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A scatterplot decomposition of the approximate profile-likelihood estimator, and a local APLE based on the list of vectors returned by the scatterplot function.


aple.plot(x, listw, override_similarity_check=FALSE, useTrace=TRUE, do.plot=TRUE, ...)
localAple(x, listw, override_similarity_check=FALSE, useTrace=TRUE)



a zero-mean detrended continuous variable


a listw object from for example spdep::nb2listw


default FALSE, if TRUE - typically for row-standardised weights with asymmetric underlying general weights - similarity is not checked


default TRUE, use trace of sparse matrix W %*% W (Li et al. (2010)), if FALSE, use crossproduct of eigenvalues of W as in Li et al. (2007)


default TRUE: should a scatterplot be drawn


other arguments to be passed to plot


The function solves a secondary eigenproblem of size n internally, so constructing the values for the scatterplot is quite compute and memory intensive, and is not suitable for very large n.


aple.plot returns list with components:


A vector as described in Li et al. (2007), p. 366.


A vector as described in Li et al. (2007), p. 367.

localAple returns a vector of local APLE values.


Li, H, Calder, C. A. and Cressie N. A. C. (2007) Beyond Moran's I: testing for spatial dependence based on the spatial autoregressive model. Geographical Analysis 39, pp. 357-375; Li, H, Calder, C. A. and Cressie N. A. C. (2012) One-step estimation of spatial dependence parameters: Properties and extensions of the APLE statistic, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 105, 68-84.


Roger Bivand

See also


# \dontrun{
wheat <- st_read(system.file("shapes/wheat.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
nbr1 <- spdep::poly2nb(wheat, queen=FALSE)
nbrl <- spdep::nblag(nbr1, 2)
#> Warning: lag 2 neighbour object has 2 sub-graphs
nbr12 <- spdep::nblag_cumul(nbrl)
cms0 <- with(, tapply(yield, c, median))
cms1 <- c(model.matrix(~ factor(c) -1, data=wheat) %*% cms0)
wheat$yield_detrend <- wheat$yield - cms1
plt_out <- aple.plot(as.vector(scale(wheat$yield_detrend, scale=FALSE)),
 spdep::nb2listw(nbr12, style="W"), cex=0.6)
lm_obj <- lm(Y ~ X, plt_out)
abline(v=0, h=0, lty=2)
zz <- summary(influence.measures(lm_obj))
#> Potentially influential observations of
#> 	 lm(formula = Y ~ X, data = plt_out) :
#>     dfb.1_ dfb.X dffit   cov.r   cook.d hat    
#> 34  -0.12   0.01 -0.12    0.98_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 50   0.10   0.01  0.11    0.98_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 60   0.00   0.00  0.00    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 118  0.01   0.01  0.02    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 137 -0.10  -0.01 -0.10    0.98_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 143 -0.02  -0.04 -0.05    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 157 -0.10  -0.05 -0.11    0.99_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 166  0.00   0.00  0.00    1.02_*  0.00   0.02_*
#> 168  0.01   0.02  0.03    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 176 -0.10   0.17 -0.20_*  0.99    0.02   0.01  
#> 177  0.03  -0.07  0.08    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 191  0.01   0.04  0.04    1.02_*  0.00   0.02_*
#> 192  0.10   0.18  0.20_*  0.99    0.02   0.01  
#> 201 -0.10   0.07 -0.12    0.99_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 216  0.02   0.05  0.05    1.02_*  0.00   0.01_*
#> 217  0.03   0.08  0.09    1.02_*  0.00   0.01_*
#> 225 -0.11  -0.07 -0.13    0.98_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 237 -0.10   0.02 -0.10    0.99_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 242 -0.02  -0.04 -0.04    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 287  0.14  -0.23  0.27_*  0.97_*  0.04   0.01  
#> 290 -0.18  -0.35 -0.40_*  0.95_*  0.08   0.01  
#> 295 -0.01  -0.01 -0.01    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 322  0.00   0.00  0.00    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 325 -0.10  -0.07 -0.12    0.99_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 351  0.19  -0.04  0.20_*  0.94_*  0.02   0.00  
#> 369  0.01  -0.03  0.03    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 376 -0.05  -0.13 -0.14    1.02_*  0.01   0.02_*
#> 392 -0.04   0.08 -0.09    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 393 -0.03   0.06 -0.07    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 394 -0.01   0.03 -0.03    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 402  0.10   0.02  0.10    0.99_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 429  0.13  -0.10  0.16    0.98_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 430 -0.11  -0.23 -0.25_*  0.99    0.03   0.01  
#> 438  0.00  -0.01 -0.01    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 442 -0.01   0.04 -0.04    1.02_*  0.00   0.02_*
#> 443 -0.01   0.02 -0.02    1.02_*  0.00   0.01_*
#> 461  0.02   0.04  0.04    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 462  0.01   0.03  0.03    1.03_*  0.00   0.02_*
#> 466  0.01  -0.02  0.02    1.02_*  0.00   0.01_*
#> 467 -0.03   0.08 -0.08    1.02_*  0.00   0.01_*
#> 468  0.02  -0.04  0.04    1.01_*  0.00   0.01  
#> 480  0.13   0.05  0.14    0.97_*  0.01   0.00  
#> 488  0.16   0.09  0.18    0.96_*  0.02   0.00  
#> 492 -0.13   0.12 -0.17    0.98_*  0.01   0.00  
infl <- as.integer(rownames(zz))
points(plt_out$X[infl], plt_out$Y[infl], pch=3, cex=0.6, col="red")

crossprod(plt_out$Y, plt_out$X)/crossprod(plt_out$X)
#>           [,1]
#> [1,] 0.6601805
wheat$localAple <- localAple(as.vector(scale(wheat$yield_detrend, scale=FALSE)),
 spdep::nb2listw(nbr12, style="W"))
#> [1] 0.6601805

opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
plot(wheat[,"localAple"], reset=FALSE)
text(st_coordinates(st_centroid(st_geometry(wheat)))[infl,], labels=rep("*", length(infl)))

# }