function used_by
1 maptools:as.linnet.SpatialLines SpNetPrep
1 maptools:as.owin.SpatialPolygons GmAMisc
1 maptools:as.SpatialLines.psp DRHotNet
1 maptools:checkPolygonsHoles inlmisc
1 maptools:elide usmap
1 maptools:gcDestination ggsn
1 maptools:getinfo.shape SSN
1 maptools:getKMLcoordinates animaltracker
1 maptools:gzAzimuth FLightR
1 maptools:kmlLine BPEC
1 maptools:kmlOverlay RgoogleMaps
1 maptools:kmlPoints BPEC
1 maptools:kmlPolygon red
1 maptools:kmlPolygons red
1 maptools:leglabs SpatialEpi
1 maptools:map2SpatialLines MapGAM
1 maptools:readAsciiGrid rworldmap
1 maptools:Sobj_SpatialGrid surveillance
1 maptools:solarnoon PWFSLSmoke
1 maptools:SpatialLinesMidPoints gDefrag
1 maptools:SpatialPolygons2PolySet MapGAM
1 maptools:spCbind eeptools
1 maptools:trackAzimuth move
1 maptools:writeSpatialShape monographaR
1 rgdal:checkCRSArgs_ng sp
1 rgdal:compare_CRS raster
1 rgdal:copyDataset FIESTAutils
1 rgdal:GDALis3ormore sdmpredictors
1 rgdal:get_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings inlabru
1 rgdal:get_thin_PROJ6_warnings inlabru
1 rgdal:getColorTable raster
1 rgdal:getGDALCheckVersion geoviz
1 rgdal:getGDALVersionInfo reproducible
1 rgdal:getPROJ4VersionInfo elevatr
1 rgdal:getProjectionRef FIESTAutils
1 rgdal:getRasterBlockSize raster
1 rgdal:make_EPSG FIESTAutils
1 rgdal:ogrDrivers rgrass7
1 rgdal:OSRIsProjected sp
1 rgdal:rgdal_extSoftVersion ConR
1 rgdal:set_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings inlabru
1 rgdal:showSRID inlabru
1 rgeos:gBinarySTRtreeQuery waver
1 rgeos:gDisjoint lgcp
1 rgeos:gEnvelope stampr
1 rgeos:get_RGEOS_CheckValidity raster
1 rgeos:get.pts RSurvey
1 rgeos:gInterpolate mapmisc
1 rgeos:gSymdifference ursa
1 rgeos:intersect muHVT
1 rgeos:overGeomGeom sp
1 rgeos:overGeomGeomDF sp
1 rgeos:plot SubgrPlots
1 rgeos:read.polyfile RSurvey
1 rgeos:set_RGEOS_CheckValidity raster
1 rgeos:version_GEOS raster
1 rgeos:write.polyfile RSurvey

