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The spBreg_lag function is an early-release version of the Matlab Spatial Econometrics Toolbox function sar_g.m, using drawing by inversion, and not accommodating heteroskedastic disturbances.


spBreg_lag(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, type,
    zero.policy=NULL, control=list())
spBreg_sac(formula, data = list(), listw, listw2=NULL, na.action, 
    Durbin, type, zero.policy=NULL, control=list())
spBreg_err(formula, data = list(), listw, na.action, Durbin, etype,
    zero.policy=NULL, control=list())
# S3 method for class 'MCMC_sar_G'
impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
# S3 method for class 'MCMC_sem_G'
impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)
# S3 method for class 'MCMC_sac_G'
impacts(obj, ..., tr=NULL, listw=NULL, evalues=NULL, Q=NULL)



a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification are given for lm()


an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.

listw, listw2

a listw object created for example by nb2listw


a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to nb2listw may be subsetted.


default FALSE (spatial lag model); if TRUE, full spatial Durbin model; if a formula object, the subset of explanatory variables to lag

type, etype

(use the ‘Durbin=’ argument - retained for backwards compatibility only) default "lag", may be set to "mixed"; when "mixed", the lagged intercept is dropped for spatial weights style "W", that is row-standardised weights, but otherwise included; “Durbin” may be used instead of “mixed”


default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE (default) assign NA


list of extra control arguments - see section below


A spatial regression object


Arguments passed through to methods in the coda package


A vector of traces of powers of the spatial weights matrix created using trW, for approximate impact measures; if not given, listw must be given for exact measures (for small to moderate spatial weights matrices); the traces must be for the same spatial weights as were used in fitting the spatial regression, and must be row-standardised


vector of eigenvalues of spatial weights matrix for impacts calculations


default NULL, else an integer number of cumulative power series impacts to calculate if tr is given

Control arguments


the desired accuracy of the optimization - passed to optimize() (default=square root of double precision machine tolerance, a larger root may be used needed, see help(boston) for an example)


default NULL, then set to (method != "eigen") internally; use fdHess to compute an approximate Hessian using finite differences when using sparse matrix methods; used to make a coefficient covariance matrix when the number of observations is large; may be turned off to save resources if need be


default FALSE, use fdHess from nlme, if TRUE, use optim to calculate Hessian at optimum


default “optimHess”, may be “nlm” or one of the optim methods


default FALSE; logical value used in the log likelihood function to choose compiled code for computing SSE


default 2; used for preparing the Cholesky decompositions for updating in the Jacobian function


if NULL (default), set to FALSE to use a simplicial decomposition for the sparse Cholesky decomposition and method “Matrix_J”, set to as.logical(NA) for method “Matrix”, if TRUE, use a supernodal decomposition


default 5; highest power of the approximating polynomial for the Chebyshev approximation


default 16; number of random variates


default 30; number of products of random variates matrix and spatial weights matrix


default “MMD”, alternative “RCM”


default 0.1, coefficient value for initial Cholesky decomposition in “spam_update”


default “MC”, used with method “moments”; alternatives “mult” and “moments”, for use if trs is missing, trW


default TRUE, used with method “moments” to compute the Smirnov/Anselin correction term


default TRUE, used with method “moments” to truncate the Smirnov/Anselin correction term


default “LU”, may be “MC”


default 200, as in SE toolbox; the size of the first stage lndet grid; it may be reduced to for example 40


default 2000, as in SE toolbox; the size of the second stage lndet grid


default TRUE; if the method is not “eigen”, use asymmetric covariances rather than numerical Hessian ones if n <= small


default 1500; threshold number of observations for asymmetric covariances when the method is not “eigen”


default NULL, may be used to pass a pre-computed SE toolbox style matrix of coefficients and their lndet values to the "SE_classic" and "SE_whichMin" methods


default FALSE; used in “LU_prepermutate”, note warnings given for lu method


default NULL; may be used to pass a pre-computed vector of eigenvalues


default 1; used to set the sign of the final component to negative if -1 (alpha times ((sigma squared) squared) in Ord (1975) equation B.1).

