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Discover and learn geoprocessing algorithms

qgis_algorithms() qgis_providers() qgis_plugins()
List algorithms, processing providers or plugins
Search geoprocessing algorithms
qgis_show_help() qgis_get_description() qgis_get_argument_specs() qgis_get_output_specs()
Get detailed information about one algorithm

Prepare special input arguments

qgis_list_input() qgis_dict_input()
Prepare a compound input argument

Run geoprocessing algorithms

Run an algorithm using 'qgis_process'
Run an algorithm using 'qgis_process': pipe-friendly wrapper
Create a wrapper function that runs one algorithm

Handle processing results

Coerce processing output

qgis_as_raster() qgis_as_brick()
Convert a qgis_result object or one of its elements to a raster object
Convert a qgis_result object or one of its elements to a terra object
st_as_sf(<qgis_result>) st_as_sf(<qgis_outputVector>) st_as_sf(<qgis_outputLayer>)
Convert a qgis_result object or one of its elements to an sf object
st_as_stars(<qgis_outputRaster>) st_as_stars(<qgis_outputLayer>) st_as_stars(<qgis_result>)
Convert a qgis_result object or one of its elements to a stars object

Explore and manage QGIS and qgisprocess state

has_qgis() qgis_has_plugin() qgis_has_provider() qgis_has_algorithm()
Check availability of QGIS, a plugin, a provider or an algorithm
qgis_algorithms() qgis_providers() qgis_plugins()
List algorithms, processing providers or plugins
Configure qgisprocess
qgis_detect_paths() qgis_detect_windows_paths() qgis_detect_macos_paths()
Detect QGIS installations with 'qgis_process' on Windows and macOS
qgis_enable_plugins() qgis_disable_plugins()
Enable or disable QGIS plugins
qgis_path() qgis_version()
Get metadata about the used 'qgis_process' command
Search geoprocessing algorithms
qgis_using_json_input() qgis_using_json_output()
Report if JSON objects are used for input to and output from 'qgis_process'

Programming and debugging

qgis_result_status() qgis_result_stdout() qgis_result_stderr() qgis_result_args()
Access processing results: extra tools
Call the 'qgis_process' command directly
qgis_tmp_file() qgis_tmp_folder() qgis_tmp_vector() qgis_tmp_raster() qgis_tmp_base() qgis_clean_tmp()
Manage temporary files
Clean the package cache
qgis_using_json_input() qgis_using_json_output()
Report if JSON objects are used for input to and output from 'qgis_process'