By depending package

r = read.csv("pkgapi_by_pkg_220811.csv", header = FALSE)
names(r) = c("package", "functions involved")
r$functions = lengths(strsplit(r$`functions involved`, " ")) # - 1 # leading space
kable(r[order(r$functions, decreasing = TRUE),c(3,1,2)], row.names = FALSE)
functions package functions involved
34 raster rgdal::closeDataset rgdal::compare_CRS rgdal::GDAL.close rgdal::GDALcall rgdal::gdalDrivers rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::getColorTable rgdal::getDescription rgdal::getDriver rgdal::getDriverName rgdal::getRasterBand rgdal::getRasterBlockSize rgdal::getRasterData rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal rgdal::projInfo rgdal::putRasterData rgdal::rawTransform rgdal::readOGR rgdal::saveDataset rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::get_RGEOS_CheckValidity rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gLength rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnionCascaded rgeos::set_RGEOS_CheckValidity rgeos::version_GEOS rgeos::version_GEOS0
28 ursa rgdal::closeDataset rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::GDAL.close rgdal::GDALcall rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::getDriver rgdal::getDriverName rgdal::getRasterData rgdal::ogrInfo rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::project rgdal::putRasterData rgdal::readOGR rgdal::saveDataset rgdal::setCPLConfigOption rgdal::showP4 rgdal::showWKT rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gLength rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gSymdifference rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion rgeos::readWKT
15 FIESTAutils rgdal::copyDataset rgdal::GDAL.close rgdal::GDALcall rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::getDescription rgdal::getProjectionRef rgdal::getRasterBand rgdal::getRasterData rgdal::make_EPSG rgdal::project rgdal::projInfo rgdal::putRasterData rgdal::readOGR rgdal::saveDataset
13 stampr maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gEnvelope rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gLength rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnaryUnion
12 inlmisc maptools::checkPolygonsHoles rgdal::CRSargs rgeos::createSPComment rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion
12 maptools rgeos::createPolygonsComment rgeos::gContains rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gEquals rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnionCascaded rgeos::version_GEOS0
11 gDefrag maptools::SpatialLinesMidPoints rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLineMerge rgeos::gPointOnSurface rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion
11 rangeBuilder rgeos::createPolygonsComment rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContains rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gEquals rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery
11 shadow maptools::solarpos rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gLength rgeos::gLineMerge rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion
10 inlabru maptools::readShapeSpatial rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::get_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings rgdal::get_thin_PROJ6_warnings rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::set_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings rgdal::set_thin_PROJ6_warnings rgdal::showSRID rgeos::gDistance
10 lakemorpho rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContains rgeos::gCrosses rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gLength rgeos::gOverlaps rgeos::gWithin
10 leastcostpath rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBoundary rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gLength rgeos::gNode rgeos::gPolygonize rgeos::gUnaryUnion
10 RSurvey rgdal::checkCRSArgs rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::readOGR rgdal::showP4 rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::get.pts rgeos::gUnion rgeos::read.polyfile rgeos::write.polyfile
10 sp rgdal::checkCRSArgs rgdal::checkCRSArgs_ng rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal rgdal::OSRIsProjected rgeos::createPolygonsComment rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLineMerge rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::overGeomGeom rgeos::overGeomGeomDF
9 plotKML maptools::readShapePoly maptools::writeLinesShape maptools::writePointsShape maptools::writePolyShape rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeGDAL rgdal::writeOGR
9 spatialEco rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContains rgeos::gCovers rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gWithinDistance
8 mapmisc rgdal::rawTransform rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gInterpolate rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gSimplify
7 amt maptools::crepuscule maptools::sunriset rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion
7 cleangeo rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCrosses rgeos::gDifference rgeos::getScale rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gUnionCascaded
7 eechidna rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gContains rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gSimplify
7 FLightR maptools::gzAzimuth maptools::sunriset rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnion rgeos::gWithinDistance
7 GmAMisc maptools::as.owin.SpatialPolygons rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContains rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDistance
7 rangemap maptools::map2SpatialPolygons rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnaryUnion
7 rcage rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gContains rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gCovers rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches
7 wildlifeDI rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBoundary rgeos::gContains rgeos::gCovers rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects
6 quickmapr rgdal::showWKT rgeos::gArea rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gLength rgeos::gWithin rgeos::gWithinDistance
6 rgrass7 rgdal::gdalDrivers rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::ogrDrivers rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
6 ShapePattern rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIsEmpty rgeos::gLength
6 surveillance maptools::gpclibPermit maptools::Sobj_SpatialGrid maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gUnaryUnion
6 uavRmp maptools::spRbind maptools::writeLinesShape rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gUnaryUnion
6 Watersheds rgeos::gBoundary rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gCrosses rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersects
5 ConR rgdal::project rgdal::rgdal_extSoftVersion rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::readWKT
5 expp rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gUnionCascaded rgeos::readWKT
5 ggOceanMaps rgeos::createSPComment rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gSimplify
5 LabourMarketAreas maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection
5 letsR rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gContains rgeos::gOverlaps
5 lgcp rgeos::gDisjoint rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gUnaryUnion
5 MazamaSpatialUtils rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gPointOnSurface
5 OasisR rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLength
5 red maptools::kmlPolygon maptools::kmlPolygons rgdal::project rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gSimplify
5 waver rgeos::gBinarySTRtreeQuery rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion
4 APfun maptools::spRbind rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
4 bfsMaps maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gLength rgeos::readWKT
4 birdring rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnionCascaded
4 briskaR rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gUnionCascaded
4 FedData rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gIntersection
4 gfcanalysis rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches
4 hypergate rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gNode rgeos::gPolygonize rgeos::gUnaryUnion