Extra Bayesian control arguments


default “SE_classic”; equivalent to the method argument in lagsarlm


default c(-1, 1); used unmodified or set internally by jacobianSetup


default 2500L; integer total number of draws


default 500L; integer total number of omitted burn-in draws


default 1L; integer thinning proportion


default FALSE; inverse of quiet argument in lagsarlm


default NULL; not yet in use, precomputed matrix of log determinants


a list with the following components:

rhoMH, lambdaMH

default FALSE; use Metropolis or griddy Gibbs


default NULL; values of the betas variance-covariance matrix, set to diag(k)*1e+12 if NULL


default NULL; values of the betas set to 0 if NULL


default 0.5; value of the autoregressive coefficient


default 1; value of the residual variance


default 0; informative Gamma(nu,d0) prior on sige


default 0; informative Gamma(nu,d0) prior on sige


default 1.01; parameter for beta(a1,a2) prior on rho


default 1.01; parameter for beta(a1,a2) prior on rho


default 0.2; initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling


default TRUE; include sige in lambda griddy Gibbs update


default 0.2; initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling


default 0.2; initial tuning parameter for M-H sampling


LeSage J and RK Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Boca Raton.


Roger Bivand, with thanks to Abhirup Mallik and Virgilio Gómez-Rubio for initial coding GSoC 2011


