The reason for these listings this is to find and anticipate what will happen when rgdal, rgeos and maptools will retire. Possibilities to migrate to more modern functions in package sf
are given here.
analysisThe tables below, created from analysing and filtering the output from running pkgapi::map_package()
on all packages meeting tools::package_dependencies(packages = <pkg>, tools::available.packages(), which = "most", recursive = FALSE, reverse = TRUE)
, where <pkg>
are maptools
, rgeos
and rgdal
each run separately, list:
, rgeos
and rgdal
are used by which packages, ordered by the number of packages affected, andmaptools
, rgeos
and rgeos
that are called by each package involved, ordered by the number of functions involvedNote that this only concerns exported functions, not necessarily S3 or S4 methods, and so gives an under estimation of the amount of dependency on the three packages.
r = read.csv("pkgapi_221206.csv", header = FALSE)
names(r) = c("function", "packages")
r$packages = lengths(strsplit(r[[2]], " "))
r_o = r[order(r$packages, decreasing = TRUE),]
kable(r_o, row.names = FALSE)
function | packages |
rgdal::readOGR | 53 |
rgeos::gIntersection | 41 |
rgeos::gBuffer | 37 |
rgdal::writeOGR | 33 |
rgeos::gArea | 26 |
rgeos::gCentroid | 19 |
rgeos::gUnaryUnion | 19 |
rgeos::gIntersects | 17 |
rgeos::gDistance | 15 |
maptools::unionSpatialPolygons | 14 |
rgeos::gDifference | 14 |
rgdal::project | 12 |
rgeos::gLength | 12 |
rgeos::gSimplify | 12 |
rgeos::readWKT | 11 |
rgdal::CRSargs | 10 |
rgeos::gConvexHull | 10 |
rgeos::gContains | 8 |
rgdal::GDALinfo | 7 |
rgeos::gIsValid | 7 |
maptools::spRbind | 6 |
rgdal::ogrListLayers | 6 |
rgeos::gTouches | 6 |
rgeos::gUnionCascaded | 6 |
rgdal::readGDAL | 5 |
rgeos::gUnion | 5 |
rgeos::writeWKT | 5 |
maptools::readShapePoly | 4 |
maptools::sunriset | 4 |
rgdal::showWKT | 4 |
rgeos::createPolygonsComment | 4 |
maptools::gpclibPermit | 3 |
maptools::map2SpatialPolygons | 3 |
maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet | 3 |
rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal | 3 |
rgdal::ogrInfo | 3 |
rgdal::putRasterData | 3 |
rgdal::setCPLConfigOption | 3 |
rgdal::writeGDAL | 3 |
rgeos::gContainsProperly | 3 |
rgeos::gCrosses | 3 |
rgeos::gLineMerge | 3 |
rgeos::gWithinDistance | 3 |
maptools::crepuscule | 2 |
maptools::map2SpatialLines | 2 |
maptools::pointLabel | 2 |
maptools::PolySet2SpatialPolygons | 2 |
maptools::readShapeSpatial | 2 |
maptools::solarpos | 2 |
maptools::writeLinesShape | 2 |
maptools::writePointsShape | 2 |
maptools::writePolyShape | 2 |
rgdal::GDAL.close | 2 |
rgdal::GDALcall | 2 |
rgdal::gdalDrivers | 2 |
rgdal::getRasterData | 2 |
rgdal::projInfo | 2 |
rgdal::rgdal_extSoftVersion | 2 |
rgdal::saveDataset | 2 |
rgdal::set_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings | 2 |
rgdal::set_thin_PROJ6_warnings | 2 |
rgdal::showEPSG | 2 |
rgeos::createSPComment | 2 |
rgeos::gBoundary | 2 |
rgeos::gEquals | 2 |
rgeos::gIsEmpty | 2 |
rgeos::gNode | 2 |
rgeos::gOverlaps | 2 |
rgeos::gPolygonize | 2 |
rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery | 2 |
rgeos::gWithin | 2 |
rgeos::intersect | 2 |
maptools::as.linnet.SpatialLines | 1 |
maptools::as.owin.SpatialPolygons | 1 |
maptools::as.SpatialLines.psp | 1 |
maptools::elide | 1 |
maptools::gcDestination | 1 |
maptools::getinfo.shape | 1 |
maptools::getKMLcoordinates | 1 |
maptools::gzAzimuth | 1 |
maptools::kmlOverlay | 1 |
maptools::kmlPolygon | 1 |
maptools::kmlPolygons | 1 |
maptools::leglabs | 1 |
maptools::readAsciiGrid | 1 |
maptools::solarnoon | 1 |
maptools::SpatialLinesMidPoints | 1 |
maptools::SpatialPolygons2PolySet | 1 |
maptools::spCbind | 1 |
maptools::trackAzimuth | 1 |
maptools::writeSpatialShape | 1 |
rgdal::checkCRSArgs | 1 |
rgdal::checkCRSArgs_ng | 1 |
rgdal::closeDataset | 1 |
rgdal::copyDataset | 1 | | 1 |
rgdal::GDALis3ormore | 1 |
rgdal::get_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings | 1 |
rgdal::get_thin_PROJ6_warnings | 1 |
rgdal::getDescription | 1 |
rgdal::getDriver | 1 |
rgdal::getDriverName | 1 |
rgdal::getGDALCheckVersion | 1 |
rgdal::getPROJ4VersionInfo | 1 |
rgdal::getProjectionRef | 1 |
rgdal::getRasterBand | 1 |
rgdal::make_EPSG | 1 |
rgdal::ogrDrivers | 1 |
rgdal::OSRIsProjected | 1 |
rgdal::rawTransform | 1 |
rgdal::set_P6_datum_hard_fail | 1 |
rgdal::showP4 | 1 |
rgdal::showSRID | 1 |
rgeos::gBinarySTRtreeQuery | 1 |
rgeos::gCovers | 1 |
rgeos::gDisjoint | 1 |
