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The function fits a matrix exponential spatial lag model, using optim to find the value of alpha, the spatial coefficient.


lagmess(formula, data = list(), listw, zero.policy = NULL, na.action =,
 q = 10, start = -2.5, control=list(), method="BFGS", verbose=NULL,



a symbolic description of the model to be fit. The details of model specification are given for lm()


an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. By default the variables are taken from the environment which the function is called.


a listw object created for example by spdep::nb2listw()


default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA - causing lagmess() to terminate with an error


a function (default options("na.action")), can also be na.omit or na.exclude with consequences for residuals and fitted values - in these cases the weights list will be subsetted to remove NAs in the data. It may be necessary to set zero.policy to TRUE because this subsetting may create no-neighbour observations. Note that only weights lists created without using the glist argument to nb2listw may be subsetted.


default 10; number of powers of the spatial weights to use


starting value for numerical optimization, should be a small negative number


control parameters passed to optim


default BFGS, method passed to optim


default NULL, use global option value; if TRUE report function values during optimization


default FALSE; if TRUE use expm::expAtv instead of a truncated power series of W


The underlying spatial lag model:

$$y = \rho W y + X \beta + \varepsilon$$

where \(\rho\) is the spatial parameter may be fitted by maximum likelihood. In that case, the log likelihood function includes the logarithm of cumbersome Jacobian term \(|I - \rho W|\). If we rewrite the model as:

$$S y = X \beta + \varepsilon$$

we see that in the ML case \(S y = (I - \rho W) y\). If W is row-stochastic, S may be expressed as a linear combination of row-stochastic matrices. By pre-computing the matrix \([y, Wy, W^2y, ..., W^{q-1}y]\), the term \(S y (\alpha)\) can readily be found by numerical optimization using the matrix exponential approach. \(\alpha\) and \(\rho\) are related as \(\rho = 1 - \exp{\alpha}\), conditional on the number of matrix power terms taken q.


The function returns an object of class Lagmess with components:


the lm object returned after fitting alpha


the spatial coefficient


the standard error of the spatial coefficient using the numerical Hessian


the value of rho implied by alpha


the object returned by optim


the number of powers of the spatial weights used


the starting value for numerical optimization used


(possibly) named vector of excluded or omitted observations if non-default na.action argument used


the log likelihood of the aspatial model for the same data


J. P. LeSage and R. K. Pace (2007) A matrix exponential specification. Journal of Econometrics, 140, 190-214; J. P. LeSage and R. K. Pace (2009) Introduction to Spatial Econometrics. CRC Press, Chapter 9.


