Adapted from Google Earth Engine Documentation.
This doc describes coding practices that are intended to maximize the chance of success for complex or expensive Earth Engine computations.
Earth Engine server objects are objects with constructors that start
with ee
(e.g. ee$Image, ee$Reducer) and any methods on such
objects are server functions. Any object not constructed in this manner
is a client object. Client objects may come from the R Earth Engine
client (e.g. Map) or the R language (e.g. date, data.frame, c(),
To avoid unintended behavior, do not mix client and server functions in your script as discussed here. See this page for in-depth explanation of client vs. server in Earth Engine. The following example illustrates the dangers of mixing client and server functionality:
— This code doesn’t work!
Can you spot the error? Note that table$size()
is a
server method on a server object and can not be used with client-side
functionality such as the seq_len
A situation in which you may want to use for-loops is with to display
results with Map
, since the Map object and methods are
Good —
Use client functions for display Earth Engine spatial objects.
l8_ts <- sprintf(
c("20140318", "20140403","20140419","20140505")
display_l8ts <- list()
for (l8 in l8_ts) {
ee_l8 <- ee$Image(l8)
display_l8ts[[l8]] <- Map$addLayer(ee_l8)
Reduce('+', display_l8ts)
Conversely, map()
is a server function and client
functionality won’t work inside the function passed to map(). For
— This code doesn’t work!
table <- ee$FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017')
# Error:
foobar <- table$map(function(f) {
print(f); # Can't use a client function here.
# Can't Export, either.
Good —
table <- ee$FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017')
# Do something to every element of a collection.
withMoreProperties = table$map(function(f) {
# Set a property.
f$set("area_sq_meters", f$area())
You can also filter()
the collection based on computed
or existing properties and print()
the result. Note that
you can not print a collection with more 5000 elements. If you get the
“Collection query aborted after accumulating over 5000 elements” error,
or limit()
the collection before
Collections in Earth Engine are processed using optimizations that
are broken by converting the collection to a List
type. Unless you need random access to collection
elements (i.e. you need to get the i’th element of a collection), use
filters on the collection to access individual collection elements. The
following example illustrates the difference between type conversion
(not recommended) and filtering (recommended) to access an element in a
Bad —
Don’t convert to list unnecessarily!
table <- ee$FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017');
# Do NOT do this!!
list <- table$toList(table$size())
print(list$get(13)$getInfo()) # User memory limit exceeded.
Note that you can easily trigger errors by converting a collection to
a list unnecessarily. The safer way is to use filter()
Good —
print(table$filter(ee$Filter$eq('country_na', 'Niger'))$first()$getInfo())
Note that you should use filters as early as possible in your analysis.
Do not use ee.Algorithms.If()
to implement branching
logic, especially in a mapped function. As the following example
illustrates, ee.Algorithms.If()
can be memory intensive and
is not recommended:
Bad —
Don’t use
table <- ee.FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017')
# Do NOT do this!
veryBad = table$map(function(f) {
condition = ee$String(f$get('country_na'))$compareTo('Chad')$gt(0),
trueCase = f, # Do something.
falseCase = NULL # Do something else.
}, TRUE)
print(veryBad$getInfo()) # User memory limit exceeded.
# If() may evaluate both the true and false cases.
Note that the second argument to map()
. This means that the mapped function may return nulls
and they will be dropped in the resultant collection. That can be useful
(without If()
), but here the easiest solution is to use a
Good —
print(table$filter(ee$Filter$eq('country_na', 'Chad')))
As shown in this tutorial, a functional programming approach using filters is the correct way to apply one logic to some elements of a collection and another logic to the other elements of the collection.