rgeos::gEnvelope | 1 |
rgeos::getScale | 1 |
rgeos::gInterpolate | 1 |
rgeos::gPointOnSurface | 1 |
rgeos::gSymdifference | 1 |
rgeos::overGeomGeom | 1 |
rgeos::overGeomGeomDF | 1 |
rgeos::plot | 1 |
rgeos::version_GEOS0 | 1 |
r = read.csv("pkgapi_by_pkg_221206.csv", header = FALSE)
names(r) = c("package", "functions involved")
r$functions = lengths(strsplit(r$`functions involved`, " ")) # - 1 # leading space
kable(r[order(r$functions, decreasing = TRUE),c(3,1,2)], row.names = FALSE)
functions | package | functions involved |
29 | ursa | rgdal::closeDataset rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::GDAL.close rgdal::GDALcall rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::getDriver rgdal::getDriverName rgdal::getRasterData rgdal::ogrInfo rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::project rgdal::putRasterData rgdal::readOGR rgdal::saveDataset rgdal::setCPLConfigOption rgdal::showP4 rgdal::showWKT rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gLength rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gSymdifference rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion rgeos::readWKT |
16 | FIESTAutils | rgdal::copyDataset rgdal::GDAL.close rgdal::GDALcall rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::getDescription rgdal::getProjectionRef rgdal::getRasterBand rgdal::getRasterData rgdal::make_EPSG rgdal::project rgdal::projInfo rgdal::putRasterData rgdal::readOGR rgdal::saveDataset |
14 | micromapST | maptools::spRbind maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal rgdal::readOGR rgdal::rgdal_extSoftVersion rgdal::set_P6_datum_hard_fail rgdal::set_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings rgdal::set_thin_PROJ6_warnings rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDifference |
14 | stampr | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gEnvelope rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gLength rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
13 | maptools | rgeos::createPolygonsComment rgeos::gContains rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gEquals rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnionCascaded rgeos::version_GEOS0 |
12 | shadow | maptools::solarpos rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gLength rgeos::gLineMerge rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion |
12 | gDefrag | maptools::SpatialLinesMidPoints rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLineMerge rgeos::gPointOnSurface rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::gUnion |
11 | leastcostpath | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBoundary rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gLength rgeos::gNode rgeos::gPolygonize rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
11 | sp | rgdal::checkCRSArgs rgdal::checkCRSArgs_ng rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal rgdal::OSRIsProjected rgeos::createPolygonsComment rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLineMerge rgeos::gUnaryUnion rgeos::overGeomGeom rgeos::overGeomGeomDF |
11 | lakemorpho | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContains rgeos::gCrosses rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gLength rgeos::gOverlaps rgeos::gWithin |
10 | plotKML | maptools::readShapePoly maptools::writeLinesShape maptools::writePointsShape maptools::writePolyShape rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeGDAL rgdal::writeOGR |
10 | inlabru | maptools::readShapeSpatial rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::get_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings rgdal::get_thin_PROJ6_warnings rgdal::new_proj_and_gdal rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::set_rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings rgdal::set_thin_PROJ6_warnings rgdal::showSRID |
9 | mapmisc | rgdal::rawTransform rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gInterpolate rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gSimplify |
9 | occTest | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::createPolygonsComment rgeos::gContains rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gEquals rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery |
8 | rcage | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gContains rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gCovers rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches |
8 | GmAMisc | maptools::as.owin.SpatialPolygons rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContains rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gDistance |
8 | eechidna | rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gContains rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gSimplify |
8 | cleangeo | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCrosses rgeos::gDifference rgeos::getScale rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gUnionCascaded |
8 | amt | maptools::crepuscule maptools::sunriset rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gContainsProperly rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
8 | rangemap | maptools::map2SpatialPolygons rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
8 | FLightR | maptools::gzAzimuth maptools::sunriset rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gSimplify rgeos::gUnion rgeos::gWithinDistance |
7 | Watersheds | rgeos::gBoundary rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gCrosses rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersects |
7 | uavRmp | maptools::spRbind maptools::writeLinesShape rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
7 | rgrass7 | rgdal::gdalDrivers rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::ogrDrivers rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
7 | ShapePattern | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIsEmpty rgeos::gLength |
7 | quickmapr | rgdal::showWKT rgeos::gArea rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gLength rgeos::gWithin rgeos::gWithinDistance |
6 | OasisR | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLength |
6 | red | maptools::kmlPolygon maptools::kmlPolygons rgdal::project rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gSimplify |
6 | lgcp | rgeos::gDisjoint rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
6 | LabourMarketAreas | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection |
6 | ggOceanMaps | rgeos::createSPComment rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsValid rgeos::gSimplify |
6 | letsR | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gContains rgeos::gOverlaps |
6 | ConR | rgdal::project rgdal::rgdal_extSoftVersion rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::readWKT |
6 | expp | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gTouches rgeos::gUnionCascaded rgeos::readWKT |
6 | waver | rgeos::gBinarySTRtreeQuery rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
6 | surveillance | maptools::gpclibPermit maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
5 | rpostgis | rgdal::showEPSG rgdal::showWKT rgeos::readWKT rgeos::writeWKT |
5 | spatsoc | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects |
5 | APfun | maptools::spRbind rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
5 | bfsMaps | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gLength rgeos::readWKT |
5 | gfcanalysis | rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gTouches |
5 | birdring | rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnionCascaded |
5 | hypergate | rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gNode rgeos::gPolygonize rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
5 | briskaR | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gUnionCascaded |
4 | animalEKF | rgeos::gContains rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gIsEmpty |
4 | DRHotNet | maptools::as.SpatialLines.psp maptools::PolySet2SpatialPolygons maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet |
4 | MapGAM | maptools::map2SpatialLines maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet maptools::SpatialPolygons2PolySet |
4 | postGIStools | rgdal::showEPSG rgeos::readWKT rgeos::writeWKT |
4 | rmapzen | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR |
4 | SurfaceTortoise | rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection |
4 | lingtypology | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersects rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
4 | FRK | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gIntersection |
4 | itcSegment | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gConvexHull |
4 | SpatialGraph | rgeos::gDistance rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gWithinDistance |
4 | RchivalTag | maptools::PolySet2SpatialPolygons maptools::SpatialLines2PolySet maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
