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A function for tallying join counts between same-colour and different colour spatial objects, where neighbour relations are defined by a weights list. Given the global counts in each colour, expected counts and variances are calculated under non-free sampling, and a z-value reported. Since multiple tests are reported, no p-values are given, allowing the user to adjust the significance level applied. Jtot is the count of all different-colour joins.


joincount.multi(fx, listw, zero.policy = attr(listw, "zero.policy"),
 spChk = NULL, adjust.n=TRUE)
# S3 method for class 'jcmulti'
print(x, ...)



a factor of the same length as the neighbours and weights objects in listw


a listw object created for example by nb2listw


default attr(listw, "zero.policy") as set when listw was created, if attribute not set, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA


default TRUE, if FALSE the number of observations is not adjusted for no-neighbour observations, if TRUE, the number of observations is adjusted consistently (up to and including spdep 0.3-28 the adjustment was inconsistent - thanks to Tomoki NAKAYA for a careful bug report)


should the data vector names be checked against the spatial objects for identity integrity, TRUE, or FALSE, default NULL to use get.spChkOption()


object to be printed


arguments to be passed through for printing


A matrix with class jcmulti with row and column names for observed and expected counts, variance, and z-value.


Cliff, A. D., Ord, J. K. 1981 Spatial processes, Pion, p. 20; Upton, G., Fingleton, B. 1985 Spatial data analysis by example: point pattern and qualitative data, Wiley, pp. 158–170.


Roger Bivand


The derivation of the test (Cliff and Ord, 1981, p. 18) assumes that the weights matrix is symmetric. For inherently non-symmetric matrices, such as k-nearest neighbour matrices, listw2U() can be used to make the matrix symmetric. In non-symmetric weights matrix cases, the variance of the test statistic may be negative.

See also


columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.gpkg", package="spData")[1], quiet=TRUE)
HICRIME <- cut(columbus$CRIME, breaks=c(0,35,80), labels=c("low","high"))
(nb <- poly2nb(columbus))
#> Neighbour list object:
#> Number of regions: 49 
#> Number of nonzero links: 236 
#> Percentage nonzero weights: 9.829238 
#> Average number of links: 4.816327 
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style="B")
joincount.multi(HICRIME, lw)
#>           Joincount Expected Variance z-value
#> low:low      35.000   30.102   19.247  1.1164
#> high:high    54.000   27.694   18.219  6.1630
#> high:low     29.000   60.204   26.630 -6.0468
#> Jtot         29.000   60.204   26.630 -6.0468
col_geoms <- st_geometry(columbus)
col_geoms[21] <- st_buffer(col_geoms[21], dist=-0.05)
st_geometry(columbus) <- col_geoms
(nb <- poly2nb(columbus))
#> Warning: some observations have no neighbours;
#> if this seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument.
#> Warning: neighbour object has 3 sub-graphs;
#> if this sub-graph count seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument.
#> Neighbour list object:
#> Number of regions: 49 
#> Number of nonzero links: 230 
#> Percentage nonzero weights: 9.579342 
#> Average number of links: 4.693878 
#> 1 region with no links:
#> 21
#> 3 disjoint connected subgraphs
lw <- nb2listw(nb, style="B", zero.policy=TRUE)
joincount.multi(HICRIME, lw)
#>           Joincount Expected Variance z-value
#> low:low      35.000   30.585   19.350  1.0036
#> high:high    52.000   28.138   18.342  5.5716
#> high:low     28.000   61.170   25.882 -6.5200
#> Jtot         28.000   61.170   33.190 -5.7577
# \dontrun{
HICRIME <- cut(COL.OLD$CRIME, breaks=c(0,35,80), labels=c("low","high"))
names(HICRIME) <- rownames(COL.OLD)
joincount.multi(HICRIME, nb2listw(COL.nb, style="B"))
#>           Joincount Expected Variance z-value
#> low:low      34.000   29.592   18.895  1.0141
#> high:high    54.000   27.224   17.888  6.3307
#> high:low     28.000   59.184   26.233 -6.0884
#> Jtot         28.000   59.184   26.233 -6.0884
data(hopkins, package="spData")
image(1:32, 1:32, hopkins[5:36,36:5], breaks=c(-0.5, 3.5, 20),
 col=c("white", "black"))