Don’t use reproject
unless absolutely necessary. One
reason you might want to use reproject() is to force Map
display computations to happen at a specific scale so you can examine
the results at your desired scale of analysis. In the next example,
patches of hot pixels are computed and the count of pixels in each patch
is computed. Run the example and click on one of the patches. Note that
the count of pixels differs between the reprojected data the data that
has not been reprojected.
l8sr <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR")
sf <- ee$Geometry$Point(c(-122.405, 37.786))
Map$centerObject(sf, 13)
# A reason to reproject - counting pixels and exploring interactively.
image <- l8sr$filterBounds(sf)$
filterDate("2019-06-01", "2019-12-31")$
Map$addLayer(image, list(bands = "B10", min = 2800, max = 3100), "image")
hotspots <- image$select("B10")$
objectSize <- hotspots$connectedPixelCount(256)
# Beware of reproject! Don't zoom out on reprojected data.
reprojected <- objectSize$reproject(hotspots$projection())
Map$addLayer(objectSize, list(min = 1, max = 256), "Size No Reproject", FALSE) +
Map$addLayer(reprojected, list(min = 1, max = 256), "Size Reproject", FALSE)
The reason for the discrepancy is because the scale of
analysis is set by the Code Editor zoom level. By calling
you set the scale of the computation instead of
the Map display. Use reproject()
with extreme caution for
reasons described in this
In general, filter input collections by time, location and/or
metadata prior to doing anything else with the collection. Apply more
selective filters before less selective filters. Spatial and/or temporal
filters are often more selective. For example, note that
and filter()
are applied before
images <- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR")
sf <- ee$Geometry$Point(c(-122.463, 37.768))
# Expensive function to reduce the neighborhood of an image.
reduceFunction <- function(image) {
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
kernel = ee$Kernel$square(4)
bands <- list("B4", "B3", "B2")
# Select and filter first!
reasonableComputation <- images$select(bands)$
filterDate("2018-01-01", "2019-02-01")$
filter(ee$Filter$lt("CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE", 1))$
aside(ee_print)$ # Useful for debugging.
viz <- list(bands = bands, min = 0, max = 10000)
Map$addLayer(reasonableComputation, viz, "resonableComputation")
The difference between updateMask()
is that the former does a logical and()
of the argument (the new mask) and the existing image mask whereas
simply replaces the image mask with the argument.
The danger of the latter is that you can unmask pixels unintentionally.
In this example, the goal is to mask pixels less than or equal to 300
meters elevation. As you can see (zoom out), using mask()
causes a lot of pixels to become unmasked, pixels that don’t belong in
the image of interest:
l8sr <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR")
sf <- ee$Geometry$Point(c(-122.40554461769182, 37.786807309873716))
aw3d30 <- ee$Image("JAXA/ALOS/AW3D30_V1_1")
Map$centerObject(sf, 7)
image <- l8sr$filterBounds(sf)$filterDate("2019-06-01", "2019-12-31")$first()
vis <- list(bands = c("B4", "B3", "B2"), min = 0, max = 3000)
Map$addLayer(image, vis, "image", FALSE)
mask <- aw3d30$select("AVE")$gt(300)
Map$addLayer(mask, {}, 'mask', FALSE)
# NO! Don't do this!
badMask <- image$mask(mask)
Map$addLayer(badMask, vis, "badMask")
goodMask <- image.updateMask(mask)
Map$addLayer(goodMask, vis, "goodMask", FALSE)
If you need multiple statistics (e.g. mean and standard deviation) from a single input (e.g. an image region), it is more efficient to combine reducers. For example, to get image statistics, combine reducers as follows:
image <- ee$Image('COPERNICUS/S2/20150821T111616_20160314T094808_T30UWU')
# Get mean and SD in every band by combining reducers.
stats <- image$reduceRegion(
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean()$combine(
reducer2 = ee$Reducer$stdDev(),
sharedInputs = TRUE
geometry = ee$Geometry$Rectangle(c(-2.15, 48.55, -1.83, 48.72)),
scale = 10,
bestEffort = TRUE # Use maxPixels if you care about scale.