4 | movecost | rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gLength |
4 | bamlss | maptools::gpclibPermit maptools::readShapePoly maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
4 | ForestTools | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
4 | SSN | maptools::getinfo.shape rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
4 | SegEnvIneq | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gCentroid rgeos::gDistance |
4 | openSTARS | rgdal::readGDAL rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
4 | BIEN | rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::readWKT rgeos::writeWKT |
4 | wux | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection |
4 | secrlinear | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection |
4 | PWFSLSmoke | maptools::solarnoon maptools::sunriset rgdal::writeOGR |
4 | biosurvey | rgdal::readOGR rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gCentroid |
3 | recurse | rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gLength |
3 | SubgrPlots | rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::plot |
3 | HurreconR | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::setCPLConfigOption |
3 | intamap | rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::readOGR |
3 | RSAGA | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | MetaLandSim | maptools::readShapePoly rgeos::gCentroid |
3 | changeRangeR | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection |
3 | ggvoronoi | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::intersect |
3 | quickPlot | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersects |
3 | MBNMAtime | rgeos::gArea rgeos::readWKT |
3 | chronosphere | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | spatialfusion | rgeos::gIntersection rgeos::gUnion |
3 | ctmm | rgdal::project rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | nhdR | rgdal::ogrInfo rgdal::ogrListLayers |
3 | monographaR | maptools::writePolyShape maptools::writeSpatialShape |
3 | R2BayesX | maptools::gpclibPermit maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
3 | crestr | rgdal::projInfo rgeos::readWKT |
3 | sharpshootR | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::writeWKT |
3 | iSDM | maptools::spRbind rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | rcanvec | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | bRacatus | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIntersection |
3 | AQuadtree | rgdal::writeOGR rgeos::gIntersection |
3 | paleofire | rgdal::project rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | mapReasy | rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR |
3 | raptr | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gCentroid |
3 | ptools | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection |
3 | atakrig | rgdal::putRasterData rgeos::gCentroid |
3 | geoviz | rgdal::getGDALCheckVersion rgeos::gBuffer |
3 | bnspatial | rgdal::GDALinfo rgdal::ogrInfo |
3 | tripEstimation | rgdal::CRSargs rgdal::project |
3 | ExposR | rgdal::readOGR rgdal::setCPLConfigOption |
3 | animaltracker | maptools::getKMLcoordinates rgdal::writeOGR |
3 | rnoaa | rgdal::ogrListLayers rgdal::readOGR |
3 | rtop | rgdal::CRSargs rgeos::gIntersection |
3 | MBNMAdose | rgeos::gArea rgeos::readWKT |
3 | psda | rgeos::gArea rgeos::gIntersection |
3 | excursions | rgeos::gDifference rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
3 | GeoFIS | rgeos::gConvexHull rgeos::gIsValid |
3 | bcmaps | rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::gIsValid |
2 | iconr | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | micromap | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
2 | rgbif | rgeos::readWKT |
2 | HDSpatialScan | rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
2 | track2KBA | maptools::spRbind |
2 | kernelPhil | rgdal::project |
2 | Momocs | rgeos::gIntersection |
2 | sen2r | rgdal::GDALinfo |
2 | foster | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | RSIP | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | adehabitatHR | rgeos::gUnionCascaded |
2 | osmplotr | rgeos::gIntersection |
2 | Rsagacmd | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | naijR | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | usmap | maptools::elide |
2 | rioja | maptools::pointLabel |