4 lingtypology rgdal::project rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion
4 rpostgis rgdal::showEPSG rgdal::showWKT rgeos::readWKT rgeos::writeWKT
4 sharpshootR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::writeWKT
4 spatsoc rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects
4 voluModel rgeos::gContains rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gUnion
3 animalEKF rgeos::gContains rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsEmpty
3 bamlss maptools::gpclibPermit maptools::readShapePoly maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
3 BIEN rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::readWKT rgeos::writeWKT
3 biosurvey rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid
3 DRHotNet maptools::as.SpatialLines.psp maptools::PolySet2SpatialPolygons maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet
3 DSsim rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects
3 ForestTools rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gUnaryUnion
3 FRK rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection
3 GADMTools maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gSimplify
3 itcSegment rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gConvexHull
3 MapGAM maptools::map2SpatialLines maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet maptools::SpatialPolygons2PolySet
3 movecost rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gLength
3 openSTARS rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
3 postGIStools rgdal::showEPSG rgeos::readWKT rgeos::writeWKT
3 PWFSLSmoke maptools::solarnoon maptools::sunriset rgdal::writeOGR
3 RchivalTag maptools::PolySet2SpatialPolygons maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
3 rmapzen maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR
3 rTLS rgeos::gArea rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gUnion
3 secrlinear rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection
3 SegEnvIneq rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDistance
3 SpatialGraph rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gWithinDistance
3 SSN maptools::getinfo.shape rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
3 SurfaceTortoise rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection
3 TileManager rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion
3 wux rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection
2 animaltracker maptools::getKMLcoordinates rgdal::writeOGR
2 AQuadtree rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gIntersection
2 atakrig rgdal::putRasterData rgeos::gCentroid
2 bcmaps rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIsValid
2 bnspatial rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::ogrInfo
2 BPEC maptools::kmlLine maptools::kmlPoints
2 bRacatus rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection
2 chronosphere rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
2 crestr rgdal::projInfo rgeos::readWKT
2 ctmm rgdal::project rgdal::writeOGR
2 excursions rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gUnaryUnion
2 ExposR rgdal::readOGR rgdal::setCPLConfigOption
2 geocmeans rgeos::gArea rgeos::gLength
2 GeoFIS rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gIsValid
2 geoviz rgdal::getGDALCheckVersion rgeos::gBuffer
2 HurreconR rgdal::readOGR rgdal::setCPLConfigOption
2 intamap rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::readOGR
2 iSDM maptools::spRbind rgdal::writeOGR
2 mapReasy rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR
2 MBNMAdose rgeos::gArea rgeos::readWKT
2 MBNMAtime rgeos::gArea rgeos::readWKT
2 MetaLandSim maptools::readShapePoly rgeos::gCentroid
2 monographaR maptools::writePolyShape maptools::writeSpatialShape
2 nhdR rgdal::ogrInfo rgdal::ogrListLayers
2 paleofire rgdal::project rgdal::writeOGR
2 pRecipe rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR
2 psda rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection
2 ptools rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection
2 quickPlot rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersects
2 R2BayesX maptools::gpclibPermit maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
2 raptr rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid
2 rcanvec rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
2 recurse rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLength
2 reproducible rgdal::getGDALVersionInfo rgdal::set_thin_PROJ6_warnings
2 rgplates rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
2 rnoaa rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR
2 RSAGA rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR
2 rtop rgdal::CRSargs rgeos::gIntersection
2 SubgrPlots rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::plot
2 tripEstimation rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::project
1 actel rgdal::readOGR
1 adehabitatHR rgeos::gUnionCascaded
1 agriwater rgdal::readOGR
1 animint2 maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
1 antaresViz rgeos::gDistance
1 ASIP rgdal::readOGR
1 ausplotsR maptools::map2SpatialPolygons
1 BARIS rgdal::readOGR
1 BayesX maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
1 bdvis rgdal::readOGR
1 BiodiversityR rgeos::gBuffer
1 biogeo maptools::writePointsShape
1 bivariatemaps rgeos::gArea
1 broom maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
1 car maptools::pointLabel
1 cartograflow rgeos::gIntersects
1 contact rgeos::gDistance
1 CoordinateCleaner rgeos::gBuffer
1 cropDemand rgdal::readOGR
1 cropZoning rgdal::readOGR
1 disaggregation maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
1 disdat rgdal::readOGR
1 DivE rgeos::gIntersection
1 dsims rgeos::gIntersects
1 dssd rgdal::writeOGR
1 dynatopGIS rgeos::gBuffer
1 ebirdst rgdal::gdalDrivers
1 ecospat maptools::spRbind
1 eeptools maptools::spCbind
1 elevatr rgdal::getPROJ4VersionInfo
1 EMbC maptools::solarpos
1 ENMTools rgeos::gUnaryUnion
1 envi rgeos::gBuffer
1 envirem rgdal::project
1 eseis rgdal::project
1 fieldRS rgeos::gDistance
1 FIESTA rgdal::GDALinfo
1 foster rgdal::writeOGR
1 geogrid rgeos::gCentroid
1 geometr rgdal::project
1 geonetwork rgdal::CRSargs
1 geotopbricks rgdal::showWKT
1 ggsn maptools::gcDestination
1 GPSeqClus rgdal::writeOGR
1 grainscape rgdal::writeOGR
1 HCV rgeos::gTouches
1 HDSpatialScan rgeos::gUnaryUnion
1 hero rgeos::gBuffer
1 hierarchicalDS rgeos::gCentroid
1 hydroTSM maptools::readShapePoly
1 hyfo rgdal::readOGR
1 hyperbrick rgdal::project
1 hypervolume rgeos::gBuffer
1 iconr rgdal::readOGR
1 importinegi rgdal::readOGR
1 incR maptools::crepuscule
1 ipdw rgeos::gConvexHull
1 ipumsr rgdal::readOGR
1 kernelPhil rgdal::project
1 leaflet rgeos::createPolygonsComment
1 malariaAtlas rgdal::readOGR
1 mapsRinteractive rgeos::gIntersection
1 micromap maptools::unionSpatialPolygons
1 modchart rgdal::readOGR
1 Momocs rgeos::gIntersection
1 move maptools::trackAzimuth
1 mregions rgeos::writeWKT
1 muHVT rgeos::intersect
1 naijR rgdal::readOGR
1 NetLogoR rgeos::gBuffer
1 oceanic rgeos::gSimplify
1 OCNet rgdal::writeOGR
1 onemapsgapi rgdal::readOGR
1 openadds maptools::readShapeSpatial
1 osmplotr rgeos::gIntersection
1 overlap maptools::sunriset
1 ParallelDSM rgdal::writeGDAL
1 phyloregion rgeos::gBuffer
1 plotdap rgeos::getScale
1 PReMiuM rgdal::readOGR
1 prevR rgdal::writeOGR
1 prioritizr rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery
1 rayshader maptools::pointLabel
1 rdhs rgdal::readOGR
1 rdwd rgdal::readGDAL
1 redlistr rgeos::gArea
1 ref.ICAR rgdal::readOGR
1 rgbif rgeos::readWKT
1 rgdal rgeos::createSPComment
1 RgoogleMaps maptools::kmlOverlay
1 rioja maptools::pointLabel
1 riverdist rgdal::readOGR
1 rnaturalearth rgdal::readOGR
1 rosm rgdal::CRSargs
1 Rsagacmd rgdal::writeOGR
1 RSIP rgdal::readOGR
1 RTL rgdal::readOGR
1 Rtrack rgeos::gDifference
1 rworldmap maptools::readAsciiGrid
1 sdmpredictors rgdal::GDALis3ormore
1 sen2r rgdal::GDALinfo
1 SeuratObject rgeos::gSimplify
1 rgeos::gContains
1 SpatialEpi maptools::leglabs
1 spatsurv rgeos::gBuffer
1 sperich rgdal::writeGDAL
1 SpNetPrep maptools::as.linnet.SpatialLines
1 streamDepletr rgeos::gLength
1 tigris rgdal::readOGR
1 TOC rgdal::CRSargs
1 track2KBA maptools::spRbind
1 trajectories rgeos::gSimplify
1 TUFLOWR rgdal::readOGR
1 usmap maptools::elide

