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version 1.0-19

version 1.0-18

CRAN release: 2024-10-11

  • support POLYGON FULL simple feature geometry, representing the the entire Earth surface, as used by s2geometry; #2441

  • st_sfc() has an argument oriented which, when set to TRUE, adds an attribute oriented=TRUE to an sfc object, indicating that this object should not be reoriented in conversion to s2_geography (avoiding using the global option s2_oriented); st_as_sfc.bbox() sets this to TRUE; #2441

  • fix build failure with GDAL < 3.4.0 #2436

  • st_simplify() now accepts feature-wise tolerance values when s2 is switched on #2442

version 1.0-17

CRAN release: 2024-09-06

  • add st_transform() method for bbox objects; this uses OGRCoordinateTransformation::TransformBounds(), densifying first and antemeridian proof; #2415

  • st_filter.sf() correctly scopes x and y arguments using !! operator; #2416

  • [.sfc and [<-.sfc use matrix/array type subsetting for sfc objects that have a dim attribute

  • add st_exterior_ring() to extract exterior rings (remove holes); #2406

  • add text.sf(), text.sfc(), points.sf(), points.sfc() to annotate base plots at geometry centroids; #2399

  • st_sf() no longer strips tbl or tbl_df class labels; #2378

  • st_layers() returns an object of class c("sf_layers", "data.frame"), with a dedicated print method.

  • when dim is not XYZM, interprets a length 4 coords argument to specify the corners of a rectangular polygon; #2357

  • st_interpolate_aw() gains an na.rm argument, for removing features with NA attributes before interpolating; #830

  • merge.sf() no longer renames geometry column; #2334

version 1.0-16

CRAN release: 2024-03-24

  • st_join() no longer renames the geometry column; #2327

  • st_sample() works when unprojected polygon geometry crosses the antemeridian; #2331

  • clean up and modernization of S3 registration of methods and tests; #2285, #2288, #2316, #2341, #2342, by @olivroy

  • [.sfc works when setting argument op; #2320

  • st_sample() for polygons is sensitive to setting oriented = TRUE to prevent wrongly correcting ring directions; #2308

  • add support for the GDAL footprint utility (requiring GDAL >= 3.8.0) to gdal_utils; #2305, by @goergen95

  • existing environment variables PROJ_LIB and PROJ_DATA are (again) ignored on sf binary CRAN installations (win + macos), effectively by overwriting them during the R session and restoring them on exit; this does not happen if environment variable R_SF_USE_PROJ_DATA is set to true. #2298

  • add st_line_project() to find how far a point is when projected on a line; #2291

  • add st_line_interpolate() to obtain a point at a certain distance along a line; #2291

version 1.0-15

CRAN release: 2023-12-18

  • add st_perimeter() generic to cover both geographic and projected coordinates; #268, #2279, by @JosiahParry

  • add st_sample() method for bbox, with special provisions for ellipsoidal coordinates; #2283

  • documentation clean-up by @olivroy; #2266, #2285

  • st_convex_hull() uses s2::s2_convex_hull() for geodetic coordinates; #2250

  • add directed argument to st_line_merge(); #2264

  • st_union.sfc() given x and y works consistently across geodetic and projected objects; #2262

  • st_union.sf() given x and y unions pairwise if by_feature = TRUE; #2259

  • st_read() work around issue with GPKG driver if wkt_filter is set; #2248

  • st_read() uses GDAL’s stream reading when use_stream = TRUE; #2238 by @paleolimbot

  • st_transform() responds to in-session changes to sf_proj_network(); #2166

  • plot.sf(): key.width is sensitive to pointsize graphics parameter par("ps"); keys with factor levels suggest a proper size if they won’t fit.

  • plot.sf(): key.pos can hold a second value in [0, 1] determining the relative position of the key in the available space

  • [<-.sf fixes the agr attribute when it is broken; #2211

  • if the env. variable ADD_SF_NAMESPACE is set to true, sf objects get a new attribute, .sf_namespace, which forces loading the sf namespace when it has not been loaded so far, e.g. for proper printing or plotting of an sf object; #2212 by Mike Mahoney

  • distinct.sf() is type-safe for sf objects with zero rows; #2204

  • summarise.sf() raises an error if .by is given but no across() on the geometry; #2207

