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Functions that return metadata about the installed and enabled algorithms or processing providers, or about the installed plugins that implement processing providers. See the QGIS docs for a detailed description of the algorithms provided 'out of the box' on QGIS.


qgis_algorithms(query = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, include_deprecated = TRUE)

qgis_providers(query = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, include_deprecated = TRUE)

qgis_plugins(which = "all", query = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, ...)



Use TRUE to refresh the cached value.


Use FALSE to display more information, possibly useful for debugging.


Logical. Should deprecated algorithms be included?


String defining which plugins to select, based on their status in QGIS (enabled or disabled). Must be one of: "all", "enabled", "disabled".


Only used by other functions calling this function.


A tibble of algorithms, processing providers or plugins, with metadata.


The include_deprecated argument in qgis_algorithms() does not affect the cached value. The latter always includes deprecated algorithms if these are returned by 'qgis_process' (this requires the JSON output method).

See also

qgis_enable_plugins(), qgis_disable_plugins()

Other topics about information on algorithms & processing providers: qgis_search_algorithms(), qgis_show_help()

Other topics about reporting the QGIS state: has_qgis(), qgis_path(), qgis_using_json_input()


#> # A tibble: 364 × 24
#>    provider provider_title algorithm                algorithm_id algorithm_title
#>    <chr>    <chr>          <chr>                    <chr>        <chr>          
#>  1 3d       QGIS (3D)      3d:tessellate            tessellate   Tessellate     
#>  2 gdal     GDAL           gdal:aspect              aspect       Aspect         
#>  3 gdal     GDAL           gdal:assignprojection    assignproje… Assign project…
#>  4 gdal     GDAL           gdal:buffervectors       buffervecto… Buffer vectors 
#>  5 gdal     GDAL           gdal:buildvirtualraster  buildvirtua… Build virtual …
#>  6 gdal     GDAL           gdal:buildvirtualvector  buildvirtua… Build virtual …
#>  7 gdal     GDAL           gdal:cliprasterbyextent  cliprasterb… Clip raster by…
#>  8 gdal     GDAL           gdal:cliprasterbymaskla… cliprasterb… Clip raster by…
#>  9 gdal     GDAL           gdal:clipvectorbyextent  clipvectorb… Clip vector by…
#> 10 gdal     GDAL           gdal:clipvectorbypolygon clipvectorb… Clip vector by…
#> # ℹ 354 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: provider_can_be_activated <lgl>,
#> #   provider_is_active <lgl>, provider_long_name <chr>, provider_version <chr>,
#> #   provider_warning <chr>, can_cancel <lgl>, deprecated <lgl>, group <chr>,
#> #   has_known_issues <lgl>, help_url <chr>, requires_matching_crs <lgl>,
#> #   short_description <chr>, tags <list>, default_raster_file_extension <chr>,
#> #   default_vector_file_extension <chr>, …
qgis_algorithms(include_deprecated = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 343 × 24
#>    provider provider_title algorithm                algorithm_id algorithm_title
#>    <chr>    <chr>          <chr>                    <chr>        <chr>          
#>  1 3d       QGIS (3D)      3d:tessellate            tessellate   Tessellate     
#>  2 gdal     GDAL           gdal:aspect              aspect       Aspect         
#>  3 gdal     GDAL           gdal:assignprojection    assignproje… Assign project…
#>  4 gdal     GDAL           gdal:buffervectors       buffervecto… Buffer vectors 
#>  5 gdal     GDAL           gdal:buildvirtualraster  buildvirtua… Build virtual …
#>  6 gdal     GDAL           gdal:buildvirtualvector  buildvirtua… Build virtual …
#>  7 gdal     GDAL           gdal:cliprasterbyextent  cliprasterb… Clip raster by…
#>  8 gdal     GDAL           gdal:cliprasterbymaskla… cliprasterb… Clip raster by…
#>  9 gdal     GDAL           gdal:clipvectorbyextent  clipvectorb… Clip vector by…
#> 10 gdal     GDAL           gdal:clipvectorbypolygon clipvectorb… Clip vector by…
#> # ℹ 333 more rows
#> # ℹ 19 more variables: provider_can_be_activated <lgl>,
#> #   provider_is_active <lgl>, provider_long_name <chr>, provider_version <chr>,
#> #   provider_warning <chr>, can_cancel <lgl>, deprecated <lgl>, group <chr>,
#> #   has_known_issues <lgl>, help_url <chr>, requires_matching_crs <lgl>,
#> #   short_description <chr>, tags <list>, default_raster_file_extension <chr>,
#> #   default_vector_file_extension <chr>, …
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#>   provider provider_title    algorithm_count
#>   <chr>    <chr>                       <int>
#> 1 gdal     GDAL                           56
#> 2 qgis     QGIS                           41
#> 3 3d       QGIS (3D)                       1
#> 4 native   QGIS (native c++)             266
qgis_plugins(quiet = FALSE)
#> Reading plugin list from the qgisprocess cache.
#>   If you changed plugin availability or status in the QGIS GUI since you loaded the
#>   qgisprocess package, then you must run `qgis_configure()` or reload the package
#>   to capture these changes.
#> 0 out of 3 available processing provider plugins are enabled.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   name                    enabled
#>   <chr>                   <lgl>  
#> 1 grassprovider           FALSE  
#> 2 processing              FALSE  
#> 3 processing_saga_nextgen FALSE  
qgis_plugins(which = "disabled")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   name                    enabled
#>   <chr>                   <lgl>  
#> 1 grassprovider           FALSE  
#> 2 processing              FALSE  
#> 3 processing_saga_nextgen FALSE