mapview + mapview adds data from the second map to the first
mapview + data adds spatial data (raster*, sf*, sp*) to a mapview map
mapview + NULL returns the LHS map
mapview | mapview provides a slider in the middle to compare two maps.
mapview | NULL returns the LHS map
NULL | mapview returns the RHS map
# S4 method for class 'mapview,mapview'
e1 + e2
# S4 method for class 'mapview,ANY'
e1 + e2
# S4 method for class 'mapview,NULL'
e1 + e2
# S4 method for class 'mapview,character'
e1 + e2
# S4 method for class 'mapview,NULL'
e1 | e2
# S4 method for class 'NULL,mapview'
e1 | e2
m1 <- mapView(franconia, col.regions = "red")
m2 <- mapView(breweries)
### add two mapview objects
m1 + m2
### add layers to a mapview object
if (interactive()) {
m1 + breweries + plainview::poppendorf[[4]]
m1 <- mapView(franconia, col.regions = "red")
m2 <- mapView(breweries)
### add two mapview objects
m1 | m2
#> Loading required namespace: leaflet.extras2