Roger Bivand and Eric Blankmeyer

See also


#require(spdep, quietly=TRUE)
data(baltimore, package="spData")
baltimore$AGE <- ifelse(baltimore$AGE < 1, 1, baltimore$AGE)
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(spdep::knn2nb(spdep::knearneigh(cbind(baltimore$X, baltimore$Y), k=7)))
obj1 <- lm(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT),
spdep::lm.morantest(obj1, lw)
#> 	Global Moran I for regression residuals
#> data:  
#> model: lm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data =
#> baltimore)
#> weights: lw
#> Moran I statistic standard deviate = 7.4648, p-value = 4.171e-14
#> alternative hypothesis: greater
#> sample estimates:
#> Observed Moran I      Expectation         Variance 
#>      0.245149959     -0.007853660      0.001148722 
spdep::lm.LMtests(obj1, lw, test="all")
#> Please update scripts to use lm.RStests in place of lm.LMtests
#> 	Rao's score (a.k.a Lagrange multiplier) diagnostics for spatial
#> 	dependence
#> data:  
#> model: lm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data =
#> baltimore)
#> test weights: listw
#> RSerr = 48.648, df = 1, p-value = 3.063e-12
#> 	Rao's score (a.k.a Lagrange multiplier) diagnostics for spatial
#> 	dependence
#> data:  
#> model: lm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data =
#> baltimore)
#> test weights: listw
#> RSlag = 83.091, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16
#> 	Rao's score (a.k.a Lagrange multiplier) diagnostics for spatial
#> 	dependence
#> data:  
#> model: lm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data =
#> baltimore)
#> test weights: listw
#> adjRSerr = 1.2535, df = 1, p-value = 0.2629
#> 	Rao's score (a.k.a Lagrange multiplier) diagnostics for spatial
#> 	dependence
#> data:  
#> model: lm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data =
#> baltimore)
#> test weights: listw
#> adjRSlag = 35.696, df = 1, p-value = 2.306e-09
#> 	Rao's score (a.k.a Lagrange multiplier) diagnostics for spatial
#> 	dependence
#> data:  
#> model: lm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data =
#> baltimore)
#> test weights: listw
#> SARMA = 84.344, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16
system.time(obj2 <- lagmess(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.033   0.000   0.034 
(x <- summary(obj2))
#> Matrix exponential spatial lag model:
#> Call:
#> lagmess(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), 
#>     data = baltimore, listw = lw)
#> Residuals:
#>       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#> -2.026722 -0.141191  0.050831  0.223830  1.073114 
#> Coefficients:
#>              Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)  1.546376   0.214513  7.2088 1.039e-11
#> PATIO        0.258287   0.086891  2.9726  0.003303
#> log(AGE)    -0.148174   0.035252 -4.2033 3.912e-05
#> log(SQFT)    0.300966   0.071598  4.2036 3.908e-05
#> Residual standard error: 0.41658 on 207 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.22373,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.21248 
#> F-statistic: 19.887 on 3 and 207 DF,  p-value: 2.2881e-11
#> Alpha: -0.64302, standard error: 0.1043
#>     z-value: -6.1649, p-value: 7.0511e-10
#> LR test value: 48.296, p-value: 3.6644e-12
#> Implied rho: 0.4742995 
#>               Estimate Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)  1.5463761 0.21451319  7.208769 1.038762e-11
#> PATIO        0.2582874 0.08689079  2.972552 3.303312e-03
#> log(AGE)    -0.1481738 0.03525174 -4.203305 3.912250e-05
#> log(SQFT)    0.3009659 0.07159771  4.203569 3.908038e-05
has_expm <- require("expm", quietly=TRUE)
#> Attaching package: ‘expm’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:Matrix’:
#>     expm
if (has_expm) {
obj2a <- lagmess(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw, use_expm=TRUE)
#> Matrix exponential spatial lag model:
#> (calculated with expm)
#> Call:
#> lagmess(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), 
#>     data = baltimore, listw = lw, use_expm = TRUE)
#> Residuals:
#>       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#> -2.026722 -0.141191  0.050831  0.223830  1.073114 
#> Coefficients:
#>              Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept)  1.546376   0.214513  7.2088 1.039e-11
#> PATIO        0.258287   0.086891  2.9726  0.003303
#> log(AGE)    -0.148174   0.035252 -4.2033 3.912e-05
#> log(SQFT)    0.300966   0.071598  4.2036 3.908e-05
#> Residual standard error: 0.41658 on 207 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.22373,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.21248 
#> F-statistic: 19.887 on 3 and 207 DF,  p-value: 2.2881e-11
#> Alpha: -0.64302, standard error: 0.1043
#>     z-value: -6.1649, p-value: 7.0511e-10
#> LR test value: 48.296, p-value: 3.6644e-12
#> Implied rho: 0.4742995 
obj3 <- lagsarlm(log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), data=baltimore, listw=lw)
#> Call:lagsarlm(formula = log(PRICE) ~ PATIO + log(AGE) + log(SQFT), 
#>     data = baltimore, listw = lw)