  • st_write() matches fields on name first, than on position; this matters for formats that have pre-defined names, such as GPX; #2202

version 1.0-14

CRAN release: 2023-07-11

  • fix plot.sf() when using a key for multiple factor variables; #2196, #2195

  • fix use of as.numeric_version in a test, for upcoming change in r-devel

  • code tidy-ing: fix many lintr suggestions, thanks to Michael Chirico (#2181 - #2191)

version 1.0-13

CRAN release: 2023-05-24

version 1.0-12

CRAN release: 2023-03-19

version 1.0-11

CRAN release: 2023-03-15

version 1.0-10

CRAN release: 2023-03-12

version 1.0-9

CRAN release: 2022-11-08

version 1.0-8

CRAN release: 2022-07-14

version 1.0-7

CRAN release: 2022-03-07

  • st_drop_geometry() is a generic; #1914

  • st_crs(x)$ud_unit returns the unit of the coordinate reference system of x

  • geometric predicates return sgbp objects omitting self-intersections etc. by passing remove_self = TRUE and unique symmetric relationship by passing retain_unique = TRUE (to ... if needed); this simplifies identifying (and removing) duplicated geometries; duplicates are identified by e.g. by st_equals(x, retain_unique = TRUE) |> unlist() |> unique(); #1893

  • fix compile issue against GDAL < 2.5.0 introduced in 1.0-6; #1899

version 1.0-6

CRAN release: 2022-02-04

  • adapt to new spatstat.random package; #1892

  • st_geometry<-() also allows to rename a geometry column in an sf object; #1890

  • for sf objects, the st_as_sfc() method is an alias for st_geometry(); #1882

  • st_make_grid() speeded up; #1579 thanks to Krzysztof Dyba

  • remove direct and indirect dependencies on rgeos and rgdal; #1869

  • use stats::dist rather than GEOS for symmetric point-point Euclidian distance computation; #1874

version 1.0-5

CRAN release: 2021-12-17

version 1.0-4

CRAN release: 2021-11-14

  • new function st_delete() deletes a data source, or layer(s) within a data source; #1828

  • fix memory leak in WKT1_ESRI retrieval; #1690

version 1.0-3

CRAN release: 2021-10-07

  • cope with how GEOS >= 3.10.0 handles illegal geometries (e.g., non-closed rings); #1807

  • crs objects have a $srid method to extract the SRID (as authority “name:code”); #1804

  • st_as_grob() methods for sfc_* objects correctly handle empty geometries; #1789 with help from Hiroaki Yutani

  • when writing objects with NA as CRS to GeoPackage, assign “Unknown Cartesian CRS” first - this is in line with using Cartesian geometry operations for objects with NA as CRS; #1776

  • add coerce method from sgbp to sparseMatrix; #1750

  • fix st_cast() for GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONS containing empty geometries; #1767

  • fix st_is_valid() for bogus polygons and projected coordinates; #1666, #1760; #1761

version 1.0-2

CRAN release: 2021-07-26

  • st_read() and st_write() using GDAL handle binary attributes (OFTBinary fields) ; #1721

  • a pivot_longer method is added for sf objects (the data.frame method works, but raises a warning)

  • rbind.sf preserves primary geometry column; #1717

  • configure constrains using --static to Darwin platform; #1702, #1712, #1713

  • old-style crs objects created with sf < 0.9-0 generate a message, and will cause a warning in the future.

  • when st_crs() is called with a WKT2 as text input, its input field will be replaced with the CRS name (if it has one).

  • GEOS (>= 3.9.0) operations use GEOSGeom_setPrecision_r to set precision of geometries; #1535

  • st_read() with specified query ignores argument layers, and warns if it is given; #1444

version 1.0-1

CRAN release: 2021-06-29

version 1.0-0

CRAN release: 2021-06-09

  • add s2 to Imports:

  • add Dewey Dunnington to contributors

  • sf_use_s2() prints a message when using s2 has been switched to on or off.

  • use s2 spherical geometry as default when coordinates are ellipsoidal. This can be switched off (defaulting to planar geometry, using GEOS, as in sf < 1.0-0) by setting environment variable _SF_USE_S2 to false before package sf is loaded, or by sf_use_s2(FALSE); #1649

  • st_nearest_feature() with missing y returns nearest features in the remaining set of x;

  • st_write() gains an argument config_options to set GDAL config options; #1618

  • fix regression in sf_project(..., keep = TRUE); #1635

version 0.9-8

CRAN release: 2021-03-17

  • add st_as_sf() method for terra’s SpatVector class; #1567

  • distinct.sf() works by default on all variables, and keeps active geometry active; #1613

  • improve (fix?) polygonize/contour code; #1608

  • sf_proj_network() reports whether PROJ uses network (CDN) grids, can switch it on or off, and can set the CDN url.

  • st_write() returns obj, invisibly; #1597

  • fix regression in n-ary st_intersection(), #1595, introduced at #1549

  • st_inscribed_circle() computes the maximum inscribed circle for polygons (requires GEOS >= 3.9.0)

  • allow to st_cast() from COMPOUNDCURVE, MULTISURFACE or CURVEPOLYGON to GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, and back; #1573

  • Fixed a bug in st_as_grob() when plotting a mix of MULTI and non-MULTI geometries of the same base type

version 0.9-7

CRAN release: 2021-01-06

  • n-ary st_intersection() skips failing geometries, rather than returning an error; #1549

  • use s2_centroid() for geographical coordinates if sf_use_s2() is TRUE.

