Google Earth Engine (Gorelick et al., 2017) is a cloud computing platform
designed for planetary-scale environmental data analysis that only can be
accessed via the Earth Engine code editor, third-party web apps, and the
JavaScript and Python client libraries. rgee
is a non-official
client library for R that uses reticulate
to wrap the Earth Engine
Python API and provide R users with a familiar interface, rapid development
features, and flexibility to analyze data using open-source, R third-party
The package implements and supports:
Earth Engine Module
Install or set all rgee dependencies
Check non-R dependencies
Clean non-R dependencies
Session management
Transform an R Date to an EE Date or vice versa
Create Interactive visualization Maps
Image download
Vector download
Generic download
Assets management
Upload raster
Upload vector
Upload generic
Extract values
Helper functions
Utils functions
Interface to main Earth Engine module. Provides access to top level classes and functions as well as sub-modules (e.g. ee$Image, ee$FeatureCollection$first, etc.).
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ee | Main Earth Engine module. |
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ee_install | Create an isolated Python virtual environment with all rgee dependencies. |
ee_install_set_pyenv | Configure which version of Python to use with rgee. |
ee_install_upgrade | Upgrade the Earth Engine Python API. |
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ee_check | Check all non-R dependencies. |
ee_check_python | Check Python environment. |
ee_check_credentials | Check Google credentials. |
ee_check_python_packages | Check Python packages: earthengine-api and numpy. |
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ee_clean_container | Delete files from either a Folder or a Bucket. |
ee_clean_pyenv | Remove rgee system variables from .Renviron. |
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ee_Initialize | Authenticate and Initialize Earth Engine. |
ee_version | Earth Engine API version. |
ee_user_info | Display the credentials and general info of the initialized user. |
ee_users | Display the credentials of all users as a table. |
ee_get_assethome | Get the Asset home name. |
ee_get_earthengine_path | Get the path where the credentials are stored. |
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eedate_to_rdate | Pass an Earth Engine date object to R. |
rdate_to_eedate | Pass an R date object to Earth Engine. |
ee_get_date_img | Get the date of a EE Image. |
ee_get_date_ic | Get the date of a EE ImageCollection. |
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Map | R6 object (Map) to display Earth Engine (EE) spatial objects. |
R6Map | R6 class to display Earth Engine (EE) spatial objects. |
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ee_as_raster | Convert an Earth Engine (EE) image in a raster object. |
ee_as_stars | Convert an Earth Engine (EE) image in a stars object. |
ee_as_thumbnail | Create an R spatial gridded object from an EE thumbnail image. |
ee_image_to_asset | Creates a task to export an EE Image to their EE Assets. |
ee_image_to_drive | Creates a task to export an EE Image to Drive. |
ee_image_to_gcs | Creates a task to export an EE Image to Google Cloud Storage. |
ee_image_info | Approximate size of an EE Image object. |
ee_imagecollection_to_local | Save an EE ImageCollection in their local system. |
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ee_as_sf | Convert an Earth Engine table in an sf object. |
ee_table_to_asset | Creates a task to export a FeatureCollection to an EE table asset. |
ee_table_to_drive | Creates a task to export a FeatureCollection to Google Drive. |
ee_table_to_gcs | Creates a task to export a FeatureCollection to Google Cloud Storage. |
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ee_drive_to_local | Move results from Google Drive to a local directory. |
ee_gcs_to_local | Move results from Google Cloud Storage to a local directory. |
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ee_manage-tools | Interface to manage the Earth Engine Asset. |
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stars_as_ee | Convert a stars or stars-proxy object into an EE Image object. |
raster_as_ee | Convert a Raster* object into an EE Image object. |
gcs_to_ee_image | Move a GeoTIFF image from GCS to their EE assets. |
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gcs_to_ee_table | Move a zipped shapefile from GCS to their EE Assets. |
sf_as_ee | Convert an sf object to an EE object. |
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local_to_gcs | Upload local files to Google Cloud Storage. |
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ee_extract | Extract values from EE Images or ImageCollections objects. |
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ee_help | Documentation for Earth Engine Objects. |
ee_print | Print and return metadata about Spatial Earth Engine Objects. |
ee_monitoring | Monitoring Earth Engine task progress. |
print | Print Earth Engine objects. |
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ee_utils_py_to_r | Convert between Python and R objects. |
ee_utils_pyfunc | Wrap an R function in a Python function with the same signature. |
ee_utils_shp_to_zip | Create a zip file from an sf object. |
ee_utils_create_json | Convert a R list into a JSON file. |
ee_utils_create_manifest_image | Create a manifest to upload an image. |
ee_utils_create_manifest_table | Create a manifest to upload a table. |
ee_utils_get_crs | Convert EPSG, ESRI or SR-ORG code into a OGC WKT. |
ee_utils_future_value | The value of a future or the values of all elements in a container. |
ee_utils_dataset_display | Search into the Earth Engine Data Catalog. |
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We want to offer a special thanks to Justin Braaten for his wise and helpful comments in the whole development of rgee. As well, we would like to mention the following third-party R/Python packages for contributing indirectly to the improvement of rgee:
gee_asset_manager - Lukasz Tracewski
geeup - Samapriya Roy
geeadd - Samapriya Roy
eemont - David Montero Loaiza
cartoee - Kel Markert
geetools - Rodrigo E. Principe
landsat-extract-gee - Loïc Dutrieux
earthEngineGrabR - JesJehle
sf - Edzer Pebesma
stars - Edzer Pebesma
gdalcubes - Marius Appel