#require("spdep", quietly=TRUE)
data(oldcol, package="spdep")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(COL.nb, style="W")
require("coda", quietly=TRUE)
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw)
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  59.6663  6.99423 0.156396       0.156396
#> INC          -0.9421  0.39894 0.008921       0.008921
#> HOVAL        -0.3011  0.09984 0.002233       0.002233
#> lambda        0.5664  0.15362 0.003435       0.003435
#> sige        115.0482 25.96435 0.580581       0.622638
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%     25%      50%      75%    97.5%
#> (Intercept) 45.6439 55.3852  60.1164  64.5665  72.1349
#> INC         -1.7360 -1.2047  -0.9445  -0.6803  -0.1379
#> HOVAL       -0.4977 -0.3683  -0.3010  -0.2346  -0.1070
#> lambda       0.2335  0.4717   0.5773   0.6758   0.8309
#> sige        74.4245 96.7013 111.9152 129.2463 176.8133
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
#> Quantile (q) = 0.025
#> Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
#> Probability (s) = 0.95 
#>              Burn-in  Total Lower bound  Dependence
#>              (M)      (N)   (Nmin)       factor (I)
#>  (Intercept) 3        1052  937          1.120     
#>  INC         2        969   937          1.030     
#>  HOVAL       3        1052  937          1.120     
#>  lambda      3        1010  937          1.080     
#>  sige        2        930   937          0.993     
# \dontrun{
ev <- eigenw(lw)
W <- as(lw, "CsparseMatrix")
trMatc <- trW(W, type="mult")
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean      SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  59.5304  8.9916 0.201059       0.275885
#> INC          -0.9142  0.3969 0.008874       0.011266
#> HOVAL        -0.3027  0.1021 0.002282       0.002282
#> lambda        0.6011  0.1502 0.003358       0.007723
#> sige        116.6773 27.9707 0.625443       0.660902
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%    25%      50%      75%    97.5%
#> (Intercept) 44.0607 54.802  59.6796  64.2473  72.9189
#> INC         -1.6866 -1.184  -0.9177  -0.6422  -0.1429
#> HOVAL       -0.5102 -0.370  -0.3005  -0.2359  -0.1019
#> lambda       0.2826  0.511   0.6135   0.7023   0.8676
#> sige        74.1788 97.167 113.2955 130.2498 182.6024
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
#> Quantile (q) = 0.025
#> Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
#> Probability (s) = 0.95 
#>              Burn-in  Total Lower bound  Dependence
#>              (M)      (N)   (Nmin)       factor (I)
#>  (Intercept) 3        1143  937          1.220     
#>  INC         2        969   937          1.030     
#>  HOVAL       2        892   937          0.952     
#>  lambda      17       4454  937          4.750     
#>  sige        2        930   937          0.993     
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                  Mean      SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  72.66146 11.7776 0.263354       0.263354
#> INC          -1.01262  0.3770 0.008430       0.008430
#> HOVAL        -0.28032  0.1057 0.002363       0.002363
#> lag.INC      -1.07754  0.7304 0.016333       0.016333
#> lag.HOVAL     0.09151  0.2395 0.005356       0.005702
#> lambda        0.48878  0.1732 0.003873       0.003873
#> sige        114.61924 26.8321 0.599984       0.653970
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%      25%       50%      75%     97.5%
#> (Intercept) 48.2063 65.55434  73.00434  80.0130  95.69254
#> INC         -1.7385 -1.27266  -1.01806  -0.7591  -0.25126
#> HOVAL       -0.4883 -0.35221  -0.27730  -0.2111  -0.07194
#> lag.INC     -2.4291 -1.54241  -1.09764  -0.6156   0.38091
#> lag.HOVAL   -0.3892 -0.06269   0.09028   0.2468   0.55625
#> lambda       0.1165  0.37669   0.49775   0.6118   0.79690
#> sige        73.4822 95.76803 110.90096 128.2633 177.00970
#> Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
#>           Direct    Indirect     Total
#> INC   -1.0126232 -1.07753574 -2.090159
#> HOVAL -0.2803178  0.09150584 -0.188812
#> ========================================================
#> Standard errors:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3572678 0.6921465 0.8161704
#> HOVAL 0.1001564 0.2269602 0.2729228
#> ========================================================
#> Z-values:
#>          Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -2.834354 -1.5568031 -2.5609345
#> HOVAL -2.798799  0.4031801 -0.6918146
#> p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0045918 0.11952  0.010439
#> HOVAL 0.0051293 0.68682  0.489054
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