# Extract means and SDs to images.
meansImage <- stats$toImage()$select('.*_mean')
sdsImage <- stats$toImage()$select('.*_stdDev')
In this example, note that the mean reducer is combined with the
standard deviation reducer and sharedInputs
is true to
enable a single pass through the input pixels. In the output dictionary,
the name of the reducer is appended to the band name. To get mean and SD
images (for example to normalize the input image), you can turn the
values into an image and use regexes to extract means and SDs
individually as demonstrated in the example.
For computations that result in “User memory limit exceeded” or
“Computation timed out” errors in the Code Editor, the same computations
may be able to succeed by using Export
. This is because the
timeouts are longer and the allowable memory footprint is larger when
running in the batch system (where exports run). (There are other
approaches you may want to try first as detailed in the debugging doc).
Continuing the previous example, suppose that dictionary returned an
error. You could obtain the results by doing something like:
link <- '86836482971a35a5e735a17e93c23272'
task <- ee$batch$Export$table$toDrive(
collection = ee$FeatureCollection(ee$Feature(NULL, stats)),
description = paste0("exported_stats_demo_", link),
fileFormat = "CSV"
# Using rgee I/O
task <- ee_table_to_drive(
collection = ee$FeatureCollection(ee$Feature(NULL, stats)),
description = paste0("exported_stats_demo_", link),
fileFormat = "CSV"
exported_stats <- ee_drive_to_local(task = task,dsn = "exported_stats.csv")
Note that the link is embedded into the asset name, for
reproducibility. Also note that if you want to export
, you will need to supply a geometry, which can be
anything, for example the image centroid, which is small and cheap to
compute. (i.e. don’t use a complex geometry if you don’t need it).
See the debugging page for examples of using Export
resolve Computation
timed out and Too
many concurrent aggregations. See this
doc for details on exporting in general.
Using clip()
unnecessarily will increase computation
time. Avoid clip()
unless it’s necessary to your analysis.
If you’re not sure, don’t clip. An example of a bad use of clip:
Bad —
Don’t clip inputs unnecessarily!
table <- ee$FeatureCollection('USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017')
l8sr <- ee$ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR')
chad <- table$filter(ee$Filter$eq('country_na', 'Chad'))$first()
# Do NOT clip unless you need to.
unnecessaryClip <- l8sr$
select('B4')$ # Good.
filterBounds(chad$geometry())$ # Good.
filterDate('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31')$ # Good.
map(function(image) {
image$clip(chad$geometry()) # NO! Bad! Not necessary.
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
geometry = chad$geometry(),
scale = 30,
maxPixels = 1e10
Clipping the input images can be skipped entirely, because the region
is specified in the reduceRegion()
Good —
Specify the region on the output.
noClipNeeded <- l8sr$
select('B4')$ # Good.
filterBounds(chad$geometry())$ # Good.
filterDate('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31')$ # Good.
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
geometry = chad$geometry(), # Geometry is specified here.
scale = 30,
maxPixels = 1e10
If this computation times out, Export
it as in this
If you really need to clip something, and the geometries you want to
use for clipping are in a collection, use
ecoregions <- ee$FeatureCollection('RESOLVE/ECOREGIONS/2017')
image <- ee$Image('JAXA/ALOS/AW3D30_V1_1')
complexCollection <- ecoregions$
'Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests'
Map$addLayer(complexCollection, {}, 'complexCollection')
clippedTheRightWay <- image$select('AVE')$
Map$addLayer(clippedTheRightWay, {}, 'clippedTheRightWay', FALSE)
Do NOT use featureCollection.geometry()
on large and/or complex
collections, which can be more memory intensive.
