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mapview (2024-12-20)

✨ features and improvements
🐛 bug fixes
💬 documentation etc
🍬 miscellaneous

mapview 2.11.2 (2023-10-13)

CRAN release: 2023-10-13

🍬 miscellaneous
  • removed retired package rgdal. #446

mapview 2.11.1 (2023-10-12)

✨ features and improvements
  • added mapshot2() which uses webshot2 package for screenshots.
🐛 bug fixes
  • when burst = TRUE popups were not correct. #396 & #408
  • recreated data crs with sf::st_crs() to avoid warnings (‘old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()’). #411
  • RasterBrick method now returns correct @object slot.

mapview 2.10.4

new features:

  • all methods now have a hide argument to hide layers at the first render.

mapview 2.10.3

new features:

  • use interpolated numeric legend also if number of unique values <= 11. #389


  • stars image now renders correctly if supplying only a few colors. #388
  • data now appears in maps when using default settings with VSCode R extension.

mapview 2.10.0

new features:

  • new implementation of print method to make mapview with flatgeobuf work outside RStudio.
  • auto setting of mapviewOptions(fgb = TRUE) at load only if not in knitr, notebook.
  • new option basemaps.color.shuffle to control if basemaps should automatically adjust to colors of overlays (i.e. use black basemap as default for very light colors). #377



  • rmd files did not compile due to missing popup.css #312
  • method for RasterStackBrick now respects query.digits option. #334
  • don’t emit warning when length(at) == length(color). #327
  • alpha.regions now respected if burst = TRUE. #352
  • printing in rmarkdown notebooks works now if fgb & georaster options are FALSE. #351
  • setting options(“OutDec” = “,”) does not cause an error anymore. #353
  • factor legends now displayed correctly (hopefully). #362 #356
  • re-enabled hidden argument hide to hide all but the first layer of a RasterStackBrick. #374
  • custom layer names now respected when rendering lists (if same length). #383

mapview 2.9.0

new features:


  • all deprecated functions are now defunct. See ?mapview-defunct.
  • drop viridisLite dependency and use base::hcl.colors() instead. We now depend on R >= 3.6.

mapview 2.7.8

new features:

  • new method for tiled image collections (created with e.g. gdal2tiles). #222
  • new method file path (currently vector only) without loading into R.
  • initial support for ‘mapdeck’ as a rendering platform.
  • mapshot now works for all and any htmlwidget.
  • new functions startWatching/stopWatching to automatically mapview all spatial objects in a given environment (default .GlobalEnv).


  • deprecated addStarsImage - now in package leafem. Thanks to Luigi Ranghetti #230
  • deprecated addExtent - now in package leafem. Thanks to Lorenzo Busetto #233
  • dropped Rcpp dependency.


  • factor legends should now work as expected. #240

mapview 2.7.0


  • addMouseCoordinates now also displays native coordinates for leaflet maps. #205 - now moved to package leafem.
  • deprecated slideview, cubeview, latticeview & sync, plainview, popup* functions.
  • deprecated addFeatures, garnishMap, addHomeButton, addImageQuery, addLogo, addMouseCoordinates.


  • mapview would return NULL if zcol was of type logic. #200

mapview 2.6.3


  • argument popup now also accepts FALSE in addition to NULL to suppress popups.
  • plainview argument legend now accepts a list describing the colorkey (see ?lattice::levelplot for details). #187
  • mapview popup css now has white background (for better leaflet integration).
  • NAMESPACE now registers S3method (knitr::knit_print) conditionally as requested by KH.

mapview 2.6.0

new features:

  • mapview has gained argument viewer.suppress to enable rendering in the browser.
  • popupTable has gained argument to choose whether to show or hide ‘Feature ID’ column. #182


  • isFALSE (caused errors on R < 3.5) is now handled properly.
  • mapshot does not unintentionally delete url anymore if saving to png with same name.
  • mapshot now properly deletes temporary url when saving to png (or png and html).
  • internal function mapview:::nrings now calculates number of polygon rings correctly. #181

mapview 2.5.0

new features:

  • addMouseCoordinates now displays basic info by default. Detailed info can be accessed by holding Ctrl keyboard button which also copies lon, lat and zoom info to the clipboard when Ctrl + clicking on the map. #113
  • npts has gained argument by_feature to count the number of vertices for each feature individually. #155
  • canvas now auto-detected based on feature complexity.
  • is now cut at 50 characters which used to be especially problematic for dplyr chains inside a mapview call. Fixes #159
  • added ‘+’ method for RHS class NULL.
  • popupImage has gained argument embed to specify whether local images should be embeded as base64 in the popup html. #168
  • stars methods re-enabled since now on CRAN.
  • added viewRGB method for stars images.