#> Quantile (q) = 0.025
#> Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
#> Probability (s) = 0.95 
#>              Burn-in  Total Lower bound  Dependence
#>              (M)      (N)   (Nmin)       factor (I)
#>  (Intercept) 2        930   937          0.993     
#>  INC         3        1096  937          1.170     
#>  HOVAL       3        1052  937          1.120     
#>  lag.INC     2        892   937          0.952     
#>  lag.HOVAL   2        930   937          0.993     
#>  lambda      2        930   937          0.993     
#>  sige        2        930   937          0.993     
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
 Durbin=TRUE, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE)))
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                  Mean      SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  71.32778 18.0269 0.403094       0.382389
#> INC          -0.99169  0.3978 0.008896       0.008896
#> HOVAL        -0.27840  0.1115 0.002494       0.002494
#> lag.INC      -0.95360  0.8293 0.018543       0.021986
#> lag.HOVAL     0.06812  0.2557 0.005717       0.005904
#> lambda        0.58149  0.1895 0.004238       0.010821
#> sige        119.53101 28.0026 0.626158       0.839390
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%      25%       50%      75%     97.5%
#> (Intercept) 37.9514 62.67210  72.07446  80.4143  99.84194
#> INC         -1.7844 -1.24565  -0.99600  -0.7380  -0.21146
#> HOVAL       -0.4977 -0.35256  -0.27741  -0.2077  -0.05449
#> lag.INC     -2.4414 -1.50144  -0.99500  -0.4736   0.79318
#> lag.HOVAL   -0.4571 -0.09065   0.07663   0.2398   0.55644
#> lambda       0.1781  0.45916   0.59241   0.7231   0.90210
#> sige        75.6501 99.39723 116.16515 135.1114 184.61449
#> Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
#>           Direct    Indirect     Total
#> INC   -0.9916937 -0.95359651 -1.945290
#> HOVAL -0.2784029  0.06812087 -0.210282
#> ========================================================
#> Standard errors:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3770053 0.7858279 0.9655825
#> HOVAL 0.1056706 0.2422841 0.2998021
#> ========================================================
#> Z-values:
#>         Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -2.63045 -1.2134929 -2.0146288
#> HOVAL -2.63463  0.2811611 -0.7014028
#> p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0085272 0.22494  0.043944
#> HOVAL 0.0084229 0.77859  0.483052
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
#> Quantile (q) = 0.025
#> Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
#> Probability (s) = 0.95 
#>              Burn-in  Total Lower bound  Dependence
#>              (M)      (N)   (Nmin)       factor (I)
#>  (Intercept) 4        1192  937          1.270     
#>  INC         2        930   937          0.993     
#>  HOVAL       2        930   937          0.993     
#>  lag.INC     3        1013  937          1.080     
#>  lag.HOVAL   2        969   937          1.030     
#>  lambda      17       4647  937          4.960     
#>  sige        3        1052  937          1.120     
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  74.5397 10.99197 0.245788       0.245788
#> INC          -1.0322  0.38342 0.008574       0.008574
#> HOVAL        -0.2861  0.09986 0.002233       0.002233
#> lag.INC      -0.9210  0.59074 0.013209       0.012745
#> lambda        0.4879  0.17196 0.003845       0.003672
#> sige        112.0817 25.47154 0.569561       0.568218
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%     25%      50%      75%     97.5%
#> (Intercept) 52.0865 67.8131  74.9358  81.6887  95.01447
#> INC         -1.7848 -1.2893  -1.0382  -0.7802  -0.24806
#> HOVAL       -0.4794 -0.3497  -0.2860  -0.2203  -0.08916
#> lag.INC     -2.0803 -1.3131  -0.9206  -0.5438   0.27869
#> lambda       0.1355  0.3737   0.4987   0.6088   0.80100
#> sige        73.0279 94.1912 108.3141 125.5058 173.13320
#> Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
#>           Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -1.0321950 -0.9210334 -1.9532284
#> HOVAL -0.2860547         NA -0.2860547
#> ========================================================
#> Standard errors:
#>           Direct  Indirect      Total
#> INC   0.36744116 0.5661167 0.69838314
#> HOVAL 0.09570117        NA 0.09570117
#> ========================================================
#> Z-values:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   -2.809144 -1.626932 -2.796786
#> HOVAL -2.989041        NA -2.989041
#> p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total    
#> INC   0.0049673 0.10375  0.0051614