  • st_as_text() method for crs objects can return projjson (if GDAL >= 3.1.0 and PROJ > 6.2.0)

  • st_transform() no longer warns on conversions like "+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +o_lat_p=45 +o_lon_p=30"

  • st_as_wkb() takes srid from wkt field of crs when input field doesn’t contain it; #1490

  • plot.sf() adds key.pos=0 option to run the logic behind the key without plotting it; #1487

  • fix bug in select.sf() when selected variables were renamed; #1483

  • st_as_sf.stars(..., merge = TRUE) now works if CRS is NA; #1389

  • add (dynamically loaded) as_wkb() methods for sf, sfc and sfg, making st_as_s2() unnecessary

  • st_as_s2() transforms non-longlat objects to EPSG:4326 first

version 0.9-6

CRAN release: 2020-09-13

version 0.9-5

CRAN release: 2020-07-14

  • Only when package s2 >= 1.0.1 is available: support for spherical geometry operators (predicates, transformers, measures, nearest point/feature) for geographic coordinates in package s2 is now by default switched off, and can be switched on by sf_use_s2(TRUE); see and vignette sf7. It is planned to be switched on by default in sf 1.0-0.

  • drop Z and/or M coordinate in st_as_s2(), with message

  • geometry predicates and transformers gain an … argument to pass s2::s2_options()

  • dplyr::select() now ensures the geometry column sticks to the back rather than the front of the data frame; #1425

  • dplyr::rename() now preserves the active geometry column even when it is renamed; #1431

  • proj units query adjusted to PROJ 7.1.0 release; #1434

version 0.9-4

CRAN release: 2020-06-12

  • empty geom generators take care of XYZ etc dim; #1400

  • write_sf() and read_sf() no longer warn when reading tables without geometries

  • st_write() writes non-spatial tables when given a plain data.frame or tbl_df; #1345

  • the default for stringsAsFactors in st_read and st_sf is FALSE for R version >= 4.1.0

  • the sf method for dplyr::select() supports renaming the geometry column; #1415

version 0.9-3

CRAN release: 2020-05-04

  • st_is_valid() is a generic

  • Windows CRAN binaries use GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1 and GEOS 3.8.0, thanks to Jeroen Ooms’ rwinlib work; #1275

  • plot.sf() gains an extent argument to set the extent (xlim, ylim) of the plot; extent must be an object with an st_bbox() method, such as an sf or a stars object; #1193

version 0.9-2

CRAN release: 2020-04-14

  • st_axis_order(TRUE) gives and error if GDAL has version < 2.5.0

  • loading PROJ units link, us_in, ind_yd, ind_ft, and ind_ch into the udunits database is no longer done at package load time, but when function sf_add_proj_units() is called.

  • fix line sampling for small densities; #1365

  • sf_project() handles crs objects when PROJ version is below 6 using proj.4 string representations.

  • avoid using isFALSE in st_write(); #1342

  • fix regression in gdal_utils("translate", ...); #1339

version 0.9-1

CRAN release: 2020-04-06

version 0.9-0

CRAN release: 2020-03-24

  • see r-spatial blog post:

  • modify crs objects to reflect our post-proj4string world (#1146; #1225): crs objects contain two fields, input with the user input (if any), and wkt with a well-known-text (or WKT2) representation of the coordinate reference system. crs objects have a $ method to dynamically retrieve the epsg (integer) or proj4string representation, using e.g. x$epsg.

  • support for PostGIS 3 using WKT and the new-style crs objects; #1234, #1303, #1308 by @etiennebr

  • st_write_db() and st_read_db() are defunct. Use st_write and st_read instead.

  • st_write() uses append, replacing (and deprecating) argument update; st_write fails when a layer already exists and append has not been set explicitly to TRUE (append) or FALSE (overwrite); #1266

  • st_proj_info() was renamed into sf_proj_info; sf_proj_info can get and set the PROJ data search path and use of CDN; #1277

  • adapt to new dplyr version;

  • st_sample() is a generic

  • write stars rasters with wkt info, rather than proj4strings

  • when GEOS >= 3.8.0, st_make_valid is provided by sf rather than by lwgeom #989

  • allow for single-sided buffers for linear geometries; #1001

  • add st_reverse() methods to reverse points in a linestring (requires GEOS >= 3.7.0); #1246

  • st_make_grid() returns grid cells or points that intersect with the target geometry, not its bounding box; #1260

  • allow for PROJ >= 7; #1254

  • st_geometry_type() accepts by_geometry argument; #1264

version 0.8-1

CRAN release: 2020-01-28

  • no longer requires maptools and sp; dropped dependency on maptools.