If you need to do a spatial reduction such that the reducer pools
inputs from multiple regions in a FeatureCollection
, don’t
supply featureCollection.geometry()
as the
input to the reducer. Instead, use
and a region large enough to encompass
the bounds of the collection. For example:
ecoregions <- ee$FeatureCollection('RESOLVE/ECOREGIONS/2017')
image <- ee$Image('JAXA/ALOS/AW3D30_V1_1')
complexCollection <- ecoregions$filter(
ee$Filter$eq('BIOME_NAME', 'Tropical & Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests')
clippedTheRightWay <- image$select('AVE')$clipToCollection(complexCollection)
Map$addLayer(clippedTheRightWay, {}, 'clippedTheRightWay')
reduction <- clippedTheRightWay$reduceRegion(
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
geometry = ee$Geometry$Rectangle(
coords = c(-179.9, -50, 179.9, 50), # Almost global.
geodesic = FALSE
scale = 30,
maxPixels = 1e12
print(reduction$getInfo()) # If this times out, export it.
For possibly expensive geometry operations, use the largest error margin possible given the required precision of the computation. The error margin specifies the maximum allowable error (in meters) permitted during operations on geometries (e.g. during reprojection). Specifying a small error margin can result in the need to densify geometries (with coordinates), which can be memory intensive. It’s good practice to specify as large an error margin as possible for your computation:
ecoregions <- ee$FeatureCollection("RESOLVE/ECOREGIONS/2017")
complexCollection <- ecoregions$limit(10)
expensiveOps <- complexCollection$map(function(f) {
f$buffer(10000, 200)$bounds(200)
Map$addLayer(expensiveOps, {}, 'expensiveOps')
If you want to convert a raster to a vector, use an appropriate scale. Specifying a very small scale can substantially increase computation cost. Set scale as high as possible give the required precision. For example, to get polygons representing global land masses:
etopo <- ee$Image('NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1')
# Approximate land boundary.
bounds <- etopo$select(0)$gt(-100)
# Non-geodesic polygon.
almostGlobal <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
coords = list(
c(-180, -80),
c(180, -80),
c(180, 80),
c(-180, 80),
c(-180, -80)
proj = "EPSG:4326",
geodesic = FALSE
Map$addLayer(almostGlobal, {}, "almostGlobal")
vectors <- bounds$selfMask()$reduceToVectors(
reducer = ee$Reducer$countEvery(),
geometry = almostGlobal,
# Set the scale to the maximum possible given
# the required precision of the computation.
scale = 50000
Map$addLayer(vectors, {}, "vectors")
In the previous example, note the use of a non-geodesic polygon for use in global reductions.
Don’t use a FeatureCollection
returned by
as an input to
. Instead, add the bands you want to reduce
before calling reduceToVectors()
etopo <- ee$Image('NOAA/NGDC/ETOPO1')
mod11a1 <- ee$ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1')
# Approximate land boundary.
bounds <- etopo$select(0)$gt(-100)
# Non-geodesic polygon.
almostGlobal <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
coords = list(c(-180, -80), c(180, -80), c(180, 80), c(-180, 80), c(-180, -80)),
proj = "EPSG:4326",
geodesic = FALSE
lst <- mod11a1$first()$select(0)
means <- bounds$selfMask()$addBands(lst)$reduceToVectors(
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
geometry = almostGlobal,
scale = 1000,
maxPixels = 1e10
Note that other ways of reducing pixels of one image within zones of another include reduceConnectedCommponents() and/or grouping reducers.
For some convolution operations, fastDistanceTransform()
may be more efficient than reduceNeighborhood()
. For example, to do erosion and/or dilation of
binary inputs:
aw3d30 <- ee$Image("JAXA/ALOS/AW3D30_V1_1")
# Make a simple binary layer from a threshold on elevation.
mask <- aw3d30$select("AVE")$gt(300)
Map$setCenter(-122.0703, 37.3872, 11)
Map$addLayer(mask, {}, "mask")
# Distance in pixel units.
distance <- mask$fastDistanceTransform()$sqrt()
# Threshold on distance (three pixels) for a dilation.
dilation <- distance$lt(3)
Map$addLayer(dilation, {}, "dilation")