#> HOVAL 0.0027985 NA       0.0027985
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
#> Quantile (q) = 0.025
#> Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
#> Probability (s) = 0.95 
#>              Burn-in  Total Lower bound  Dependence
#>              (M)      (N)   (Nmin)       factor (I)
#>  (Intercept) 3        1010  937          1.080     
#>  INC         2        930   937          0.993     
#>  HOVAL       2        930   937          0.993     
#>  lag.INC     2        930   937          0.993     
#>  lambda      2        892   937          0.952     
#>  sige        3        1010  937          1.080     
COL.err.Bayes <- spBreg_err(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
 Durbin=~INC, control=list(prior=list(lambdaMH=TRUE)))
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  72.7704 14.13707 0.316114       0.351470
#> INC          -0.9865  0.39508 0.008834       0.008834
#> HOVAL        -0.2904  0.09878 0.002209       0.002209
#> lag.INC      -0.8506  0.67466 0.015086       0.016187
#> lambda        0.5688  0.17577 0.003930       0.009250
#> sige        116.1069 27.61223 0.617428       0.789579
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%     25%      50%      75%     97.5%
#> (Intercept) 40.6365 65.4333  73.7510  81.2815  97.03388
#> INC         -1.7216 -1.2471  -1.0006  -0.7335  -0.15124
#> HOVAL       -0.4820 -0.3577  -0.2903  -0.2257  -0.09267
#> lag.INC     -2.0923 -1.2942  -0.8863  -0.4615   0.58595
#> lambda       0.2251  0.4389   0.5731   0.6982   0.89484
#> sige        74.0162 96.6611 112.0106 130.7735 181.83168
#> Impact measures (SDEM, MCMC, n):
#>           Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -0.9865093 -0.8506053 -1.8371146
#> HOVAL -0.2904128         NA -0.2904128
#> ========================================================
#> Standard errors:
#>           Direct  Indirect      Total
#> INC   0.37860903 0.6465345 0.82479429
#> HOVAL 0.09466321        NA 0.09466321
#> ========================================================
#> Z-values:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   -2.605615 -1.315638 -2.227361
#> HOVAL -3.067853        NA -3.067853
#> p-values:
#>       Direct   Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.009171 0.1883   0.025923
#> HOVAL 0.002156 NA       0.002156
print(raftery.diag(COL.err.Bayes, r=0.01))
#> Quantile (q) = 0.025
#> Accuracy (r) = +/- 0.01
#> Probability (s) = 0.95 
#>              Burn-in  Total Lower bound  Dependence
#>              (M)      (N)   (Nmin)       factor (I)
#>  (Intercept) 10       3436  937          3.670     
#>  INC         2        930   937          0.993     
#>  HOVAL       2        892   937          0.952     
#>  lag.INC     3        1143  937          1.220     
#>  lambda      13       3579  937          3.820     
#>  sige        3        1096  937          1.170     
COL.sacW.B0 <- spBreg_sac(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
 Durbin=FALSE, control=list(ndraw=1500L, nomit=500L))
#> Iterations = 501:1500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 1000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  49.3672  9.23725 0.292108       0.847100
#> INC          -0.9925  0.35777 0.011314       0.012624
#> HOVAL        -0.2847  0.09798 0.003099       0.003307
#> rho           0.3117  0.19633 0.006208       0.020392
#> lambda        0.1927  0.27130 0.008579       0.027162
#> sige        105.0462 23.96805 0.757936       0.757936
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%      25%      50%      75%    97.5%
#> (Intercept) 31.8783 43.12583  48.9398  55.3573  68.1858
#> INC         -1.6817 -1.24459  -0.9872  -0.7516  -0.3168
#> HOVAL       -0.4952 -0.34433  -0.2827  -0.2201  -0.1028
#> rho         -0.1548  0.21285   0.3406   0.4438   0.6176
#> lambda      -0.3788  0.01455   0.2171   0.3794   0.6988
#> sige        68.5025 88.13909 101.6888 118.2545 160.2792
print(summary(impacts(COL.sacW.B0, tr=trMatc), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE))
#> Impact measures (sac, trace):
#>          Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -1.017325 -0.4246675 -1.4419930
#> HOVAL -0.291816 -0.1218143 -0.4136303
#> ========================================================
#> Simulation results ( variance matrix):
#> ========================================================
#> Simulated standard errors
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3668822 0.4180525 0.6533395
#> HOVAL 0.1016518 0.1341689 0.1983041
#> Simulated z-values:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   -2.808257 -1.219897 -2.357550
#> HOVAL -2.910868 -1.106171 -2.240542