  • work around a bug in 6.0.0 <= PROJ < 6.3.1: replace +init=epsg:XXXX ... strings with the XXXX EPSG integer, to work around a bug in PROJ; see and links therein. If ... arguments are present, raise a warning that these are ignored.

  • no longer requires maptools and sp; drop dependency on maptools.

  • conversion between spatstat classes owin, ppp and psp and sf classes no longer use maptools; #1204

  • gdal_utils() processes open options -oo and -doo properly;

  • st_sample() directly interfaces spatstat sampling methods, e.g. type = "Thomas" calls spatstat::rThomas after converting input arguments (window) and converts returned ppp object to sf’s POINT geometries; #1204 with help from Ege Rubak and Jakub Nowosad

  • sf_project() gains an option keep = TRUE to return Inf values for points not projectable; #1228

  • support vctrs methods for geometry list columns; this makes unnest work again (#1172); #1196 by Lionel Henry

  • st_as_sf.pq_geometry() converts binary geom columns from RPostgres::dbGetQuery; #1195

  • st_cast() can convert MULTICURVE to MULTILINESTRING; #1194

  • st_read() gains a parameter wkt_filter for spatially filtering the features to be read; #1192

  • st_area() and st_length() handle +to_meter argument in PROJ strings; #1170

  • add st_filter() generic for filtering on spatial features only; #1148

  • a new UBSAN error in wkb_read() was resolved; #1154, #1152

  • new method st_shift_longitude() to re-center data for a Pacific view. #1218

  • output of st_as_text() with MULTIPOINT has nested parentheses around points. E.g., MULTIPOINT ((0 0), (1 1)) instead of MULTIPOINT (0 0, 1 1); #1219, #1221

version 0.8-0

CRAN release: 2019-09-17

  • fix tests for PROJ 6.2.0 not accepting +units=

  • fixes for tidyr 1.0-0 release; attempt to port nest.sf() and unnest.sf(); #1068, #1145

  • gdal_utils() better closes connections after use; #1143

  • st_write() gains a drivers options, to limit the drivers attempted; #1142

  • rather than replacing, st_write() and write_sf() append to an existing layer if update=TRUE; #1126

  • improve plotting of POSIXct and Date attributes (Date requiring classInt >= 0.4-2)

  • NULL geometries read by GDAL are returned as empty geometries; #1119

  • gdal_utils('rasterize', ...) accepts non-existing destinations, defined by e.g. resolution and extent options (see #1116 for an example), and overwrites if needed (see #1136 for an example)

  • add Dan Baston as contributor; #1120 and many others

  • in addition to NULL, st_sfc() also converts NA values into empty geometries; #1114.

  • st_join() is a generic

version 0.7-7

CRAN release: 2019-07-24

version 0.7-6

CRAN release: 2019-07-05

  • have examples of st_write write only to the temporary R session directory

version 0.7-5

CRAN release: 2019-07-03

  • as(x, "Spatial") gives a proper error message on empty geometries; #1093

  • st_cast() takes care of empty polygons; #1094

  • st_nearest_* functions warn in case they are used with geographic coordinates; #1081

  • st_union() no longer segfaults on zero row sf objects; #1077

  • st_transform() no longer breaks on zero row sf objects; #1075

  • when PROJ >= 6.1.0 is available and sf comes with datum files (as is the case with statically linked Windows and OSX CRAN binaries), PROJ_LIB is no longer temporarily overwritten, but the PROJ C api is used to set the datum path; #1074, suggested by Jeroen Ooms

  • sf compiles against GDAL 3.x and PROJ 6.1.0, using the new proj.h interface; #1070

  • st_distance() returns NA for empty geometries, rather than 0; #1055

version 0.7-4

CRAN release: 2019-04-25

  • add example on how voronoi polygons can be tied back to the points they contain; #1030

  • st_difference(x, y), with x an sfc with zero feature geometries, returns x; #1024

  • don’t reset (base) plot device when add = TRUE

  • == and != return NA when one of the operands is an empty geometry; #1013

  • st_intersects() is a generic

  • drop requiring proj_api.h in favor of proj.h, this enables compatibility to PROJ 6.0.0 and GDAL 2.5.0-dev; #988

  • fix regression in binary predicates introduced in #855; #999 reported by Barry Rowlingson

  • fix bug in gdal_utils util warper on certain GDAL/OS combinations;

  • c.sfc() ignores the type (class) of empty sfc objects when choosing the result type; #985, #982

  • rename the default value for distance to "Euclidean", rather than "distance" in st_distance()

version 0.7-3

CRAN release: 2019-02-21

version 0.7-2

CRAN release: 2018-12-20

  • feature IDs are no longer returned as names on the geometry list column, but optionally returned by st_read as attribute column; #812