Impending changes in raster

Many packages using raster declare rgeos and/or rgdal as required in some form, but very recent changes in raster, removing both these packages entirely from DESCRIPTION, will in time propagate, so that declarations of these packages in packages really only needing raster can be deleted soon.

A run of pkgapi::map_package("raster") on the development source of the package shows that calls to the retiring packages have gone:

> unique(sapply(pkgapi::map_package("raster")$calls$to, function(x) strsplit(x, "::")[[1]][1]))
 [1] "methods"       "base"          "sp"            ""             
 [5] "raster"        "grDevices"     "NA"            "stats"        
 [9] "utils"         "parallel"      "graphics"      "igraph"       
[13] "ncdf4"         "sf"            "exactextractr" "terra"        
[17] "pkgload"       "MASS"          "tcltk"         "Rcpp"         

Reverse dependency checks

Reverse dependency checks were run using the development versions of raster, terra and Matrix as of 2022-08-27. The analysed reverse dependencies were taken from tools::package_dependencies(packages = c("sp", "maptools", "rgdal", "rgeos", "raster"), tools::available.packages(), which = "most", recursive = FALSE, reverse = TRUE). The checks were run without maptools, rgeos and rgdal installed on the platform. The environment variable "_SP_EVOLUTION_STATUS_=2 was set to route calls from sp to functons for CRS handling and datum transformation in absent rgdal to sf.

In total 880 packages were checked, compared to 232 subjected to pkgapi::map_package() analysis. Of the 880 packages, 376 were error checks, and 576 at worst warnings.

The first table subsets the check results by package to the 232 packages listed above from pkgapi::map_package() analysis. The listing shows the package name for packages with both reverse depencency check and pkgapi analysis, CRAN version checked, counts of check outcomes (error, warning, note), and a logical variable if error > 0 (27 packages did not check error, 205 checked error):