#> Simulated p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0049810 0.22250  0.018396
#> HOVAL 0.0036043 0.26865  0.025056
COL.sacW.B1 <- spBreg_sac(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD, listw=lw,
 Durbin=TRUE, control=list(ndraw=1500L, nomit=500L))
#> Iterations = 501:1500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 1000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  60.1834 24.14830 0.763636       3.169805
#> INC          -0.9888  0.36234 0.011458       0.016240
#> HOVAL        -0.2861  0.09785 0.003094       0.003094
#> lag.INC      -0.8734  0.77381 0.024470       0.060097
#> lag.HOVAL     0.1735  0.21943 0.006939       0.013468
#> rho           0.1808  0.32007 0.010121       0.044327
#> lambda        0.2106  0.32071 0.010142       0.041657
#> sige        100.9463 24.32264 0.769149       0.946662
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%       25%     50%      75%    97.5%
#> (Intercept) 22.2042 42.280965 56.1010  76.4887 113.5316
#> INC         -1.6963 -1.228821 -0.9813  -0.7271  -0.3299
#> HOVAL       -0.4747 -0.350819 -0.2877  -0.2214  -0.1097
#> lag.INC     -2.5274 -1.342333 -0.8558  -0.3281   0.5407
#> lag.HOVAL   -0.2876  0.037091  0.1824   0.3249   0.5910
#> rho         -0.5076 -0.021227  0.2386   0.4320   0.6655
#> lambda      -0.5106 -0.007594  0.2129   0.4482   0.7389
#> sige        64.6867 84.395156 96.9599 114.4101 159.7252
print(summary(impacts(COL.sacW.B1, tr=trMatc), zstats=TRUE, short=TRUE))
#> Impact measures (sacmixed, trace):
#>           Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -1.0341008 -1.2391410 -2.2732417
#> HOVAL -0.2808381  0.1434285 -0.1374096
#> ========================================================
#> Simulation results ( variance matrix):
#> ========================================================
#> Simulated standard errors
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3510018 0.9466895 1.0370366
#> HOVAL 0.1010491 0.2773738 0.3171738
#> Simulated z-values:
#>          Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -2.966104 -1.4250264 -2.3048033
#> HOVAL -2.775326  0.5576145 -0.3965541
#> Simulated p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0030160 0.15415  0.021178
#> HOVAL 0.0055146 0.57711  0.691696
COL.lag.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  45.8256  8.04911 0.179984       0.179984
#> INC          -1.0459  0.34746 0.007770       0.007770
#> HOVAL        -0.2662  0.09366 0.002094       0.002094
#> rho           0.4146  0.12434 0.002780       0.002780
#> sige        107.8827 23.75095 0.531087       0.561152
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%     25%      50%      75%     97.5%
#> (Intercept) 30.3334 40.3140  45.9376  51.0903  61.51008
#> INC         -1.7252 -1.2774  -1.0477  -0.8158  -0.35423
#> HOVAL       -0.4533 -0.3312  -0.2686  -0.2019  -0.08107
#> rho          0.1645  0.3327   0.4157   0.5008   0.64982
#> sige        70.5778 90.6316 104.8556 120.4706 164.75421
print(summary(impacts(COL.lag.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
#> Impact measures (lag, trace):
#>           Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -1.0962113 -0.6903627 -1.7865741
#> HOVAL -0.2790451 -0.1757347 -0.4547797
#> ========================================================
#> Simulation results ( variance matrix):
#> ========================================================
#> Simulated standard errors
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3680189 0.4927553 0.7674941
#> HOVAL 0.1002735 0.1393959 0.2171077
#> Simulated z-values:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   -3.003178 -1.554252 -2.437925
#> HOVAL -2.809370 -1.425055 -2.212507
#> Simulated p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0026718 0.12012  0.014772
#> HOVAL 0.0049639 0.15414  0.026932
print(summary(impacts(COL.lag.Bayes, evalues=ev), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
#> Impact measures (lag, evalues):
#>           Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -1.0962113 -0.6903627 -1.7865741
#> HOVAL -0.2790451 -0.1757347 -0.4547797
#> ========================================================
#> Simulation results ( variance matrix):
#> ========================================================
#> Simulated standard errors
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3680193 0.4929524 0.7676307
#> HOVAL 0.1002746 0.1395496 0.2172252
#> Simulated z-values:
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   -3.003178 -1.553686 -2.437527
#> HOVAL -2.809345 -1.423571 -2.211367
#> Simulated p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0026718 0.12026  0.014788