hopkins.rook.nb <- cell2nb(32, 32, type="rook")
unlist(spweights.constants(nb2listw(hopkins.rook.nb, style="B")))
#>       n      n1      n2      n3      nn      S0      S1      S2 
#>    1024    1023    1022    1021 1048576    3968    7936   61984 
hopkins.queen.nb <- cell2nb(32, 32, type="queen")
hopkins.bishop.nb <- diffnb(hopkins.rook.nb, hopkins.queen.nb, verbose=FALSE)
#> Warning: neighbour object has 2 sub-graphs
hopkins4 <- hopkins[5:36,36:5]
hopkins4[which(hopkins4 > 3, arr.ind=TRUE)] <- 4
hopkins4.f <- factor(hopkins4)
#> hopkins4.f
#>   0   1   2   3   4 
#> 657 215  98  30  24 
joincount.multi(hopkins4.f, nb2listw(hopkins.rook.nb, style="B"))
#>       Joincount   Expected   Variance z-value
#> 0:0   864.00000  816.27273  116.05233  4.4304
#> 1:1    94.00000   87.14015   55.25216  0.9229
#> 2:2    18.00000   18.00379   14.81562 -0.0010
#> 3:3     2.00000    1.64773    1.55539  0.2825
#> 4:4     5.00000    1.04545    0.99845  3.9576
#> 1:0   503.00000  535.05682  227.76750 -2.1241
#> 2:0   213.00000  243.88636   97.21769 -3.1325
#> 2:1    99.00000   79.81061   59.01930  2.4978
#> 3:0    61.00000   74.65909   28.58592 -2.5547
#> 3:1    28.00000   24.43182   18.99976  0.8186
#> 3:2    15.00000   11.13636    9.82411  1.2327
#> 4:0    40.00000   59.72727   22.78583 -4.1327
#> 4:1    23.00000   19.54545   15.26564  0.8842
#> 4:2    14.00000    8.90909    7.90051  1.8112
#> 4:3     5.00000    2.72727    2.58616  1.4133
#> Jtot 1001.00000 1059.89015  273.78610 -3.5591
cat("replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.4 (p. 166)\n")
#> replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.4 (p. 166)
joincount.multi(hopkins4.f, nb2listw(hopkins.bishop.nb, style="B"))
#>       Joincount   Expected   Variance z-value
#> 0:0   823.00000  790.76420  144.44877  2.6821
#> 1:1   101.00000   84.41702   55.98143  2.2164
#> 2:2    19.00000   17.44117   14.61542  0.4077
#> 3:3     3.00000    1.59624    1.51444  1.1407
#> 4:4     3.00000    1.01278    0.97111  2.0166
#> 1:0   497.00000  518.33629  234.93545 -1.3920
#> 2:0   216.00000  236.26491  104.42142 -1.9831
#> 2:1    81.00000   77.31652   58.70829  0.4807
#> 3:0    58.00000   72.32599   31.49151 -2.5529
#> 3:1    21.00000   23.66832   18.85316 -0.6145
#> 3:2    17.00000   10.78835    9.62487  2.0022
#> 4:0    48.00000   57.86080   25.15973 -1.9659
#> 4:1    21.00000   18.93466   15.14473  0.5307
#> 4:2    10.00000    8.63068    7.73708  0.4923
#> 4:3     4.00000    2.64205    2.51686  0.8560
#> Jtot  973.00000 1026.76858  284.51030 -3.1877
cat("replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.6 (p. 168)\n")
#> replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.6 (p. 168)
joincount.multi(hopkins4.f, nb2listw(hopkins.queen.nb, style="B"))
#>      Joincount  Expected  Variance z-value
#> 0:0  1687.0000 1607.0369  303.8034  4.5877
#> 1:1   195.0000  171.5572  114.2057  2.1936
#> 2:2    37.0000   35.4450   29.6821  0.2854
#> 3:3     5.0000    3.2440    3.0687  1.0024
#> 4:4     8.0000    2.0582    1.9674  4.2361
#> 1:0  1000.0000 1053.3931  480.6959 -2.4353
#> 2:0   429.0000  480.1513  215.0360 -3.4882
#> 2:1   180.0000  157.1271  119.3987  2.0932
#> 3:0   119.0000  146.9851   65.1029 -3.4684
#> 3:1    49.0000   48.1001   38.3268  0.1454
#> 3:2    32.0000   21.9247   19.5237  2.2802
#> 4:0    88.0000  117.5881   52.0312 -4.1019
#> 4:1    44.0000   38.4801   30.7868  0.9948
#> 4:2    24.0000   17.5398   15.6933  1.6308
#> 4:3     9.0000    5.3693    5.0994  1.6078
#> Jtot 1974.0000 2086.6587  582.8326 -4.6665
cat("replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.7 (p. 169)\n")
#> replicates Upton & Fingleton table 3.7 (p. 169)
# }
GDAL37 <- as.numeric_version(unname(sf_extSoftVersion()["GDAL"])) >= "3.7.0"
file <- "etc/shapes/"
zipfile <- system.file(file, package="spdep")
if (GDAL37) {
    sc50m <- st_read(zipfile)
} else {
    td <- tempdir()
    bn <- sub(".zip", "", basename(file), fixed=TRUE)
    target <- unzip(zipfile, files=bn, exdir=td)
    sc50m <- st_read(target)
#> Reading layer `GB_2024_southcoast_50m' from data source 
#>   `/home/rsb/topics/packages/github-r-spatial/spdep/inst/etc/shapes/' 
#>   using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 119 features and 19 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 82643.12 ymin: 5342.9 xmax: 640301.6 ymax: 187226.2
#> Projected CRS: OSGB36 / British National Grid
sc50m$Winner <- factor(sc50m$Winner, levels=c("Con", "Green", "Lab", "LD"))
plot(sc50m[,"Winner"], pal=c("#2297E6", "#61D04F", "#DF536B", "#F5C710"))