  • when plotting multiple attributes, plot.sf adds a (single, common) key if key.pos is set

  • precision can be specified in distance units; #901

  • support log-scale in color legend by setting logz to TRUE in plot.sf

  • st_intersects() etc. will prepare y when y is polygons and x is points; #885 by Dan Baston

  • st_write() (and write_sf()) returns its first argument, invisibly; #889

version 0.7-1

CRAN release: 2018-10-24

version 0.7-0

CRAN release: 2018-10-17

  • adds several interfaces to GDAL functions, meant to be used by package stars

  • st_read() receives a query argument that can run queries against OGR datasets; #834, by Barry Rowlingson and Michael Sumner

  • read_sf() no longer first creates tibbles from data.frames, but creates them directly; #853, db propagation by Etienne Racine

  • check difference between compile-time and run-time GEOS versions; #844

  • all GEOS routines are (more) robust against memory leaks, by using unique pointers; #822, #845, by Dan Baston

  • st_buffer() receives the buffer styles endCapStyle, joinStyle and mitreLimit; #833, #842 by Michael Sumner

version 0.6-4

version 0.6-3

CRAN release: 2018-05-17

  • move dependency RPostgreSQL from Imports: back to Suggests:

  • st_centroid.sf() and st_point_on_surface.sf also warn if attributes are not constant over geometries.

  • summarise() allows the user to define geometries for summaries; #714, by Kirill Mueller

  • plot.sf() emits a warning if col does not have length 1 or nrow(x), and requires pal (rather than col) to set a palette for factors.

  • plot.sf() provides control over legend keys using key.length and key.width, decrease default key length; #731

  • sgbp objects receive an method; #715

version 0.6-2

CRAN release: 2018-04-25

  • GDAL read/write supports logical variables; #722

  • add st_crop() to simplify cropping objects with a rectangular area; #720

  • fix bug in [<- when columns are added to an sf object; #718

  • use dynamic registration of S3 methods, similar to how hms does this; #710 by Kirill Mueller

  • (partially) address writing GPKG to network drive, writing to temp file first; #628

  • add Kirill Mueller as contributor

  • st_make_grid() is faster; #708, by Dan Baston

  • st_read() and st_write() are generic, with methods for directly reading from and writing to database connections; st_read_db and st_write_db are deprecated; #558, thanks to Etienne Racine @etiennebr

  • Package RPostgreSQL moved from Suggests to Imports

  • restore compatibility with GDAL 2.0.x versions (which won’t have gdal_utils); #686

  • read_sf() can also read tables without geometry; #684, by Andy Teucher

version 0.6-1

CRAN release: 2018-03-22

  • method distinct() works; #669, #672

  • +, -, * and / for pairs of geometries (sfg, sfc) return geometric union, difference, intersection and symmetric difference, respectively.

  • st_cast() from MULTIPOLYGON to MULTILINESTRING should work properly; #660

  • all Rcpp interfaces needed by package stars have been moved into sf; pkg stars is R-only, and only sf needs linking to GDAL.

  • gdal_utils() interfaces the 9 gdal utils using the C++ API

  • improve resetting (base) plots; add reset = FALSE in a call to plot to enable adding to plots that have a legend

  • st_read() returns a data.frame when a table contains no geometries, rather than giving an error; it does emit a warning in this case. See

  • move pillar from Imports: to Suggests:

  • update to the new rwinlib distribution of gdal (adds JPG2000); #639

  • speed up computation of centroids for largest polygon; #623

  • add st_as_sfc.raw method

  • Bugfix: binary operations (st_intersection, st_difference, etc) no longer fail when operating on data frames of class "tbl_df" with common column names; #644

version 0.6-0

CRAN release: 2018-01-06

  • add pillar to Imports: to provide method for printing WKT geometries in tibbles

  • st_as_text, and subsequently format and print, use argument digits (or options(digits = n)) to control the number of digits used for printing coordinates; default is options("digits"), which is typically 7.

  • st_is_within_distance works with geographic coordinates

  • st_cast from MULTIPOLYGON to MULTILINESTRING no longer changes the number of features/feature geometries, but conversion from MULTIPOLYGON to LINESTRING (typically) does; #596

  • st_distance for long/lat geographic coordinates uses lwgeom, accepting all geometry types; argument dist_fun is deprecated as a consequence, and distance calculations are different from those in sf versions 0.5-5 or earlier; #593

  • add package lwgeom to Suggests; st_area, st_length, st_distance, st_segmentize for long/lat CRS use package lwgeom instead of geosphere; #593

  • st_length returns zero for polygon-type geometries; #593

  • if present, add units of attribute to default plot title; #591

  • add unnest method, which depends on tidyr > 0.7-2; #570 PR by @karldw

  • add largest option to st_join to get largest intersection match only; #547, by @tiernanmartin

