Move a zipped shapefile from GCS to their EE Assets
command_line_tool_path = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE
Character. manifest upload file. See ee_utils_create_manifest_table
Character. Path to the Earth Engine command line
tool (CLT). If NULL, rgee assumes that CLT is set in the system PATH.
(ignore if via
is not defined as "gcs_to_asset").
Logical. If TRUE, the assetId will be overwritten if it exists.
Logical. Suppress info message.
Character. The Earth Engine asset ID.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
ee_Initialize(gcs = TRUE)
# 1. Read dataset and create a output filename
x <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
assetId <- sprintf("%s/%s", ee_get_assethome(), 'toy_poly_gcs')
# 2. From sf to .shp
shp_dir <- sprintf("%s.shp", tempfile())
geozip_dir <- ee_utils_shp_to_zip(x, shp_dir)
# 3. From local to gcs
gcs_filename <- local_to_gcs(
x = geozip_dir,
bucket = "rgee_dev" # Insert your own bucket here!
# 4. Create Table Manifest
manifest <- ee_utils_create_manifest_table(
gs_uri = gcs_filename,
assetId = assetId
# 5. From GCS to Earth Engine
ee_nc <- gcs_to_ee_table(manifest, overwrite = TRUE)
} # }