nb_sc_50m <- poly2nb(sc50m, row.names=as.character(sc50m$Constituency))
#> Warning: neighbour object has 2 sub-graphs;
#> if this sub-graph count seems unexpected, try increasing the snap argument.
sub2 <- attr(nb_sc_50m, "")[attr(nb_sc_50m, "ncomp")$ == 2L]
iowe <- match(sub2[1], attr(nb_sc_50m, ""))
diowe <- c(st_distance(sc50m[iowe,], sc50m))
meet_criterion <- sum(diowe <= units::set_units(5000, "m"))
cands <- attr(nb_sc_50m, "")[order(diowe)[1:meet_criterion]]
nb_sc_50m_iowe <- addlinks1(nb_sc_50m, from = cands[1],
 to = cands[3:meet_criterion])
ioww <- match(sub2[2], attr(nb_sc_50m, ""))
dioww <- c(st_distance(sc50m[ioww,], sc50m))
meet_criterion <- sum(dioww <= units::set_units(5000, "m"))
cands <- attr(nb_sc_50m, "")[order(dioww)[1:meet_criterion]]
nb_sc_50m_iow <- addlinks1(nb_sc_50m_iowe, from = cands[2], to = cands[3:meet_criterion])
nb_sc_1_2 <- nblag_cumul(nblag(nb_sc_50m_iow, 2))
joincount.multi(sc50m$Winner, nb2listw(nb_sc_1_2, style="B"))
#>             Joincount Expected Variance z-value
#> Con:Con      146.0000  84.4324 116.3530  5.7077
#> Green:Green    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     NaN
#> Lab:Lab       63.0000  98.1057 136.0379 -3.0099
#> LD:LD        100.0000  75.8866 103.9440  2.3651
#> Green:Con      4.0000   4.4438   5.8532 -0.1834
#> Lab:Con      184.0000 186.6401 180.9233 -0.1963
#> Lab:Green      3.0000   4.7856   6.4663 -0.7022
#> LD:Con       198.0000 164.4210 166.3583  2.6034
#> LD:Green       4.0000   4.2159   5.4573 -0.0924
#> LD:Lab        98.0000 177.0688 175.2035 -5.9736
#> Jtot         491.0000 541.5753 153.6123 -4.0806