r = read.csv("revdeps_pkgapi_220827.csv")
kable(r, row.names = FALSE)
package version error warning note errs
actel 1.2.1 0 0 3 FALSE
adehabitatHR 0.4.19 0 1 2 FALSE
agriwater 1.0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
amt 0.1.7 1 0 0 TRUE
animalEKF 1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
animaltracker 0.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
animint2 2022.1.25 0 0 2 FALSE
antaresViz 0.17 1 0 0 TRUE
APfun 0.1.6 1 0 0 TRUE
AQuadtree 1.0.2 1 0 2 TRUE
ASIP 0.4.9 1 0 0 TRUE
atakrig 0.9.8 1 0 0 TRUE
ausplotsR 1.2.7 1 0 0 TRUE
bamlss 1.1-8 0 0 2 FALSE
BARIS 1.1.3 1 0 0 TRUE
BayesX 0.3-1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
bcmaps 1.0.3 1 0 1 TRUE
bdvis 0.2.33 1 0 0 TRUE
bfsMaps 0.9.6 1 0 0 TRUE
BIEN 1.2.5 1 0 0 TRUE
BiodiversityR 2.14-3 0 0 2 FALSE
biogeo 1 1 0 0 TRUE
biosurvey 0.1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
birdring 1.4 1 0 0 TRUE
bivariatemaps 1 1 0 0 TRUE
bnspatial 1.1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
BPEC 1.3.1 1 0 0 TRUE
bRacatus 1.0.8 1 0 0 TRUE
briskaR 1.0.4 1 0 0 TRUE
broom 1.0.0 0 0 1 FALSE
car 3.1-0 1 0 0 TRUE
cartograflow 1.0.3 1 0 0 TRUE
chronosphere 0.4.1 2 1 1 TRUE
cleangeo 0.2-4 1 0 0 TRUE
ConR 1.3.0 1 0 0 TRUE
contact 1.2.8 1 0 0 TRUE
CoordinateCleaner 2.0-20 1 0 0 TRUE
crestr 1.1.0 1 0 0 TRUE
cropDemand 1.0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
cropZoning 1.0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
ctmm 1.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
disaggregation 0.1.3 1 0 0 TRUE
disdat 1.0-0 0 0 2 FALSE
DivE 1.2 1 0 0 TRUE
DRHotNet 2 1 0 0 TRUE
dsims 1.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
dssd 0.3.3 1 0 0 TRUE
DSsim 1.1.5 1 0 0 TRUE
dynatopGIS 0.2.2 1 0 0 TRUE
ebirdst 1.2020.1 1 0 0 TRUE
ecospat 3.3 1 0 0 TRUE
eechidna 1.4.1 1 0 0 TRUE
eeptools 1.2.4 1 0 0 TRUE
elevatr 0.4.2 1 0 1 TRUE
EMbC 2.0.3 1 0 0 TRUE
ENMTools 1.0.6 1 0 0 TRUE
envi 0.1.13 1 0 0 TRUE
envirem 2.3 0 0 1 FALSE
eseis 0.6.0 1 0 0 TRUE
excursions 2.5.3 0 0 1 FALSE
ExposR 1 1 0 0 TRUE
expp 1.2.5 1 0 0 TRUE
FedData 2.5.7 1 0 0 TRUE
fieldRS 0.2.3 1 0 0 TRUE
FIESTA 3.4.2 1 0 0 TRUE
FIESTAutils 1.1.3 1 0 0 TRUE
FLightR 0.5.2 1 0 0 TRUE
ForestTools 0.2.5 1 0 0 TRUE
foster 0.1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
FRK 2.0.5 3 0 2 TRUE
GADMTools 3.9-1 1 0 0 TRUE
gDefrag 0.3 1 0 0 TRUE
geocmeans 0.2.2 1 0 0 TRUE
GeoFIS 1.0.3 1 0 0 TRUE
geogrid 0.1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
geometr 0.2.10 1 0 0 TRUE
geonetwork 0.4.1 1 0 0 TRUE
geotopbricks 1.5.4 1 0 0 TRUE
geoviz 0.2.2 1 0 0 TRUE
gfcanalysis 1.6.0 1 0 0 TRUE
ggOceanMaps 1.2.6 1 0 0 TRUE
ggsn 0.5.0 1 0 0 TRUE
GmAMisc 1.2.1 1 0 0 TRUE
GPSeqClus 1.3.0 1 0 0 TRUE
grainscape 0.4.3 1 0 0 TRUE
HCV 1.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
HDSpatialScan 1.0.3 1 0 0 TRUE
hero 0.4.7 1 0 0 TRUE
hierarchicalDS 3 1 0 0 TRUE
HurreconR 1 1 0 0 TRUE
hydroTSM 0.6-0 1 0 0 TRUE
hyfo 1.4.3 1 0 0 TRUE
hyperbrick 1 1 0 0 TRUE
hypergate 0.8.3 0 0 1 FALSE
hypervolume 3.0.4 1 0 0 TRUE
iconr 0.1.0 1 0 0 TRUE
importinegi 1.1.3 1 0 0 TRUE
incR 1.1.0 1 0 0 TRUE
inlabru 2.5.2 1 0 0 TRUE
inlmisc 0.5.5 1 0 0 TRUE
intamap 1.4-16 1 0 0 TRUE
ipdw 1.0-0 1 0 0 TRUE
ipumsr 0.5.0 0 0 1 FALSE
iSDM 1 1 0 0 TRUE
itcSegment 0.8 1 0 0 TRUE
kernelPhil 0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
LabourMarketAreas 3.3.1 1 0 0 TRUE
lakemorpho 1.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
leaflet 2.1.1 0 0 1 FALSE
leastcostpath 1.8.7 1 0 0 TRUE