  • leaflet::addScalebar() would prevent Raster* method from rendering correctly for multiple layers.
  • cex was not respected when burst = TRUE. #149
  • popupTable() no longer causes a stack overflow with large point data. #154
  • popupGraph() no longer relies on png files on disk but embeds graphs via base64. #156
  • in mapshot, remove temporary url files only if remove_url = TRUE. #157
  • removeMouseCoordinates() should work properly now (also exported). #145
  • home button for single point now zooms to maximum zoom 18.


  • dropped gdalUtils from Imports. gdalinfo and gdal_translate now used via sf.
  • addMapPane has been migrated to leaflet.
  • legend now TRUE by default as all legends are now linked to layers.
  • better error messages in some cases (e.g. missing zcol, empty objects).
  • package now depends on leaflet >= 1.0.0
  • highlight now also accepts FALSE in addition to NULL to stop highlighting.

mapview 2.4.0

new features:

  • addImageQuery has gained argument prefix to modify the layerId prefix.
  • mapview methods for raster data have gained arguments label, query.type, query.digits, query.position and query.prefix to modify raster value query settings.
  • popupTable now right aligns values.
  • Thanks to Pierre Roudier quantile strectching in viewRGB can now be turned off by simply setting to NULL. #127
  • mapshot has gained argument remove_controls to remove map junk when saving to image file format.
  • mapview method for data.frame has gained argument crs to enable rendering on a basemap #138
  • updated to work with leaflet 2.0.0 #129 (incl. deprecation of previously used large methods)
  • new function addMapPane to enable control over layer order.
  • mapview has gained argument pane as it now uses addMapPane to ensure points overlay lines overlay polygons.
  • mapview has gained argument canvas to enable canvas rendering.


  • viewRGB failed because of missing method argument. #125
  • combineExtent didn’t check properly for crs and failed for raster images.

mapview 2.3.0

new features:

  • popupTable has gained argument row.numbers to disable row numbers. #109
  • new function addStarsImage to visualise stars images.
  • new function addImageQuery to provide raster/stars value query on mouseover/click.
  • mapview has gained new argument method to specify the method used for resampling of raster data. #123


  • raster method with = TRUE did throw an error on windows. #111
  • SpatialPixelsDataFrame and SpatialGridDataFrame failed because of missing map argument.
  • example for multiple popupImages was broken. #118
  • SpatialPixelsDataFrame failed when zcol was supplied. #124


  • added more details in description field as per request of Uwe Ligges.
  • moved leaflet from Depends to Imports.

mapview 2.2.0

new features:

  • if supported by the installed leaflet version, legends are now automatically linked to layers.
  • simple features with XYZ, XYM or XYZM geometries are now supported.
  • added function addExtent to add rectangles showing bbox/extent/outline of sf/sp/raster objects.
  • more concise internal recursive method dispatch.
  • if multiple layers are plotted (via “+”) initial zoom is now on global extent and a “Zoom full” button is added to the map at the bottom left of the map to re-zoom to this global extent.
  • we now have mapview method for class ‘data.frame’ which enables interactive scatter plots.
  • we now have mapview method for class ‘numeric’ which enables interactive plots of a numeric variable.
  • updated slideView to accommodate more than one incident in a flexdashboard #95
  • if supplied data has only one attribute/field column mapview will now colour the plot automatically according to that attribute/field.
  • new mapview method for class ‘bbox’ -> mapview(st_bbox(x)) is equivalent to viewExtent(x)
  • plainview now provides mouse coordinates


  • added testthat suite of functions.
  • increased performance when using “+”-method (about 10x faster now).


  • manifold bug fixes - addressing issues with list layers, alpha channel and many more.

mapview 2.1.4

new features:

  • popupImage now accepts more than one file name (list or vector) in argument img.


  • na.alpha caused list/burst methods to fail.
  • legend did not work when zcol only had one unique value. This was actually a deliberate choice as for a single map it doesn’t really make sense to have a legend for only one color. However, for latticeView/sync this does actually make sense, hence re-enabled.

mapview 2.1.0

new features:

  • plainview/cubeview now respects/has gained argument na.color.
  • mapview now supports st_GEOMETRY with truly mixed feature types (e.g. LINESTRING and POLYGON) - fixes #85
  • addFeatures(): one function to add them all. Type agnostic version of leaflet::add* functions for simple features objects.
  • mapview (for vector data only) has gained argument na.alpha to control opacity of missing values.


