sfdbi helps you manipulate spatial data stored in a database as if it was in-memory with standard sf and dplyr functions. With sfdbi, you can read and write sf objects to databases and translate sf operations to SQL
. We support postgis
, but feel free to open an issue for other backends and show you interest.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
sfdbi is not available on CRAN yet.
This is how you write and read spatial data to a database. Note that sfdbi works best with dplyr.
#> Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.2, PROJ 6.2.1
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
host = "localhost",
port = 25432
) %>%
# Create a spatial table
pyramids <- tribble(
~what, ~geom,
"Giza", "POINT(31.1342 29.9792)",
"Khafre", "POINT(31.130833 29.976111)",
"Menkaure", "POINT(31.128333 29.9725)",
"Khentkaus I", "POINT(31.135608 29.973406)",
"Sphynx", "POINT(31.137778 29.975278)",
) %>%
geom = st_as_sfc(geom, crs = 4326)
# Copy spatial data to database
x <- copy_to(con, pyramids)
#> Note: method with signature 'DBIObject#sf' chosen for function 'dbDataType',
#> target signature 'PqConnection#sf'.
#> "PqConnection#ANY" would also be valid
# Queue operations to the database
y <- x %>%
geom = geom %>%
st_transform(23035L) %>%
# View the query to be executed
y %>% show_query()
#> <SQL>
#> SELECT "what", st_buffer(st_transform("geom", 23035), 10.0) AS "geom"
#> FROM "pyramids"
# Execute operation in the database and load it in R memory
#> # A tibble: 5 x 2
#> what geom
#> <chr> <POLYGON [m]>
#> 1 Giza ((899053.3 3323853, 899053.1 3323851, 899052.6 3323849, 899051.7 3…
#> 2 Khafre ((898740.5 3323498, 898740.3 3323496, 898739.7 3323494, 898738.8 3…
#> 3 Menkaure ((898513.4 3323089, 898513.2 3323087, 898512.7 3323085, 898511.7 3…
#> 4 Khentkaus… ((899212.6 3323215, 899212.4 3323213, 899211.8 3323211, 899210.9 3…
#> 5 Sphynx ((899414.7 3323430, 899414.5 3323428, 899413.9 3323426, 899413 332…