# Do the reverse for an erosion.
notDistance <- mask$Not()$fastDistanceTransform()$sqrt()
erosion <- notDistance$gt(3)
Map$addLayer(erosion, {}, 'erosion')
If you need to perform a convolution and can’t use
, use the optimizations in
l8raw <- ee$ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT')
composite <- ee$Algorithms$Landsat$simpleComposite(l8raw)
bands <- c('B4', 'B3', 'B2')
optimizedConvolution <- composite$select(bands)$reduceNeighborhood(
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
kernel = ee$Kernel$square(3),
optimization = "boxcar" # Suitable optimization for mean.
viz <- list(bands = bands, min = 0, max = 72)
Map$setCenter(-122.0703, 37.3872, 11)
Map$addLayer(composite, viz, "composite") +
Map$addLayer(optimizedConvolution, viz, "optimizedConvolution")
Resist the urge to increase your training dataset size unnecessarily. Although increasing the amount of training data is an effective machine learning strategy in some circumstances, it can also increase computational cost with no corresponding increase in accuracy. (For an understanding of when to increase training dataset size, see this reference). The following example demonstrates how requesting too much training data can result in the dreaded “Computed value is too large” error:
Bad —
Don’t sample too much data!
l8raw <- ee$ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT')
composite <- ee$Algorithms$Landsat$simpleComposite(l8raw)
labels <- ee$FeatureCollection('projects/google/demo_landcover_labels')
# No! Not necessary. Don't do this:
labels <- labels$map(function(f){f$buffer(100000, 1000)})
bands <- c('B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7')
training <- composite$select(bands)$sampleRegions(
collection = labels,
properties = list("landcover"),
scale = 30
classifier <- ee$Classifier$smileCart()$train(
features = training,
classProperty = "landcover",
inputProperties = bands
print(classifier$explain()) # Computed value is too large
The better approach is to start with a moderate amount of data and tune the hyperparameters of the classifier to determine if you can achieve your desired accuracy:
Good —
Tune hyperparameters.
l8raw <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_RT")
composite <- ee$Algorithms$Landsat$simpleComposite(l8raw)
labels <- ee$FeatureCollection("projects/google/demo_landcover_labels")
# Increase the data a little bit, possibly introducing noise.
labels <- labels$map(function(f) {f$buffer(100, 10)})
bands <- c('B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5', 'B6', 'B7')
data <- composite$select(bands)$sampleRegions(
collection = labels,
properties = list("landcover"),
scale = 30
# Add a column of uniform random numbers called 'random'.
data <- data$randomColumn()
# Partition into training and testing.
training <- data$filter(ee$Filter$lt("random", 0.5))
testing <- data$filter(ee$Filter$gte("random", 0.5))
# Tune the minLeafPopulation parameter.
minLeafPops <- ee$List$sequence(1, 10)
accuracies <- minLeafPops$map(
function(p) {
classifier <- ee$Classifier$smileCart(minLeafPopulation = p)$
features = training,
classProperty = "landcover",
inputProperties = bands
errorMatrix("landcover", "classification")$
minLeafPopulation_array <- accuracies$getInfo()
x = minLeafPopulation_array,
type = "b",
col = "blue",
lwd = 2,
ylab = "accuracy",
xlim = c(0,10),
xlab = "value",
main = "Hyperparameter tunning (minLeafPopulation)"
In this example, the classifier is already very accurate, so there’s
not much tuning to do. You might want to choose the smallest tree
possible (i.e. largest minLeafPopulation
) that still has
the required accuracy.