#> HOVAL 0.0049642 0.15457  0.027010
COL.D0.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
 listw=lw, Durbin=TRUE)
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  45.3105 13.74662 0.307384       0.307384
#> INC          -0.9246  0.36837 0.008237       0.008237
#> HOVAL        -0.2959  0.09778 0.002187       0.002126
#> lag.INC      -0.5917  0.63940 0.014297       0.014297
#> lag.HOVAL     0.2443  0.18959 0.004239       0.004239
#> rho           0.3932  0.16296 0.003644       0.003644
#> sige        109.7428 24.97328 0.558419       0.607251
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                 2.5%     25%      50%      75%    97.5%
#> (Intercept) 19.18483 35.9928  45.0377  54.5246  72.8590
#> INC         -1.62602 -1.1728  -0.9198  -0.6633  -0.2117
#> HOVAL       -0.48546 -0.3597  -0.2944  -0.2310  -0.1012
#> lag.INC     -1.83696 -1.0334  -0.5786  -0.1739   0.6326
#> lag.HOVAL   -0.13032  0.1164   0.2417   0.3715   0.6133
#> rho          0.06053  0.2826   0.3977   0.5078   0.6949
#> sige        71.19421 91.4872 106.1690 123.7826 170.9503
print(summary(impacts(COL.D0.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
#> Impact measures (mixed, trace):
#>           Direct  Indirect       Total
#> INC   -1.0277896 -1.471320 -2.49911007
#> HOVAL -0.2820493  0.197023 -0.08502627
#> ========================================================
#> Simulation results ( variance matrix):
#> ========================================================
#> Simulated standard errors
#>          Direct  Indirect     Total
#> INC   0.3831777 1.3179822 1.4600855
#> HOVAL 0.1017455 0.3302926 0.3686927
#> Simulated z-values:
#>          Direct   Indirect      Total
#> INC   -2.735660 -1.2618796 -1.8570000
#> HOVAL -2.785094  0.5880284 -0.2417988
#> Simulated p-values:
#>       Direct    Indirect Total   
#> INC   0.0062255 0.20699  0.063311
#> HOVAL 0.0053512 0.55651  0.808936
COL.D1.Bayes <- spBreg_lag(CRIME ~ DISCBD + INC + HOVAL, data=COL.OLD,
 listw=lw, Durbin= ~ INC)
#> Iterations = 501:2500
#> Thinning interval = 1 
#> Number of chains = 1 
#> Sample size per chain = 2000 
#> 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
#>    plus standard error of the mean:
#>                 Mean       SD Naive SE Time-series SE
#> (Intercept)  56.4193 13.40915 0.299838       0.299838
#> DISCBD       -4.7794  2.14113 0.047877       0.047877
#> INC          -0.9422  0.34677 0.007754       0.007754
#> HOVAL        -0.1806  0.09837 0.002200       0.002200
#> lag.INC       0.4213  0.63243 0.014141       0.014141
#> rho           0.1873  0.18174 0.004064       0.004064
#> sige        103.8701 23.29384 0.520866       0.566802
#> 2. Quantiles for each variable:
#>                2.5%       25%      50%      75%      97.5%
#> (Intercept) 30.6341 47.656256  56.4238  65.0877  84.808823
#> DISCBD      -9.2565 -6.160525  -4.7536  -3.3735  -0.714089
#> INC         -1.6336 -1.174123  -0.9427  -0.7090  -0.263713
#> HOVAL       -0.3719 -0.247402  -0.1791  -0.1148   0.006329
#> lag.INC     -0.8379 -0.005461   0.4129   0.8399   1.648619
#> rho         -0.2116  0.072536   0.1836   0.3067   0.535793
#> sige        67.8946 87.054945 100.9815 116.4528 161.258258
print(summary(impacts(COL.D1.Bayes, tr=trMatc), short=TRUE, zstats=TRUE))
#> Impact measures (mixed, trace):
#>            Direct    Indirect      Total
#> DISCBD -4.8194767 -1.06169757 -5.8811743
#> INC    -0.9312352  0.29032298 -0.6409122
#> HOVAL  -0.1821150 -0.04011868 -0.2222336
#> ========================================================
#> Simulation results ( variance matrix):
#> ========================================================
#> Simulated standard errors
#>           Direct   Indirect     Total
#> DISCBD 2.1896626 1.82105239 3.3751922
#> INC    0.3494541 0.81612759 0.8914013
#> HOVAL  0.1001927 0.06787487 0.1430090
#> Simulated z-values:
#>           Direct   Indirect      Total
#> DISCBD -2.224202 -0.7454394 -1.8451502
#> INC    -2.683306  0.3286082 -0.7510717
#> HOVAL  -1.835800 -0.7422472 -1.6384544
#> Simulated p-values:
#>        Direct    Indirect Total   
#> DISCBD 0.0261348 0.45601  0.065016
#> INC    0.0072898 0.74245  0.452610
#> HOVAL  0.0663872 0.45794  0.101327
#data(elect80, package="spData")
#lw <- spdep::nb2listw(e80_queen, zero.policy=TRUE)
#el_ml <- lagsarlm(log(pc_turnout) ~ log(pc_college) + log(pc_homeownership)
# + log(pc_income), data=elect80, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE, method="LU")
#el_B <- spBreg_lag(log(pc_turnout) ~ log(pc_college) + log(pc_homeownership)
# + log(pc_income), data=elect80, listw=lw, zero.policy=TRUE)
#print(attr(el_B, "timings"))
# }