2 | malariaAtlas | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | ipumsr | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | hyperbrick | rgdal::project |
2 | geonetwork | rgdal::CRSargs |
2 | ParallelDSM | rgdal::writeGDAL |
2 | ipdw | rgeos::gConvexHull |
2 | hero | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | geotopbricks | rgdal::showWKT |
2 | disdat | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | spatsurv | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | ENMTools | rgeos::gUnaryUnion |
2 | intSDM | maptools::map2SpatialPolygons |
2 | rgdal | rgeos::createSPComment |
2 | dssd | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | hyfo | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | BARIS | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | eixport | rgdal::project |
2 | BayesX | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
2 | hypervolume | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | disaggregation | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
2 | fieldRS | rgeos::gDistance |
2 | leaflet | rgeos::createPolygonsComment |
2 | BiodiversityR | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | ASIP | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | agriwater | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | SpNetPrep | maptools::as.linnet.SpatialLines |
2 | mregions | rgeos::writeWKT |
2 | sperich | rgdal::writeGDAL |
2 | rdwd | rgdal::readGDAL |
2 | redlistr | rgeos::gArea |
2 | actel | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | ggsn | maptools::gcDestination |
2 | phyloregion | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | FIESTA | rgdal::GDALinfo |
2 | rnaturalearth | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | ecospat | maptools::spRbind |
2 | DivE | rgeos::gIntersection |
2 | rworldmap | maptools::readAsciiGrid |
2 | hierarchicalDS | rgeos::gCentroid |
2 | bivariatemaps | rgeos::gArea |
2 | cartograflow | rgeos::gIntersects |
2 | TUFLOWR | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | ref.ICAR | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | elevatr | rgdal::getPROJ4VersionInfo |
2 | rayshader | maptools::pointLabel |
2 | ausplotsR | maptools::map2SpatialPolygons |
2 | streamDepletr | rgeos::gLength |
2 | grainscape | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | dsims | rgeos::gIntersects |
2 | tigris | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | rdhs | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | EMbC | maptools::solarpos |
2 | mapsRinteractive | rgeos::gIntersection |
2 | sdmpredictors | rgdal::GDALis3ormore |
2 | CoordinateCleaner | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | oceanic | rgeos::gSimplify |
2 | openadds | maptools::readShapeSpatial |
2 | envirem | rgdal::project |
2 | animint2 | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
2 | envi | rgeos::gBuffer |
2 | TOC | rgdal::CRSargs |
2 | riverdist | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | cropDemand | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | eseis | rgdal::project |
2 | muHVT | rgeos::intersect |
2 | SeuratObject | rgeos::gSimplify |
2 | importinegi | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | eeptools | maptools::spCbind |
2 | rosm | rgdal::CRSargs |
2 | OCNet | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | antaresViz | rgeos::gDistance |
2 | prevR | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | move | maptools::trackAzimuth |
2 | SpatialEpi | maptools::leglabs |
2 | broom | maptools::unionSpatialPolygons |
2 | RgoogleMaps | maptools::kmlOverlay |
2 | HCV | rgeos::gTouches |
2 | cropZoning | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | MODIS | maptools::map2SpatialLines |
2 | biogeo | maptools::writePointsShape |
2 | GPSeqClus | rgdal::writeOGR |
2 | modchart | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | ebirdst | rgdal::gdalDrivers |
2 | geogrid | rgeos::gCentroid |
2 | Rtrack | rgeos::gDifference |
2 | trajectories | rgeos::gSimplify |
2 | bdvis | rgdal::readOGR |
2 | overlap | maptools::sunriset |
2 | hydroTSM | maptools::readShapePoly |
2 | incR | maptools::crepuscule |
2 | RTL | rgdal::readOGR |
Many packages using raster
declare rgeos
and/or rgdal
as required in some form, but very recent changes in raster
, removing both these packages entirely from DESCRIPTION
, will in time propagate, so that declarations of these packages in packages really only needing raster
can be deleted soon.