Suppose your objective is to take samples from a relatively complex
computed image. It is often more efficient to Export
image toAsset()
, load the exported image, then sample. For
image <- ee$Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2018_v1_6')
geometry <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
coords = list(
c(-76.64069800085349, 5.511777325802095),
c(-76.64069800085349, -20.483938229362376),
c(-35.15632300085349, -20.483938229362376),
c(-35.15632300085349, 5.511777325802095)
proj = "EPSG:4326",
geodesic = FALSE
testRegion <- ee$Geometry$Polygon(
coords = list(
c(-48.86726050085349, -3.0475996402515717),
c(-48.86726050085349, -3.9248707849303295),
c(-47.46101050085349, -3.9248707849303295),
c(-47.46101050085349, -3.0475996402515717)
proj = "EPSG:4326",
geodesic = FALSE
# Forest loss in 2016, to stratify a sample.
loss <- image$select("lossyear")
loss16 <- loss$eq(16)$rename("loss16")
# Cloud masking function.
maskL8sr <- function(image) {
cloudShadowBitMask <- bitwShiftL(1, 3)
cloudsBitMask <- bitwShiftL(1, 5)
qa <- image$select('pixel_qa')
mask <- qa$bitwiseAnd(cloudShadowBitMask)$eq(0)$
copyProperties(image, list("system:time_start"))
collection <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR")$map(maskL8sr)
# Create two annual cloud-free composites.
composite1 <- collection$filterDate('2015-01-01', '2015-12-31')$median()
composite2 <- collection$filterDate('2017-01-01', '2017-12-31')$median()
# We want a strtatified sample of this stack.
stack <- composite1$addBands(composite2)$float() # Export the smallest size possible.
# Export the image. This block is commented because the export is complete.
# link <- "0b8023b0af6c1b0ac7b5be649b54db06"
# desc <- paste0(ee_get_assethome(), "/Logistic_regression_stack_", link)
# #ee_image_info(stack)
# task <- ee_image_to_asset(
# image = stack,
# description = link,
# assetId = desc,
# region = geometry,
# scale = 100,
# maxPixels = 1e10
# )
# Load the exported image.
exportedStack <- ee$Image(
# Take a very small sample first, to debug.
testSample <- exportedStack$addBands(loss16)$stratifiedSample(
numPoints = 1,
classBand = "loss16",
region = testRegion,
scale = 30,
geometries = TRUE
print(testSample$getInfo()) # Check this in the console.
# Take a large sample.
sample <- exportedStack$addBands(loss16)$stratifiedSample(
numPoints = 10000,
classBand = "loss16",
region = geometry,
scale = 30
# Export the large sample...
In this example, note that the imagery is exported as float. Don’t export at double precision unless absolutely necessary.
Once the export is completed, reload the asset and proceed with
sampling from it. Note that a very small sample over a very small test
area is run first, for debugging. When that is shown to succeed, take a
larger sample and export it. Such large samples typically need to be
exported. Do not expect such samples to be available interactively (for
example through print()
) or useable (for example as input
to a classifier) without exporting them first.
Suppose you want to join collections based on time, location or some metadata property. Generally, this is most efficiently accomplished with a join. The following example does a spatio-temporal join between the Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 collections:
s2 <- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")$
filterBounds(ee$Geometry$Point(c(-2.0205, 48.647)))
l8 <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR")
joined <- ee$Join$saveAll("landsat")$apply(
primary = s2,
secondary = l8,
condition = ee$Filter$And(
difference = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, # One day in milliseconds
leftField = "system:time_start",
rightField = "system:time_start"
leftField = ".geo",
rightField = ".geo"
Although you should try a join first (Export
if needed),
occasionally a filter()
within a map()
also be effective, particularly for very large collections.
s2 <- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")$
filterBounds(ee$Geometry$Point(c(-2.0205, 48.647)))
l8 <- ee$ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR")
mappedFilter <- s2$map(function(image) {
date <- image$date()
landsat <- l8$
filterDate(date$advance(-1, "day"), date$advance(1, "day"))
# Return the input image with matching scenes in a property.
landsat = landsat,
size = landsat$size()
})$filter(ee$Filter$gt("size", 0))
Calling reduceRegions()
with a very large or complex
as input may result in the dreaded
“Computed value is too large” error. One potential solution is to map
over the FeatureCollection
instead. Another potential solution is to use a (gasp) for-loop.
