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Given two continuous numeric variables, calculate the bivariate Local Moran's I.


localmoran_bv(x, y, listw, nsim = 199, scale = TRUE, alternative="two.sided",
 iseed=1L, no_repeat_in_row=FALSE, zero.policy=attr(listw, "zero.policy"))



a numeric vector of same length as y.


a numeric vector of same length as x.


a listw object for example as created by nb2listw().


the number of simulations to run.


default TRUE.


a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "greater" (default), "two.sided", or "less".


default NULL, used to set the seed; the output will only be reproducible if the count of CPU cores across which computation is distributed is the same.


default FALSE, if TRUE, sample conditionally in each row without replacements to avoid duplicate values,


default default attr(listw, "zero.policy") as set when listw was created, if attribute not set, use global option value; if TRUE assign zero to the lagged value of zones without neighbours, if FALSE assign NA


a data.frame containing two columns Ib and p_sim containing the local bivariate Moran's I and simulated p-values respectively.


The Bivariate Local Moran, like its global counterpart, evaluates the value of x at observation i with its spatial neighbors' value of y. The value of \(I_i^B\) is xi * Wyi. Or, in simpler words, the local bivariate Moran is the result of multiplying x by the spatial lag of y. Formally it is defined as

\( I_i^B= cx_i\Sigma_j{w_{ij}y_j} \)


Anselin, Luc, Ibnu Syabri, and Oleg Smirnov. 2002. “Visualizing Multivariate Spatial Correlation with Dynamically Linked Windows.” In New Tools for Spatial Data Analysis: Proceedings of the Specialist Meeting, edited by Luc Anselin and Sergio Rey. University of California, Santa Barbara: Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS).