letsR 4 1 0 0 TRUE
lgcp 1.8 1 0 0 TRUE
lingtypology 1.1.9 2 0 2 TRUE
malariaAtlas 1.0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
MapGAM 1.2-6 1 0 0 TRUE
mapmisc 1.8.0 1 0 2 TRUE
mapReasy 1 1 0 0 TRUE
mapsRinteractive 1.0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
maptools 1.1-4 0 0 2 FALSE
MazamaSpatialUtils 0.7.6 1 0 0 TRUE
MBNMAdose 0.4.1 1 0 0 TRUE
MBNMAtime 0.2.1 1 0 2 TRUE
MetaLandSim 1.0.10 1 0 0 TRUE
micromap 1.9.5 1 0 0 TRUE
modchart 0.5 1 0 0 TRUE
Momocs 1.4.0 1 0 0 TRUE
monographaR 1.2.1 1 0 0 TRUE
move 4.1.8 1 0 0 TRUE
movecost 1.7 1 0 0 TRUE
mregions 0.1.8 0 0 1 FALSE
muHVT 2.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
naijR 0.4.3 1 0 0 TRUE
NetLogoR 0.3.11 1 0 1 TRUE
nhdR 0.5.8 1 0 0 TRUE
OasisR 3.0.2 1 0 0 TRUE
oceanic 0.1.4 1 0 0 TRUE
OCNet 0.5.0 1 0 0 TRUE
onemapsgapi 1.0.0 0 0 2 FALSE
openadds 0.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
openSTARS 1.2.3 1 0 0 TRUE
osmplotr 0.3.3 1 0 0 TRUE
overlap 0.3.4 0 0 1 FALSE
paleofire 1.2.4 1 0 0 TRUE
ParallelDSM 0.3.5 1 0 0 TRUE
phyloregion 1.0.6 1 0 0 TRUE
plotdap 0.0.9 1 0 0 TRUE
plotKML 0.8-3 1 0 0 TRUE
postGIStools 0.2.4 1 0 0 TRUE
pRecipe 0.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
PReMiuM 3.2.7 1 0 0 TRUE
prevR 4.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
prioritizr 7.1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
psda 1.4.0 1 0 0 TRUE
ptools 1.0.1 1 0 0 TRUE
PWFSLSmoke 1.2.117 1 0 0 TRUE
quickmapr 0.3.0 1 0 0 TRUE
quickPlot 0.1.8 1 0 0 TRUE
R2BayesX 1.1-3 0 0 1 FALSE
rangeBuilder 1.6 1 0 0 TRUE
rangemap 0.1.18 1 0 0 TRUE
raptr 0.2.1 1 0 0 TRUE
raster 3.5-29 1 0 3 TRUE
rayshader 0.24.10 0 0 2 FALSE
rcage 1.2 1 0 0 TRUE
rcanvec 0.2.1 1 0 0 TRUE
RchivalTag 0.1.2 1 0 0 TRUE
rdhs 0.7.3 1 0 0 TRUE
rdwd 1.6.0 0 0 3 FALSE
recurse 1.1.2 3 0 1 TRUE
red 1.5.0 1 0 0 TRUE
redlistr 1.0.3 1 0 0 TRUE
ref.ICAR 1 1 0 0 TRUE
reproducible 1.2.10 1 0 1 TRUE
rgbif 3.7.2 1 0 1 TRUE
rgdal 1.5-32 0 0 3 FALSE
RgoogleMaps 0 0 1 FALSE
rgplates 0.1.0 1 0 0 TRUE
rgrass7 0.2-10 1 0 1 TRUE
rioja 0.9-26 0 0 1 FALSE
riverdist 0.15.5 1 0 0 TRUE
rmapzen 0.4.3 1 0 0 TRUE
rnaturalearth 0.1.0 0 0 2 FALSE
rnoaa 1.3.8 0 0 1 FALSE
rosm 0.2.6 1 0 0 TRUE
rpostgis 1.4.3 1 0 0 TRUE
RSAGA 1.3.0 1 0 0 TRUE
Rsagacmd 0.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
RSIP 1.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
RSurvey 0.9.3 1 0 0 TRUE
RTL 1.2.0 0 0 2 FALSE
rTLS 1 0 0 TRUE
rtop 0.5-14 2 0 1 TRUE
Rtrack 1.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
rworldmap 1.3-6 1 0 0 TRUE
sdmpredictors 0.2.12 1 0 0 TRUE
secrlinear 1.1.4 1 0 0 TRUE
SegEnvIneq 1 1 0 0 TRUE
sen2r 1.5.1 1 0 0 TRUE
SeuratObject 4.1.0 1 0 0 TRUE
shadow 0.7.1 1 0 0 TRUE
ShapePattern 2.2.0 1 0 0 TRUE
sharpshootR 1.9 0 0 1 FALSE
sp 1.5-0 3 0 3 TRUE 1.0.0 1 0 0 TRUE
spatialEco 1.3-7 1 0 0 TRUE
SpatialEpi 1.2.7 1 0 0 TRUE
SpatialGraph 1.0-2 1 0 0 TRUE
spatsoc 0.1.16 1 0 0 TRUE
spatsurv 1.8 1 0 0 TRUE
sperich 1.5-8 1 0 0 TRUE
SpNetPrep 1.2 1 0 0 TRUE
SSN 1.1.15 1 0 0 TRUE
stampr 0.2 1 0 0 TRUE
streamDepletr 0.1.1 2 0 1 TRUE
SubgrPlots 0.1.3 1 0 2 TRUE
SurfaceTortoise 1.0.2 1 0 0 TRUE
surveillance 1.20.1 0 0 4 FALSE
tigris 1.6.1 1 0 0 TRUE
TileManager 0.4.1 1 0 0 TRUE
TOC 0.0-5 1 0 0 TRUE
track2KBA 1.0.2 1 0 0 TRUE
trajectories 0.2-3 1 0 2 TRUE
tripEstimation 0.0-44 1 0 0 TRUE
TUFLOWR 0.1.0 1 0 0 TRUE
uavRmp 0.6.0 1 0 0 TRUE
ursa 3.9.6 1 0 0 TRUE
usmap 0.6.0 3 0 2 TRUE
voluModel 0.1.6 1 0 0 TRUE
Watersheds 1.1 1 0 0 TRUE
waver 0.2.1 1 0 0 TRUE
wildlifeDI 0.4.1 1 0 0 TRUE
wux 2.2-1 1 0 0 TRUE