Although this is strongly discouraged in Earth Engine as described here,
and here,
can be implemented in a for-loop to perform
large reductions.
Suppose your objective is to obtain the mean of pixels (or any
statistic) in each feature in a FeatureCollection
for each
image in an ImageCollection
. The following example compares
the three approaches previously described:
# Table of countries.
countriesTable <- ee$FeatureCollection("USDOS/LSIB_SIMPLE/2017")
# Time series of images.
mod13a1 <- ee$ImageCollection("MODIS/006/MOD13A1")
# MODIS vegetation indices (always use the most recent version).
band <- "NDVI"
imagery <- mod13a1$select(band)
# Option 1: reduceRegions()
testTable <- countriesTable$limit(1) # Do this outside map()s and loops.
data <- imagery$map(function(image) {
collection = testTable,
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
scale = 500
)$map(function(f) {
time = image$date()$millis(),
date = image$date()$format()
# Option 2: mapped reduceRegion()
data <- countriesTable$map(function(feature) {
function(image) {
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
geometry = feature$geometry(),
scale = 500
time = image$date()$millis(),
date = image$date()$format()
# Option 3: for-loop (WATCH OUT!)
size <- countriesTable$size()
print(size$getInfo()) # 312
countriesList <- countriesTable$toList(1) # Adjust size.
data <- ee$FeatureCollection(list()) # Empty table.
for (j in (seq_len(countriesList$length()$getInfo()) - 1)) {
feature <- ee$Feature(countriesList$get(j))
# Convert ImageCollection > FeatureCollection
fc <- ee$FeatureCollection(
function(image) {
reducer = ee$Reducer$mean(),
geometry = feature$geometry(),
scale = 500
time = image$date()$millis(),
date = image$date()$format()
data <- data$merge(fc)
Note that the first()
thing from each collection is
printed, for debugging purposes. You should not expect that the complete
result will be available interactively: you’ll need to
. Also note that for-loops should be used with
extreme caution and only as a last resort. Finally, the for-loop
requires manually obtaining the size of the input collection and
hardcoding that in the appropriate locations. If any of that sounds
unclear to you, don’t use a for-loop.
Suppose you have a temporally sorted ImageCollection
(i.e. a time series) and you want to compare each image to the previous
(or next) image. Rather than use iterate()
for this
purpose, it may be more efficient to use an array-based forward
differencing. The following example uses this method to de-duplicate the
Sentinel-2 collection, where duplicates are defined as images with the
same day of year:
sentinel2 <- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")
sf <- ee$Geometry$Point(c(-122.47555371521855, 37.76884708376152))
s2 <- sentinel2$
filterDate("2018-01-01", "2019-12-31")
withDoys <- s2$map(function(image) {
ndvi <- image$normalizedDifference(c("B4", "B8"))$rename("ndvi")
date <- image$date()
doy <- date$getRelative("day", "year")
time <- image$metadata("system:time_start")
doyImage <- ee$Image(doy)$
clip(image$geometry()) # Appropriate use of clip.
array <- withDoys$toArray()
timeAxis <- 0
bandAxis <- 1
dedup <- function(array) {
time <- array$arraySlice(bandAxis, -1)
sorted <- array$arraySort(time)
doy <- sorted$arraySlice(bandAxis, -2, -1)
left <- doy$arraySlice(timeAxis, 1)
right <- doy$arraySlice(timeAxis, 0, -1)
mask <- ee$Image(ee$Array(list(list(1))))$
arrayCat(left$neq(right), timeAxis)
deduped <- dedup(array)
# Inspect these outputs to confirm that duplicates have been removed.
print(array$reduceRegion("first", sf, 10)$getInfo())
print(deduped$reduceRegion("first", sf, 10)$getInfo())