  • change default maximum number of feature to print to 10, controllable by options(sf_max_print); #556

  • add Hausdorff (and Frechet for those with GEOS 3.7.0) as options to st_distance; add par for densified versions

  • add st_snap, for snapping geometries to other geometries, within a tolerance

  • make st_wrap_dateline a generic, with methods for sf, sfc and sfg; #541

  • plot.sf and st_as_grob (used by ggplot2) are robust against misspecified ring directions (holes that have the same direction as the exterior rings), by using rule = "evenodd"; #540

  • functions depending on liblwgeom (st_make_valid, st_geohash, st_plit) have been moved to their own package,; argument use_gdal of st_transform has been deprecated, instead one can use lwgeom::st_transform_proj; sf no longer tries to link to liblwgeom; #509, #537, #487

  • st_read, st_sf and st_sfc gain a parameter check_ring_dir (default: FALSE) that checks ring directions and corrects to: exterior counter clockwise, holes clockwise, when seen from above.

  • get rid of classInt::classIntervals warning if number of unique values is smaller than the number of breaks asked for

version 0.5-5

CRAN release: 2017-10-31

  • have classInt in Imports:, to not break other package checks

  • add vignettes 5: plotting sf objects and 6: miscellaneous; #324

  • add (default) color key to plot.sf if single map is plotted, contributed by @hughjonesd; #528

  • st_as_sfc can read EWKT; #530

  • argument max.plot takes its default from options(sf_max.plot=n), if present; #516

  • plot.sf gets an arguments pal to specify a color palette function; #526

  • plot.sf gets arguments breaks and nbreaks; add support for classInt::classIntervals styles for finding class intervals (using breaks)

  • add st_as_sf methods for ppp, lpp and psp objects from spatstat.

  • allow for direct route to proj.4 ignoring GDAL (requiring liblwgeom); #509, #511

  • add print method for crs objects; #517

  • sf_extSoftVersion reveals whether GDAL was linked to GEOS; #510

  • better check input of st_polygon; #514

  • add st_node, similar to rgeos::gNode

  • support for reading OFTInteger64List fields; #508

  • sparse geometric binary predicate lists have a class, sgbp, and attributes and predicate; #234, #524

  • prevent st_split from stopping the R session; #492

  • st_intersection, st_union and so on also print a message when used directly on long/lat coordinates; #496

  • add rep method for sfc objects

  • comparing two crs objects uses the GDAL function IsSame; #180

  • add st_collection_extract, which, given an object with geometries of type GEOMETRY or GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, returns an object consisting only of elements of the specified type; by Andy Teucher, #482

  • st_write exports GeoJSON with UTF-8 encoding on Windows; #444

  • move package methods from Imports: to Depends: ; #478

  • deal better with precision setting and propagation; #476

  • fix bug in st_layers in case layers have no geometry; #334

  • clarify argument envelope in st_voronoi; #474

  • change aggregate to make it return the same geometry as ‘by’, padding attributes with NA where needed; #453

version 0.5-4

CRAN release: 2017-08-28

  • fix compatibility problems introduced by tidyr 0.7-0 using rlang magic

  • convert path names to UTF-8 in st_read, st_write and st_layers; #471

  • st_sfc converts NULL values into empty geometries, and correctly identifies empty POINTs; #466, #463

  • st_write abbreviates column names if driver is ESRI Shapefile; #464

  • add of_largest_polygon argument to st_centroid, to get the centroid of the largest polygon; #450

  • fix use of st_relate as join predicate for st_join; #454

  • fix bug where st_intersects with empty second argument would crash; #458

  • produce better WKT; #463

  • fix bug in st_cast.sf; #461, #462

  • change st_read SRS assignment logic; corrects reading projected geojson with gdal 2.2.0; #449

  • st_intersection etc. on tbl also return tbl; #448

  • [.sf preserves class, e.g. of tbl; #448

version 0.5-3

CRAN release: 2017-07-30

  • support and propagate all Proj.4 +units=xx length units; #446

  • allow for arith ops on empty sfc objects

  • have st_graticule return an empty graticule object when argument datum is NA;

  • export as_Spatial, to make it easier for packages to convert sfc objects without importing sf

  • st_distance gains a parameter by_element to obtain pairwise distances; #437

  • add the ability to aggregate using a simple feature by argument; #429

  • make the op argument to [.sf work

  • speed up st_coordinates for POINT geometries; #433

  • fix performance regression for st_bbox; #418

  • correct bug in st_union, st_difference and st_sym_difference introduced in 0.5-2; #431

  • inform gdal about the CRS always through the proj4string, never through the epsg; see #424