The second table shows 360 of the total 376 check error packages classified by broad error causes, where required are packages declaring dependency on or import from maptools, rgeos and/or rgdal. The smaller categories are req_by_req_pkg: usually a load failure on installation caused by an upstream package imported by the failing package itself declaring dependency on or import from maptools, rgeos and/or rgdal, and no_pkg: often an unconditional use of a suggested maptools, rgeos and/or rgdal in examples, tests or vignettes. The remaining 16 cases have not yet been analysed.

r = read.csv("revdep_error_types_220827.csv")
Var1 Freq
no_pkg 49
req_by_req_pkg 19
required 292

The final table lists all the 360 chosen check error packages by type of failure, and for required and no_pkg, which of the retiring packages were the cause(s) of the failure (boolean except for no_pkg where a count of cases is shown). Without further detailed analysis, req_by_req_pkg is not assigned the retiring package or the intermediate failing package.

package type rgdal rgeos maptools
abmR required 1 1 0
adehabitatHR no_pkg 0 0 2
adespatial no_pkg 0 0 1
AGPRIS required 1 0 0
agriwater required 1 0 0
ambhasGW required 1 0 0
amt required 0 1 0
animalEKF required 1 1 1
animaltracker required 1 0 1
antaresViz required 0 1 0
APfun required 1 0 1
arcpullr required 1 0 0
ASIP required 1 0 0
assignR required 1 0 1
atakrig required 0 1 0
ausplotsR required 0 0 1
automap required 0 0 1
BARIS required 1 0 0
BAT req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
BayesX required 0 0 1
bdc req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
bdvis required 1 0 0
bfsMaps required 1 1 1
BIEN required 1 1 0
binaryTimeSeries required 1 0 0
biogeo required 0 0 1
bioRad required 1 0 1
biosurvey required 1 1 0
birdring required 1 1 0
bivariatemaps required 0 1 0
blockCV no_pkg 0 0 2
bnspatial required 1 0 0
BPEC required 0 0 1
bRacatus required 1 1 1
briskaR required 1 1 0
canadianmaps required 1 0 0
car required 0 0 1
cartograflow required 0 1 1
cartogram no_pkg 0 0 1
cartography required 0 1 0
CAST no_pkg 0 2 0
cffdrs required 1 0 0
cleangeo required 0 1 1
cmsaf required 0 0 1
ConR required 1 1 0
contact required 1 1 0
CoordinateCleaner required 1 1 0
crestr required 1 1 0
cropDemand required 1 0 0
cropZoning required 1 0 0
ctmm required 1 0 0
dartR req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
DEPONS2R required 1 1 0
diffeR required 1 0 0
disaggregation required 1 1 1
dispeRse required 1 0 0
DivE required 0 1 0
DMMF required 1 0 0
dots no_pkg 0 1 0
downscale no_pkg 1 0 0
downscaledl required 1 0 0
DRHotNet required 0 0 1
dsims required 0 1 0
dssd required 1 0 0
DSsim required 0 1 0
dtwSat required 1 0 0
DWBmodelUN required 1 0 0
dynatopGIS required 0 1 0
ebirdst required 1 0 0
EcoIndR required 0 1 0
ecospat required 0 0 1
eechidna required 1 1 0
eeptools required 0 0 1
elevatr no_pkg 1 0 0
EMbC required 0 0 1
enerscape required 1 1 0
ENMTools required 1 1 0
EnvExpInd required 0 0 1
envi required 0 1 0
epcc required 1 0 0
epiR no_pkg 1 0 0
eseis required 1 0 0
ExposR required 1 0 0
expp required 0 1 0
ExtractTrainData required 1 1 0
fastmaRching required 1 0 0
FedData required 1 1 0
FeedbackTS req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
fieldRS required 0 1 0
FIESTA required 1 0 0
FIESTAutils required 1 0 0
FLightR required 1 1 1
ForestGapR required 0 1 0
ForestTools required 0 1 0
foster required 1 0 0
FRK no_pkg 0 1 0
GADMTools required 1 1 1
gaiah required 0 0 1
gamlss.spatial no_pkg 0 0 1 required 1 1 1
gDefrag required 1 1 1
GeNetIt required 0 1 0
geocmeans required 0 1 0
GeodesiCL required 1 0 0
geodetector required 1 1 1
geodiv required 1 1 0
geofacet req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
GeoFIS required 0 1 0
geogrid required 0 1 0
geojsonio required 0 1 1
geomerge req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
geometr required 1 0 0
geonetwork required 1 0 0
geotopbricks required 1 0 0
geouy required 1 0 0
geoviz required 1 1 0
gfcanalysis required 1 1 0
ggOceanMaps required 0 1 0
ggsn required 0 0 1
ggvoronoi required 0 1 0
GInSARCorW required 1 1 0
GmAMisc required 1 1 1
GPSeqClus required 1 0 0
grainscape required 1 0 0
graticule no_pkg 1 0 0
gstat no_pkg 1 0 0
Guerry no_pkg 0 0 1
gwer required 0 0 1
GWmodel required 0 0 1
GWPR.light req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
HCV required 0 1 0
HDSpatialScan required 0 1 0
hero required 0 1 0
hierarchicalDS required 0 1 0
highriskzone required 0 1 0
HSAUR3 no_pkg 0 0 2
hsdar required 1 0 0
HurreconR required 1 0 0
hydroPSO req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
hydroTSM required 0 0 1
hyfo required 1 1 1
hyperbrick required 1 0 0
hypervolume required 0 1 0
iconr required 1 0 0
icosa no_pkg 1 0 0
iemisc required 1 0 0
importinegi required 1 0 0
incR required 0 1 1
indicspecies no_pkg 0 1 0
inlabru required 1 1 0
inldata no_pkg 1 0 0
inlmisc required 1 1 0
intamap required 1 0 0
intensity.analysis required 1 0 0
interp no_pkg 0 0 0
ipdw required 0 1 0
iSDM required 1 0 1
itcSegment required 0 1 1
jcext no_pkg 0 0 1
kernelPhil required 1 0 0
LabourMarketAreas required 1 1 1