  • deleted obsolete data.table import.
  • fixed #79: colnames of popup Tables are now converted to utf-8.
  • fixed #78: respect explicit setting of ‘’ argument.
  • included NEWS file as R-help doesn’t render
  • highlight now respects alpha/alpha.regions = 0

mapview 2.0.1

new features:

  • addMouseCoordinates has gained argument ‘style’ to specify whether to show ‘basic’ (lat, lon, zoom) or ‘detailed’ (x, y, epsg, proj4, lat, lon, zoom) information. Factory-fresh default is ‘detailed’.

  • addLogo has gained argument ‘alpha’ to set the opacity of the image.

  • Someone draws quickest…

  • added new method for list of objects so that we can do mapview(list(x, y, z)) which is great for computational outputs such as lapply.

  • slideView has gained arguments ‘label1’ and ‘label2’ to supply slider names for the respective images, img1 and img2.

  • new popup layout (making more use of the space available).

  • added new function addLargeFeatures to render large datasets of up to ~100k features which is used automatically. To lower/elevate the threshold use maxpoints = … (See ?mapview for details).

  • mapview methods for all basic sf classes (XY/sfg, sfc, sf)

  • added support for sf to “+”

  • we can now render features/objects with arbitrary CRS (without map background) by setting ‘ = TRUE’.

  • mapview will now decide which default base map to use based on average luminence of rendered colors.

  • mapview now provides subtle highlighting of polygons (changing opacity slightly) and lines (changing thickness).

  • plainView, slideView and cubeView have gained argument legend. default is TRUE. Legends only available for non-RGB methods!

  • new data sets:

    • ‘franconia’ (administrative district boundaries of Franconia)
    • ‘breweries’ (extended version of the ‘breweries91’ data)
    • ‘trails’ (selected hiking trails in franconia to connect the breweries)
  • data sets ‘breweries91’, ‘gadmCHE’ and ‘atlStorms2005’ have been deleted and moved to leaflet.


  • sync, addMouseCoordinates and addLogo did not work anymore. Now fixed thanks to @timelyportfolio


  • MAJOR internal change: All vector data are now processed as sf objects internally. This also means that objects returned in slot @object will be of class sf (regardless of input class).
  • polygons and points now have a darkish gray line frame (unless add*LargeFeatures is used - where the overhead of passing two sets of colors would be too high).
  • updated examples (in line with new data).
  • github repository moved from to

mapview 1.2.0

new features:

  • garnishMap: function to add multiple decoration elements, such as leaflet::addLayersControl or addHomeButton to a map (mainly for internal use).
  • addHomeButton: add a zoom-to-layer button to a map.
  • addLogo: add an image to a map.
  • plainview now shows CRS and dimension info.


  • na.color was not respected for Raster* and SpatialPiXelsDF.
  • removed lat and lon entries in popupTable for polygons as we now have mousecoordinates.
  • for raster objects the legend did not respect the intervals specified by ‘at’.
  • mapview working again for objects with no projection (NA).
  • mapview for SPoints* with only one point did through an error #36.

mapview 1.1.0

new features:

  • addMouseCoordinates: add cursor position information to mapview or leaflet map. (thanks to Kent Russell).
  • if available from leaflet version, a scalebar is added to the map.
  • latticeView: view mapview or leaflet maps as small multiples and sync some, all or none (thanks to Kent Russell).
  • sync: synchronise two or more leaflet maps (thanks to Kenton Russell).
  • mapshot: to save maps as html page or static image or both.
  • knitr integration (i.e. no need to call the @map slot anymore to render in knitr).
  • cubeView: view raster bricks or stacks hovmoeller style, use keys up & down, left & right, page up & page down to navigate through y, x, z dimensions, respectively.
  • labels: if zcol is set, mouseover will now show the respective values of zcol, if zcol is not set moseover shows feature ID. Only available if suitable leaflet package version is installed.
  • new popup functions popupTable, popupGraph and popupImage.
  • functions to turn coordinates into spatial lines or spatial polygons.
  • mapview objects now work natively on shiny applications (i.e. renderMapview and mapviewOutput now available).
  • “zcol = Var” in combination with burst = TRUE now plots one layer for each unique value of the variable supplied to zcol.


  • spplot method has been removed.
  • colors: viridis based colors now default if viridisLite package is available.
  • basemaps: new default basemap is “CartoDB.Positron” as colors of features are better visible on the grey background.
  • layer names now include the name of the object they originate from (e.g. “meuse lead” instead of “lead”).


  • if attribute was of class “character” mapview did through an error if passed to zcol.
  • user provided layer names were not respected when zcol was set. See also note on changes in default layer names.

mapview 1.0.0

  • Initial release