  • properly deal with kilometre units; #424 (fixed by Karl Dunkle Werner)

  • add st_is_within_distance, only to return a sparse index matrix; #419

  • have st_graticule work with world2 (0,360); #421, #422, fixed by Ben Best

  • st_graticule to return graticules in native crs; (WIP)

  • st_graticule to support data in NA_crs_;

  • fix bug when joining an sf-tibble with a tibble; #414

  • read gdal StringList, RealList, and IntegerList fields into a list-column; #416

version 0.5-2

CRAN release: 2017-07-12

  • made ready for rwinlib/gdal2; #408

  • make [.sf for selections including NA values like x[c(1,NA,2)]; #403

  • add a [<- method for sfc objects; automatically replaces NULL with an empty geometry; #411

  • add st_point_on_surface() to return a point that is guaranteed to be on the surface (standard compliance)

  • read_sf returns an sf-tibble, an object of class c("sf", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

  • work around for dplyr::filter not dispatching geometry column subsetting to sf::[.sfc

  • allow units object as dist argument to st_buffer; these must be convertable to arc_degree for geographic, and to a length unit for non-geographic data; #399

  • prevent gdal from crashing when trying to st_transform an empty geometry; #398

  • add st_as_sfc method for bbox, returning the bbox polygon; #377

  • strip file name extension from default layer name in st_write; #392

  • have st_sf replace NULL values in an sfc list-column with the appropriate empty geometry; #372

  • allow setting ndiscr through ggplot2::coords_sf to improve graticule plotting in geom_sf; #396

version 0.5-1

CRAN release: 2017-06-23

  • add spatial indexes to most binary geometry operations; #394 and

  • drastically reduce memory footprint of st_intersection and similar; #394

  • support RSQLite 2.0 by providing an st_as_sfc method for list columns of class blob

  • drop dependency on dbplyr

version 0.5-0

CRAN release: 2017-06-15

  • better handle empty/NULL geometries in shapefiles; #351

  • add unite_.sf method

  • deprecate FUN argument to st_join; #376

  • improve graticule tic label placement in ggplot2; #375 and

  • improve configure logic to deal with libraries installed in custom locations; #335

  • fix bug where geom_sf wouldn’t deal with Z and/or M geoms; #373

  • return more conveniently typed empty geoms; #372

  • fix subsetting with [ of sf using drop = TRUE, #370

  • in addition to m, allow rad units to st_segmentize

  • add example how to st_read GeoJSON from a string; #185

  • add separate_.sf method

  • add st_split to split geometries (only available if compiled against liblwgeom), #359

  • fix bug reading and writing dates (months 1 off): #358

  • [.sf and [.sfc also select on i when i is an sfg object, and accept a geometric predicate function with optional arguments; #352

  • on reading through GDAL, empty (NULL) geometries no longer result in an error; on creation, they no longer automatically give a GEOMETRY object; #351

  • on plotting with ggplot2::geom_sf, empty geometries no longer break; grid functions return nullGrob() for them; #351

  • arith operations on empty geometries no longer break or give warnings; #351

  • have by default break on NA values in coordinates; #342

  • have st_join accept further arguments, to be passed on to the join function (e.g. a pattern for st_relate)

  • have WKB reader throw an error on (some) malformed inputs, and check for buffer bounds

version 0.4-3

CRAN release: 2017-05-15

  • back-port do_union argument to dplyr <= 0.5.0, using lazyeval

  • all strings returned from OGR/GDAL get encoding set to UTF-8, making them work on non-UTF-8 platforms; #5

  • $.crs retrieves proj4string components, such as st_crs(4326)$datum in addition to epsg and proj4string

  • let st_geohash return geohash for (average) points (only when sf was linked to liblwgeom)

version 0.4-2

CRAN release: 2017-05-05

  • summarise.sf always returns an sf object, also for global (non-grouped) summaries.

  • summarise.sf gains an argument do_union which determines whether to union the geometries for which a summary is given, or to st_combine them (not resolving boundaries); #331

  • rename argument union of aggregate.sf into do_union, for consistency with summarise; #331

  • add a nest_ method for sf objects

  • st_relate gets a pattern parameter, same as rgeos::gRelate; add examples to get rook and queen neighbour lists using this; #234

  • support for direct reading of spatialite and sqlite geometry wkb blobs

  • build proper support for cbind and rbind methods for sf, which work (as documented) when all arguments are of class sf; dplyr::bind_cols or st_sf(data.frame(sf, df)) work for binding data.frames to an sf object.