lakemorpho required 1 1 0
landsat required 1 0 0
landsat8 required 1 0 0
latticeDensity no_pkg 1 0 0
leaflet.opacity no_pkg 1 0 0
leafletCN required 0 1 0
leastcostpath required 1 1 0
letsR required 1 1 1
lgcp required 0 1 1
lidR no_pkg 1 0 0
lingtypology no_pkg 1 0 0
loa required 1 0 0
LPDynR required 1 0 0
magclass required 0 0 1
makePalette required 1 0 0
MakeYourPalette required 1 0 0
malariaAtlas required 1 0 0
MapGAM required 0 0 1
mapping required 1 0 0
mapReasy required 1 0 0
mapsRinteractive required 1 1 0
MazamaSpatialPlots req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
MazamaSpatialUtils required 1 1 0
MBNMAdose required 0 1 0
MBNMAtime no_pkg 0 1 0
MEDITS required 1 1 0
MetaLandSim required 0 1 1
meteo required 1 0 0
meteoland required 1 0 0
micromap required 1 0 1
micromapST required 1 1 1
MinBAR required 1 0 0
modchart required 1 0 0
ModelMap required 1 0 0
MODISTools no_pkg 1 0 0
Momocs required 0 1 0
monographaR required 0 0 1
morphomap required 1 0 0
Morphoscape no_pkg 0 0 2
move required 1 0 0
movecost required 1 1 1
moveVis req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
muHVT required 0 1 0
naijR required 1 0 0
NetLogoR req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
nhdR required 1 0 0
nightmares required 1 0 0
npphen required 1 0 0
OasisR required 1 1 0
oceanic required 1 1 0
oceanmap required 0 0 1
OCNet required 1 0 0
openadds required 0 0 1
openSTARS required 1 0 0
OpenStreetMap required 1 0 0
Orcs required 1 0 0
osmplotr required 0 1 0
OSMscale req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
overlapptest no_pkg 2 0 0
paleofire required 1 0 0
ParallelDSM required 1 0 0
patternize required 1 0 0
phenomap required 1 0 0
phyloregion required 1 1 0
places required 1 0 0
plotdap required 0 1 0
plotKML required 1 0 0
PopGenReport required 1 0 0
postGIStools required 1 1 0
ppcSpatial required 1 0 0
pRecipe required 1 0 0
PReMiuM required 1 0 0
prevR required 1 0 1
prioritizr required 0 1 0
prioritizrdata no_pkg 0 1 0
psda required 0 1 0
psgp required 1 0 0
ptools required 0 1 0
PWFSLSmoke required 1 0 1
quickmapr required 1 1 0
quickPlot required 1 1 0
RAC required 1 1 1
raceland required 1 0 0
rangeBuilder required 0 1 0
rangemap required 1 1 1
rangeModelMetadata required 1 1 0
raptr required 1 1 0
Rarefy no_pkg 0 1 0
rasterDT no_pkg 1 0 0
rcage required 0 1 0
rcaiman required 1 0 0
rcanvec required 1 0 0
rCAT required 1 0 0
RchivalTag required 0 1 1
rcrimeanalysis required 1 0 0
rdhs required 1 0 0
ReadDIM required 1 1 0
red required 1 1 1
redlistr required 0 1 0
ref.ICAR required 1 0 0
rflexscan required 1 0 0
rflsgen required 1 0 0
RFmerge no_pkg 2 0 0
rgplates required 1 0 0
riverdist required 1 0 0
riverplot no_pkg 0 0 1
rLiDAR required 0 1 0
rmapshaper no_pkg 0 2 0
rmapzen required 1 0 1
rnpn required 1 0 0
roads no_pkg 2 0 0
rosm required 1 0 0
rpostgis required 0 1 0
RSAGA required 1 0 0
Rsagacmd required 1 0 0
RSIP required 1 0 0
rSPARCS req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
RStoolbox required 1 0 0
RSurvey required 1 1 0
rTLS required 0 1 0
rtop no_pkg 2 0 0
Rtrack required 0 1 0
rtsVis req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
rworldmap required 0 0 1
sara4r required 1 0 0
satin required 0 0 1
satscanMapper req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
sdmpredictors required 1 0 0
sdStaf required 1 1 0
secrlinear required 1 0 1
SeerMapper required 1 0 1
SegEnvIneq required 1 1 0
sen2r required 1 0 0
SeuratObject required 0 1 0
shadow required 0 1 0
ShapePattern required 1 1 0
shp2graph required 0 0 1
SiMRiv required 1 0 0
slendr no_pkg 1 0 0
smoothr required 0 1 0
soilassessment required 1 0 0
spacetime no_pkg 1 0 1
SpaDES.core req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA required 0 1 0
SPARTAAS required 1 0 1
spatialEco required 0 1 0
SpatialEpi required 0 0 1
spatialfusion required 0 1 0
SpatialGraph required 0 1 0
SpatialPosition no_pkg 0 1 0
spatsoc required 0 1 0
spatsurv required 0 1 0
spcosa no_pkg 1 0 0
spdplyr no_pkg 0 0 4
sperich required 1 0 0
spMaps required 0 1 0
spmoran no_pkg 1 0 0
SpNetPrep required 1 0 1
sptotal no_pkg 0 1 0
SSN required 1 1 1
stampr required 1 1 1
STMedianPolish required 0 0 1
stppSim required 1 0 0
streamDepletr no_pkg 0 2 0
StreamMetabolism required 0 0 1
SUNGEO req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
SurfaceTortoise required 0 1 0
surveillance no_pkg 0 0 1
swissMrP required 0 0 1
SWMPr required 0 0 1
tigris required 1 0 1
TileManager required 0 1 0
tiler required 1 0 0
tipsae no_pkg 0 0 1
TOC required 1 0 0
track2KBA required 1 1 1
TrajDataMining required 1 0 0
trajectories no_pkg 1 0 0
treetop required 1 1 0
tripEstimation required 1 0 0
TSP no_pkg 0 0 1
TUFLOWR required 1 0 0
uavRmp required 1 1 0
UBL req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
ursa required 1 0 0
UScensus2010 required 0 0 1
viridis no_pkg 1 0 0
voluModel required 0 1 0
wallace required 1 1 0
waterquality required 1 0 0
Watersheds required 0 1 1
waver required 1 1 0
weed required 0 1 0
wildlifeDI required 0 1 0
wux required 1 1 0
xROI required 1 0 0
zipcodeR req_by_req_pkg NA NA NA
zonator required 1 0 0
zoon required 1 0 0