#> Residuals:
#>       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#> -1.969554 -0.147514  0.042581  0.199567  1.076181 
#> Type: lag 
#> Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors) 
#>              Estimate Std. Error z value  Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)  1.255885   0.320679  3.9163 8.991e-05
#> PATIO        0.244225   0.083448  2.9267 0.0034262
#> log(AGE)    -0.131947   0.034510 -3.8235 0.0001316
#> log(SQFT)    0.278888   0.070259  3.9694 7.205e-05
#> Rho: 0.55765, LR test value: 52.661, p-value: 3.9635e-13
#> Asymptotic standard error: 0.072749
#>     z-value: 7.6653, p-value: 1.7764e-14
#> Wald statistic: 58.757, p-value: 1.7875e-14
#> Log likelihood: -110.4248 for lag model
#> ML residual variance (sigma squared): 0.1589, (sigma: 0.39862)
#> Number of observations: 211 
#> Number of parameters estimated: 6 
#> AIC: 232.85, (AIC for lm: 283.51)
#> LM test for residual autocorrelation
#> test value: 8.7942, p-value: 0.0030219
# \donttest{
data(boston, package="spData")
lw <- spdep::nb2listw(boston.soi)
gp2 <- lagsarlm(log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2)
 +  AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
 data=boston.c, lw, method="Matrix")
#> Call:lagsarlm(formula = log(CMEDV) ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + 
#>     I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + 
#>     log(LSTAT), data = boston.c, listw = lw, method = "Matrix")
#> Residuals:
#>        Min         1Q     Median         3Q        Max 
#> -0.5262308 -0.0749699 -0.0044237  0.0713409  0.7122121 
#> Type: lag 
#> Coefficients: (asymptotic standard errors) 
#>                Estimate  Std. Error  z value  Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)  2.2796e+00  1.7495e-01  13.0302 < 2.2e-16
#> CRIM        -7.1045e-03  9.6236e-04  -7.3824 1.554e-13
#> ZN           3.7985e-04  3.8510e-04   0.9864 0.3239507
#> INDUS        1.2572e-03  1.7986e-03   0.6990 0.4845472
#> CHAS1        7.3677e-03  2.5416e-02   0.2899 0.7719057
#> I(NOX^2)    -2.6892e-01  8.8026e-02  -3.0550 0.0022508
#> I(RM^2)      6.7243e-03  1.0039e-03   6.6985 2.106e-11
#> AGE         -2.7682e-04  4.0062e-04  -0.6910 0.4895829
#> log(DIS)    -1.5830e-01  2.5554e-02  -6.1947 5.841e-10
#> log(RAD)     7.0689e-02  1.4616e-02   4.8363 1.323e-06
#> TAX         -3.6569e-04  9.3744e-05  -3.9009 9.582e-05
#> PTRATIO     -1.2011e-02  3.9599e-03  -3.0330 0.0024211
#> B            2.8432e-04  7.9402e-05   3.5807 0.0003427
#> log(LSTAT)  -2.3216e-01  2.0425e-02 -11.3663 < 2.2e-16
#> Rho: 0.48537, LR test value: 214.06, p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> Asymptotic standard error: 0.029426
#>     z-value: 16.494, p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> Wald statistic: 272.06, p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> Log likelihood: 264.0089 for lag model
#> ML residual variance (sigma squared): 0.019276, (sigma: 0.13884)
#> Number of observations: 506 
#> Number of parameters estimated: 16 
#> AIC: -496.02, (AIC for lm: -283.96)
#> LM test for residual autocorrelation
#> test value: 10.74, p-value: 0.0010486
gp2a <- lagmess(CMEDV ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + I(RM^2)
 +  AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + log(LSTAT),
 data=boston.c, lw)
#> Matrix exponential spatial lag model:
#> Call:
#> lagmess(formula = CMEDV ~ CRIM + ZN + INDUS + CHAS + I(NOX^2) + 
#>     I(RM^2) + AGE + log(DIS) + log(RAD) + TAX + PTRATIO + B + 
#>     log(LSTAT), data = boston.c, listw = lw)
#> Residuals:
#>       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max 
#> -17.03755  -2.05386  -0.30295   1.67710  21.82120 
#> Coefficients:
#>               Estimate Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) 35.3206850  3.0128759  11.7232 < 2.2e-16
#> CRIM        -0.0986056  0.0242819  -4.0609 5.688e-05
#> ZN           0.0198500  0.0098638   2.0124 0.0447222
#> INDUS        0.0071211  0.0461104   0.1544 0.8773301
#> CHAS1        0.8158059  0.6477224   1.2595 0.2084473
#> I(NOX^2)    -9.2592911  2.2072427  -4.1950 3.238e-05
#> I(RM^2)      0.2434745  0.0256001   9.5107 < 2.2e-16
#> AGE         -0.0040683  0.0102667  -0.3963 0.6920816
#> log(DIS)    -5.3974116  0.6514323  -8.2855 1.125e-15
#> log(RAD)     1.7142905  0.3732772   4.5925 5.569e-06
#> TAX         -0.0087053  0.0023933  -3.6373 0.0003046
#> PTRATIO     -0.4118524  0.0977997  -4.2112 3.021e-05
#> B            0.0056141  0.0020116   2.7908 0.0054614
#> log(LSTAT)  -6.1484203  0.4878957 -12.6019 < 2.2e-16
#> Residual standard error: 3.5594 on 492 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  0.76221,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.75593 
#> F-statistic: 121.31 on 13 and 492 DF,  p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> Alpha: -0.41361, standard error: 0.038521
#>     z-value: -10.737, p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> LR test value: 121.4, p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> Implied rho: 0.3387434 
# }