Josiah Parry


# load columbus datay
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.gpkg", package="spData"))
#> Reading layer `columbus' from data source 
#>   `/home/rsb/lib/r_libs/spData/shapes/columbus.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 49 features and 20 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 5.874907 ymin: 10.78863 xmax: 11.28742 ymax: 14.74245
#> Projected CRS: Undefined Cartesian SRS with unknown unit
nb <- poly2nb(columbus)
listw <- nb2listw(nb)
(res <- localmoran_bv(columbus$CRIME, columbus$INC, listw, nsim = 499))
#>                Ibvi        E.Ibvi    Var.Ibvi      Z.Ibvi Pr(z != E(Ibvi))
#>  [1,] -0.8578252210 -1.826370e-02 0.731541578 -0.98159654     3.262987e-01
#>  [2,]  0.1802618568  2.554658e-02 0.334247968  0.26760782     7.890012e-01
#>  [3,]  0.0118856298  7.791116e-03 0.017162929  0.03125407     9.750669e-01
#>  [4,] -0.0163525887 -3.452848e-03 0.005852145 -0.16862558     8.660912e-01
#>  [5,] -0.5037734606  1.811633e-02 0.101966376 -1.63436973     1.021812e-01
#>  [6,] -0.0041841415  1.293651e-02 0.139142736 -0.04589760     9.633919e-01
#>  [7,]  1.5201688711 -1.466392e-04 1.099034279  1.45020069     1.470026e-01
#>  [8,] -0.2016456990  7.471406e-03 0.007231278 -2.45913301     1.392730e-02
#>  [9,]  0.0297432891  1.600490e-03 0.009219518  0.29309821     7.694471e-01
#> [10,] -0.0374203146  1.218906e-03 0.001100110 -1.16495823     2.440359e-01
#> [11,] -1.2368494456  7.720869e-02 0.498286158 -1.86155199     6.266627e-02
#> [12,] -1.2010054212  4.055009e-02 0.266658169 -2.40430022     1.620346e-02
#> [13,] -0.5377131737  1.218864e-02 0.122363375 -1.57202494     1.159448e-01
#> [14,] -0.9879712511  3.048475e-02 0.320475271 -1.79905736     7.200961e-02
#> [15,] -0.6057303757  2.137030e-02 0.102916086 -1.95476986     5.061024e-02
#> [16,] -0.7878039284  1.378587e-02 0.161039891 -1.99749384     4.577156e-02
#> [17,]  0.1379508106  9.352179e-04 0.003351141  2.36686570     1.793944e-02
#> [18,] -0.3253226893  1.066349e-02 0.078469609 -1.19941831     2.303653e-01
#> [19,] -0.3888822685 -7.104732e-06 0.432305953 -0.59144532     5.542221e-01
#> [20,] -0.4544889957  1.367811e-01 0.355060554 -0.99228105     3.210604e-01
#> [21,] -0.0006014046  3.919068e-03 0.031597455 -0.02543067     9.797114e-01
#> [22,] -0.0068813684 -3.664201e-03 0.001242910 -0.09125440     9.272904e-01
#> [23,] -0.8788967496  1.189579e-02 0.289002627 -1.65701209     9.751703e-02
#> [24,] -0.1256865340 -3.048451e-03 0.004692164 -1.79035349     7.339710e-02
#> [25,] -0.9307459211  4.509269e-02 0.303474056 -1.77140234     7.649382e-02
#> [26,] -0.2252775788  1.039843e-02 0.019527743 -1.68651169     9.169728e-02
#> [27,]  0.1413018326 -1.409345e-02 0.236810168  0.31932848     7.494774e-01
#> [28,] -0.7804482928  3.200178e-02 0.184987862 -1.88897002     5.889585e-02
#> [29,] -0.7654416689  5.928648e-02 0.364667175 -1.36572255     1.720261e-01
#> [30,] -0.9074829015  7.597435e-03 0.737090639 -1.06585659     2.864885e-01
#> [31,] -0.5510119267 -1.377557e-03 0.388899970 -0.88136323     3.781213e-01
#> [32,] -1.9581476375  2.561515e-02 0.239115219 -4.05682367     4.974461e-05
#> [33,]  0.0907015890  3.048227e-02 0.043681309  0.28812970     7.732475e-01
#> [34,] -0.4297843082  2.130996e-02 0.104683121 -1.39421250     1.632534e-01
#> [35,]  0.1181174820  6.746380e-04 0.008393054  1.28193663     1.998649e-01
#> [36,] -0.9901007017  2.760845e-02 0.278368628 -1.92891697     5.374117e-02
#> [37,] -0.2195812498 -7.723065e-03 0.032151838 -1.18152344     2.373948e-01
#> [38,] -0.3096268627  3.401135e-02 0.205499338 -0.75804717     4.484227e-01
#> [39,] -0.6090192229  1.689079e-02 0.308320019 -1.12722610     2.596469e-01
#> [40,] -1.2709838927  6.528265e-02 0.216905961 -2.86917707     4.115413e-03
#> [41,] -1.3940681427  9.430182e-02 0.304439982 -2.69749131     6.986411e-03
#> [42,] -0.4820987026  3.961324e-02 0.632999863 -0.65573592     5.119941e-01
#> [43,] -0.0064402410  2.939096e-03 0.001385154 -0.25201308     8.010310e-01
#> [44,]  0.0761664412  2.162964e-02 0.054095662  0.23448142     8.146113e-01
#> [45,] -0.0560342555  7.788766e-03 0.029796273 -0.36973996     7.115763e-01
#> [46,] -0.8249832451 -2.301643e-02 0.673531467 -0.97718648     3.284768e-01
#> [47,] -0.8915318222  2.294960e-02 0.095247718 -2.96310881     3.045489e-03
#> [48,] -0.1282863305 -9.674295e-03 0.061579149 -0.47798241     6.326627e-01
#> [49,]  0.0094888641 -4.828535e-03 0.222107368  0.03037964     9.757643e-01
#>       Pr(z != E(Ibvi)) Sim Pr(folded) Sim
#>  [1,]                0.324          0.162
#>  [2,]                0.880          0.440
#>  [3,]                0.976          0.488
#>  [4,]                0.800          0.400
#>  [5,]                0.112          0.056
#>  [6,]                0.864          0.430
#>  [7,]                0.096          0.048
#>  [8,]                0.004          0.002
#>  [9,]                0.852          0.426
#> [10,]                0.260          0.130
#> [11,]                0.056          0.028
#> [12,]                0.008          0.004
#> [13,]                0.084          0.042
#> [14,]                0.064          0.032
#> [15,]                0.052          0.026
#> [16,]                0.028          0.014
#> [17,]                0.028          0.014
#> [18,]                0.192          0.096
#> [19,]                0.608          0.304
#> [20,]                0.368          0.184
#> [21,]                0.936          0.468
#> [22,]                0.928          0.464
#> [23,]                0.120          0.060
#> [24,]                0.040          0.020
#> [25,]                0.044          0.022
#> [26,]                0.076          0.038
#> [27,]                0.736          0.368
#> [28,]                0.032          0.016
#> [29,]                0.140          0.070
#> [30,]                0.284          0.142
#> [31,]                0.408          0.204
#> [32,]                0.004          0.002
#> [33,]                0.724          0.362
#> [34,]                0.188          0.094
#> [35,]                0.216          0.108
#> [36,]                0.084          0.042
#> [37,]                0.232          0.116
#> [38,]                0.464          0.232
#> [39,]                0.268          0.134
#> [40,]                0.004          0.002
#> [41,]                0.020          0.010
#> [42,]                0.468          0.234
#> [43,]                0.884          0.442
#> [44,]                0.904          0.452
#> [45,]                0.672          0.336
#> [46,]                0.344          0.172
#> [47,]                0.012          0.006
#> [48,]                0.544          0.272
#> [49,]                0.896          0.448
#> attr(,"quadr")
#>         mean    median     pysal
#> 1   Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 2    Low-Low   Low-Low   Low-Low
#> 3    Low-Low   Low-Low   Low-Low
#> 4   Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 5   High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 6    Low-Low  Low-High  Low-High
#> 7    Low-Low   Low-Low   Low-Low
#> 8   High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 9    Low-Low   Low-Low   Low-Low
#> 10  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 11  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 12  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 13  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 14  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 15  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 16  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 17 High-High High-High High-High
#> 18  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 19  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 20  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 21  High-Low High-High  High-Low
#> 22  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 23  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 24  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 25  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 26  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 27 High-High High-High High-High
#> 28  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 29  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 30  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 31  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 32  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 33 High-High High-High High-High
#> 34  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 35 High-High High-High High-High
#> 36  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 37  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 38  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 39  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 40  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 41  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 42  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 43  High-Low  High-Low  High-Low
#> 44   Low-Low   Low-Low   Low-Low
#> 45  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 46  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 47  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 48  Low-High  Low-High  Low-High
#> 49   Low-Low   Low-Low   Low-Low
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "localmoran" "matrix"     "array"     
#> attr(,"ncpus")
#> [1] 1
columbus$hs <- hotspot(res, Prname="Pr(folded) Sim", cutoff=0.05,
 quadrant.type="pysal", p.adjust="none")
# \donttest{
if (require("tmap", quietly=TRUE)) {
tmap4 <- packageVersion("tmap") >= "3.99"
if (tmap4) {
  tm_shape(columbus) + tm_polygons(fill="hs",
    fill.legend=tm_legend(position=tm_pos_in("left", "top"),
      frame=FALSE, item.r=0), lwd=0.01)
} else {
  tm_shape(columbus) + tm_fill("hs")
#> This function is deprecated; please use cols4all::c4a() instead

# }
moran.plot(x=columbus$CRIME, y=columbus$INC, listw=listw)