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dtwSat v1.0.0

CRAN release: 2023-09-22

Major Updates:

  • Dependency Updates: This release removes obsolete dependencies, notably raster, rgdal, and sp.

  • Reduced Dependencies: We have significantly minimized the number of package dependencies to streamline the installation and update process.

  • Spatial Data Handling with sf and stars: Spatial data handling has been overhauled. We’ve introduced support for the sf and stars packages to enhance this capability.

  • Improved Workflow Compatibility: The package now offers a workflow that aligns more seamlessly with other prevalent image classification workflows.

dtwSat v0.2.8

CRAN release: 2022-10-11

  • Adds faster implementation of TWDTW for logistic weight function

  • Fixes small bugs

  • Adds vignettes

dtwSat v0.2.7

CRAN release: 2021-09-19

  • Adds support to user defined TWDTW weight function

  • Drop support to parallel processing

  • Adds a minimalist function called twdtwReduceTime that is 3x faster than twdtwApply. This function can be used for high level parallel processing implemented by users

dtwSat v0.2.6

CRAN release: 2020-03-02

  • Fixes error in to - from : non-numeric argument to binary operator in “twdtwAssess”

  • Fixes bug in .twdtw fundtion

  • Adds function for fast time series classification “twdtw_reduce_time” (~3x faster than twdtwApply)

dtwSat v0.2.5

CRAN release: 2019-01-27

  • Adds dtwSat paper published on Journal of Statistical Software

  • Fixing bugs

    Fix error in plotAccuracy

    Generalizes twdwAssess to cases with only one map

    Fixes error in getTimeSeries due to time series with only one no observation

dtwSat v0.2.4

CRAN release: 2018-05-25

  • New features

    Include the function twdtwApplyParallel for TWDTW parallel processing using the package snow

    Include writeRaster for twdtwRaster class

    Improve tests and documentation

    Improve memory usage of twdtwApply

    Improve memory usage and speed of twdtwClassify

    Auto recognition of the argument “doy” to avoid naming the argument “doy = doy”

  • Fixing bugs

    Fix bug in twdtwAssess for class twdtwMatches

    Fix bug in twdtwRaster

dtwSat v0.2.3

CRAN release: 2017-05-16

  • New features

    Register TWDTW as a distance function into package proxy

  • Fixing bugs

    Fix typos in plot labels

dtwSat v0.2.2 Release Notes

CRAN release: 2017-03-31

  • New features

    New accuracy metrics (twdtwAssess) for classified map, including User’s and Producer’s accuracy, and area uncertainty.

    Include methods for accuracy visualization (plot and LaTeX tables)

  • Update data set names

    Rename the data sets in ordes to avoid future overwriting of functions and data sets. “example_ts” replaced with “MOD13Q1.ts”. Tthe data sets are now called:

    MOD13Q1.MT.yearly.patterns Data: patterns time series MOD13Q1.patterns.list Data: patterns time series MOD13Q1.ts Data: An example of satellite time series MOD13Q1.ts.labels Data: Labels of the satellite time series in MOD13Q1.ts MOD13Q1.ts.list

  • Fixing bugs

    Fix bug in twdtwApply wrong sign in ‘by’ argument

    Fix bug in time index for twdtwApply-twdtwRaster

dtwSat v0.2.1 Release Notes

CRAN release: 2016-07-19

  • Fix Solaris installation errors.

dtwSat v0.2.0 Release Notes

CRAN release: 2016-07-10

  • Include Fortran optimization

    This version includes functions written in Fortran.

  • Obsolete features

    The S4 class ‘twdtw’ no longer exists.

  • New features

    New S4 classes: twdtwTimeSeries, twdtwMatches, and twdtwRaster.

    plot methods for twdtwRaster object: ‘maps’, ‘area’, ‘changes’, and ‘distance’.

    plot methods for twdtwTimeSeries objects: ‘’patterns’’ and ‘’timeseries’’.

    plot methods for twdtwMatches objects: ‘’paths’‘,’‘matches’‘,’‘alignments’‘,’‘classification’‘,’‘cost’‘,’‘patterns’‘, and’‘timeseries’’.

    createPattern function to create temporal patterns based on set of time series.

    getTimeSeries extract time series from raster objects.

    twdtwApply apply the TWDTW analysis for raster and time series objects.

dtwSat v0.1.1 Release Notes

  • New features

    ‘normalizeQuery’ new normalization feature for TWDTW

    ‘template.list’ new dataset. List of template time series

    arguments ‘from’ and ‘to’ in ‘classifyIntervals’ updated to include ‘character’ or ‘Dates’ in in the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd’

    Align query and template by name if names not null in ‘twdtw’ function

  • deprecated features

    argument ‘x’ from function ‘waveletSmoothing’ is deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in the next version. Please use ‘timeseries’ instead.

    argument ‘template’ from functions ‘twdtw’ and ‘mtwdtw’ is deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in the next version. Please use ‘timeseries’ instead.

    argument ‘normalized’ is deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in the next version from all methods

    ‘createTimeSequence’ is deprecated. Use ‘getModisTimeSequence’ instead.

    Fix function name. ‘classfyIntervals’ is deprecated. Use ‘classifyIntervals’ instead.

  • Fixing bugs

    Fix plot intervals in plotClassify

    replace range(x) for range(x, na.rm=TRUE) in all methods

    Bug fixed in cost matrix indexing

dtwSat v0.1.0 Release Notes

CRAN release: 2015-10-10

  • First version of dtwSat on CRAN

dtwSat v0.0.1 Release Notes

  • Earlier dtwSat development version