  • st_segmentize() and st_line_sample() accept units arguments

  • document problem reading shapefiles from USB drives on OSX; #252

  • improve docs of st_is_valid and st_make_valid; #296

  • coercing sf to data.frame works better; #298

  • st_line_sample gains argument sample to specify the points t.b. sampled; #299 #300 thanks to @joethorley

  • add compatibility to upcoming dplyr 0.6.0; #304 #42

  • write GDAL fields by name, not by number, fixing a KML problem #308

  • st_write gains arguments delete_layer and delete_dsn to allow overwrite capability #307 #274

  • write_sf defaults to delete_layer=TRUE, silently overwriting layers if they’re already present

  • compatibility with GDAL 2.2beta0; #303; #309

  • replace st_write_db with a version that is fast for large datasets (#285), thanks to Josh London

  • take out more memory leaking examples in tests

  • the aggregate method for sf objects assumes the by argument to be identical to that of stats::aggregate

  • st_wrap_dateline wraps (cuts up) geometries crossing the antimeridian, such that they no longer cross it.

version 0.4-1

CRAN release: 2017-03-28

  • restore 3.3.0 and c++11 requirement

  • st_read respects time that is read as UTC

  • st_write writes time always as UTC, since GDAL does not have a mechanism to define local timezones other than “unknown” or “local”

  • st_length works for POINT and MULTIPOINT (returning 0); POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON are converted to MULTILINESTRING before computing length, thus giving polygon perimeter (#268)

  • st_write has update depend on driver; for databases, the default is TRUE, otherwise FALSE (it refers to update of the database, and not to overwriting the table in the database, this will by default not succeed); #274

  • st_read supports reading objects with multiple geometry columns #257 #255

  • support writing (exporting) objects with non-standard columns, such as units or POSIXlt #264

  • catch dependencies on GEOS 3.3.5 (hence no 0.4-0 CRAN binary for MacOSX) #260

version 0.4-0

CRAN release: 2017-03-21

  • have st_is_valid catch corrupt geometries too, returning NA in that case (requiring GEOS 3.5.0)

  • add st_make_valid, only available when sf was linked to liblwgeom

  • add st_coordinates method, returning coordinates matrix with indexes

  • remove unlist.sfg

  • add as.matrix.sfg; have as.matrix.sfg add indexes to coordinates

  • add st_bind_cols method

  • improve handling features that can’t be projected

  • support uniform sampling over polygons on the sphere

  • add st_sample, for sampling points on multipoints, linestrings, or polygons

  • add c method for sfc objects

  • import and export magrittr::%>%

  • support ggplot’ing geometrycollections

  • drop C++11 requirement, allowing build for older R versions

  • add st_proj_info, modelled after rgdal::projInfo

  • overwriting datasets with st_write() is no longer allowed; update=TRUE appends to them, permitted the driver supports appending.

  • st_write gains an argument, update, which when TRUE will try to append to existing datasets (#204)

  • added list of corresponding function for migration from sp, rgdal and rgeos to sf at

  • remove deprecated st_list

  • rename st_makegrid to st_make_grid, and st_linemerge to st_line_merge

  • add file (#207)

  • faster conversion of data.frame into POINT sf object, using st_as_sf (Michael Sumner)

  • rbind method for sf objects keeps coordinate reference system

version 0.3-4, Feb 6, 2017

CRAN release: 2017-02-06

  • add st_contains_properly spatial predicate

  • GEOS functions (geometry operations) accept XYZ geometries (and ignore Z)

  • make prepared = TRUE the default for all geometry binary operations

version 0.3-2, Feb 4, 2017

CRAN release: 2017-02-04

  • add user interrupt checks in all GEOS geometry operations

  • make st_graticule do something useful for polar projections

  • make st_graticule return NA labels when labels are useless

  • add merge.sf methods to merge sf object and data.frame (#193)

  • add st_join for table joins based on (user-defined) spatial predicates

  • add dplyr-style non-spatial joins for sf objects (left_join, full_join etc.) (#193)

  • allow for multiple non-gathered variables (#196)

  • add missing meridian to st_graticule (#198)

version 0.3-1, Jan 31, 2017

CRAN release: 2017-01-31

  • add merge method (#193)

  • st_graticule for laea (#198)

  • allow st_buffer with feature-dependent buffer distance (#197)

  • have spread return an sf object (#196)

  • clarify overwrite = TRUE in write docs

  • fix (#194)

  • add prepared arg to spatial binary predicates, to speed up large intersections

  • add st_voronoi interface (requires that lib GEOS >= 3.5.0)

  • add st_as_sf methods for map objects (library maps)

  • add RStudio project file

  • have st_bbox return a bbox object which has an st_crs method

  • rename st_drop_zm into st_zm, for general more handling of Z and M

  • allow for 3D coordinates returned, when +proj=geocent (#172; #103)

  • fix NA_integer_ handling in shapefiles I/O (#184)

  • add and fix st_agr API, to set and get attribute-to-geometry relationships

version 0.2-8, Jan 5, 2017

CRAN release: 2017-01-05